
Just recently, we watched as a large part of a rigged financial system tremble, as a multitude of small investors and few large ones had the agency to flex collective power. We saw an uprising among Country music fans, as a very popular new singer, who had chosen poor words in the heat of emotion, felt the momentary onslaught of “cancel culture,” only to be rescued by the buying power of more reasonable folks.

The tide of resistance is turning in our favor, and we must push forward without slowing the pace. More and more of our people are engaging and we must be inspired, knowledgeable, and resolute in our evangelistic task. Today is the day the Lord has made, and we must rejoice in it!  

We are embarked in the most pleasurable of struggles, my brothers. If we have learned anything from the last year, it is that everything is in flux, nothing is stagnant. And this is our time, the time to make rapid progress.

The Power of Today… 

Today is what tomorrow hopes for
What yesterday dreamt about
What right now never imagined

Today used it’s power over right now
To eliminate what could never be
And never thought about the consequences

Today made a complete mockery
Of what yesterday decided to do
Filling the day with what must be

Today used tomorrows weakness
Making a wish so big and outrageous
That tomorrow was left impotent to fulfill

Today held “Time’s” treasure in it’s hand
Refusing to let the other’s take a peek
And had no regrets

God Save the South! 


  1. Good article, I too feel that us as Southerners could use this time of turmoil to make gains for our people. We can no more “reclaim everything” in a yankee Federal oligarchy than we can in a Communist regime, not that there is much difference honestly. The first time I was forced to read the yankee lie in school, I thought “well, how do we win?” and I instantly knew, we already did, they lost the war along with their freedom, what they were doing would never work, we just had to wait, mitigate damage and form what I thought of as picket lines, which was the way I thought of us staying together while pushing back carpetbaggers and traitors from our home in the meantime, which I framed as picket lines that we only had to hold until they collapsed. I knew they would flood our home like rats on a sinking ship as soon as it began and so they are. So, as of now, I don’t have a dog in the fight, I want the commies to enslave and erase the Yankees, its our ultimate victory and only hope honestly. But I should have a dog, that being us Southerners, only we don’t have any forms of organization to conduct complex operations such as moving us in mass while keeping us together, preserving our culture and history though out it all while keeping us alive. That takes serious organization.

    For anything of note to take place within the controlled chaos of collapse, we must be more organized than a Chinese math book. We currently have zero effective leadership or organization, largely because of Republicans, who we stupiditly trusted to perform that role. Of course there are some organizations such as the SVC and the Daughters of the Confedarcy, but that is not nearly enough and not nearly large enough.

    Our people over the course of our history have turned to and supported some organizations before, but they were let down by those people who made the boomer mistakes, such as spending all of their time saying how not racist they are instead of realizing they were going to say it anyway and doing something productive, preparing for Homeschooling as soon as we began to be shoved into the indoctrination camps, walking us into unwinnable fights, pretending that voting mattered and a million other mistakes that I won’t go into here.

    All of it added it up to our people not trusting people who tried to organize them, they felt that it would largely be a waste of time and embarrassing to boot, and they were right. But we are out of time. We must organize now, we unite as a people to not only survive what’s to come intact, but to prevail, to use this chaos to gain ground, not lose it. A popular quote I often think of is “chaos is not a pit, chaos is a ladder” and I feel there is a lot of truth to that.

    We must organize, it must be the most based, unreconstructed among us who hold the reigns and keep them, no boomer Republicans or boat shoe wearing sissys. It cant be people whose ultimate goal is not our eternal and undying freedom, those who would plot to break Yankee chains so they may place us in theirs.

    First we must build it, then if its right, then if our people see that they are capable, true to who we are, won’t ask them to walk into certain defeat, have the required savvy and are actually effective, then they will come, not before.

    Until we begin the process of being a people and not a scattered herd of cows, then we can never act as one, as a people. If we don’t regain that ability, and like yesterday, then we must accept defeat, the Yankees plan worked, we are a people no more.

    So its simple, and thankfully so, use the brief chaos that is happening to untie and gain ground while the eyes of our enemies are occupied, to climb that ladder of chaos out of the pit, or to stay here forever and disappear from the earth.

    Organize or die.

  2. Thanks for your insights.

    I believe “organization “ , as in one institution is not organic. To win our nation back, many , many organizations, must independently spring up, as unplanted wild flowers across the meadow. The warmth of the Sun wakes them at the right time.

    Each of us doing our part, in small brotherhoods , fraternal orders , and tight groups of kin, will ultimately be ready to restore order in our homeland when the time is right.

    I’m sure you will do your part.

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