We’re constantly being fed disinformation by the transnational oligarchy’s propaganda apparatus, the MSM. That’s frustrating, but even more so is the lack of coherence to the canards. For example, a primary narrative is that mass immigration is the engine of growth that our economy depends upon.
Another is that economic activity is leading us towards apocalyptic climate change. This is one of their principal paradoxes that nobody but rightwing dissidents ever bothers to point out. The mental math requires less than a minute to perform.
It’s like telling a woman she’s beautiful but needs to get plastic surgery and then expecting a response that’s not completely disconcerted. This is the hallmark of pathological liars who ply their trade without any finesse, only a lack of shame.
I came across an interesting alt-media article dividing the global population into “consumers” and “non-consumers.” The consumers are the 1st and 2nd Worlds whose legacy populations have negative birthrates. The non-consumers are the source of population growth:
Critically, as you read through this and see large scale present and future population declines among the consumer nations…you will note that while there is growth among non-consumer populations, it is more typically on a 1:1 basis…meaning the decline of one “consumer” is being met with the replacement of one “non-consumer”…each replacement resulting in something like a 90% decline in consumption capability.
My takeaway is that the bugmen are being replaced by cavemen who don’t have the capability to consume anywhere near bugmen levels. It logically follows that the remaining bugmen would be able to avoid having to eat bugs if they desisted from importing the cavemen to consume at their level.
In other words, the climate extinction situation as depicted by the MSM is resolving itself if only everybody could stay put. On a scale of existential priorities, survival takes precedence over avoiding economic tribulations caused by declining growth. If mass migration will lead to global extinction, who cares about debt-to GDP ratios when civilization lies dead below the waves?
An enormous population transfer program to increase consumption is prime evidence that there’s another agenda afoot besides what they’re trying to put forth with these farcical conflicting narratives.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Long ago, the traitors figured out that mass immigration from the Third World was to their benefit as, among other things, it: (1) helps destroy targeted conservative White voting blocks, one city, and one state, at a time, (2) helps in the actual ground war against their biggest enemy — Christian White males (and, by extension, Christian White families, culture, religion and values) through increased crime, filth, and disease, (3) helps divide the people so as to not create a unified opposition party, (4) creates an endless cheap labor force (which correspondingly removes Whites from the work force as they are replaced by cheaper, darker folks through various employment discrimination regulations (with the full approval by the federal government), and (5) creates an ever-growing base of consumers for their trinkets and processed food products (you can sell a lot more ‘legal’ drugs, cigarettes, bags of Cheetos, iPhones, and Nike shoes to a population of 550,000,000 people than you can to one of 330,000,000).
All the while, profits are internalized (i.e., placed into the hands of a very few), and costs (financial and societal) are externalized (i.e., passed on to society at large to deal with — resulting in a bigger police state, more fear, more distrust, more loss of rights, more ‘White flight’, higher taxes, less security, more hardships, etc., etc.), and more and more draconian laws and propaganda (including hoax ‘pandemics’) are necessary to control the population, and keep the sinking ship afloat as long as possible so that every last valuable resource can be carted off of it before it tips and goes under.
Very interesting observation, thank you!