My Take on Tulsa

We live in a civilization under the grip of a tribe of hateful parasites who are attempting to impose an insane narrative on us to further a satanic agenda. The only constraint imposed on the absurdity of the script is their own sense of propriety.

Still, reality does exist, so if you’re wondering why they’re always making stuff up about the past, that’s because the past is something easy to lie about. If one makes up something about the present, the veracity is readily diagnosable by its predictive value. For example, they’re now saying that Trump is plotting a military coup:

I wonder what it’s like to live free of shame.

Nobody needs to disprove this claim because it will disprove itself when nothing happens. The lies they tell about the past are of equal audacity, it’s just that the past is murkier. After they tell the lie, somebody else has to do the work to expose the lie, and then get everyone else to listen to him.

Their claim that Black Wall Street was destroyed by a white supremacist air wing deploying incendiary ordinance is physically impossible and completely lacking in credible proof. But, because they can say it happened a century ago it sounds more plausible than saying the white terror pilots are training for an operation in August.

The average imbecile doesn’t waste his time conducting a thought experiment about how he’d light turpentine rags in a moving biplane, accurately strike targets with these rags, and then burn these targets to the ground. Therefore, they feel it’s more effective to claim this is why white supremacy is the premier threat to national security than any threats white supremacists are posing right now. They use all the lies at once, but that’s why they’re making a big deal out of this one in 2021.

They’ve had major success with fabricating nonsensical atrocities committed in the past and using them as a justification to do bad things to us in the present, so that’s really the only way to make sense out of this whole thing.

They’re just endless lies of absurdity for imbeciles.


  1. The “intelligence community” will do false flag attacks on US citizens, fund terror groups overseas, and abuse American citizens (with MK Ultra being the most well known of these incidences). It makes no sense why anyone would trust something coming from the “intelligence community” at this point.

  2. White supremacists destroyed black Wallstreet (LOL) by using biplanes and turpentine soaked rags… it sounds crazy I know but it really happened!

  3. “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension by propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites. We can mold them to the program of the communist party. In America we will aim for subtle victory while inflaming the negro minority against the whites. We will instill into the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negro. We will aid the negro’s rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and will begin a process which will deliver America into our cause.” Israel Cohen (Joo) – head of the communist party in England “A Racial Program For The Twentieth Century” (1912) Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957.

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