If a random man uses the term “my right femur,” that exact piece of anatomy is known. However, if this man is described as “rightwing” nobody knows his actual social and political positions. Likewise, if it’s stated that his right femur is broken, the malady is understood. When The Washington Post asserts that “our democracy is broken,” how depends on the reader.
On our band of the spectrum, it means that we’re under the grip of a transnational oligarchy hostile to our existence. For an MSM propagandist, it means that there are rumblings that the general public isn’t on board with the oligarchical agenda. To a normal Republican or Democrat, it means their candidate didn’t win.
Censorship has been cranked up to unprecedented levels as election day approaches, but that hasn’t created a consensus. That’s because consensus must be rooted in objective reality. Even if discussion is curtailed into narrow parameters, that doesn’t mean the allowed topics mean the same thing to most people.
The DPRK provides an interesting foil. It purports to be a democracy like the USA. That’s pretty much as ambiguous a concept for them as it is for us. However, there’s zero question as to the identity of a North Korean and who’s in charge of the nation. The consequences of dissent are also well-understood. Even those at the heart of power can find themselves subjected to a horrific execution on a whim.
Meanwhile, nobody in America but the dissenters and the people in charge understand where power rests and how it’s exercised. There’s no agreement on the identity of an American, either. The red line for what expressions of dissent will trigger life-wrecking extrajudicial consequences can never be located at any given moment. Rights under the law are entirely at the political discretion of the authorities. Some people have them, others don’t.
This isn’t to say that life in North Korea is preferable to the USA. It appears genuinely unpleasant. Rather, that North Koreans share a consensus immeasurably stronger than Americans. This translates into a collective perseverance that can withstand tremendous deprivations imposed by sanctions and mismanagement. After severe famines, the country still stands because there was more holding it together than censorship and nonsensical narratives. North Koreans are North Koreans, whether they’ve got food or not.
This principle of national unity might be a bit more relevant than the election. Major food shortages are looming in China. The fact that the CCP is publicly acknowledging the problem is a sign of its severity. As a result of plague lockdowns and other factors, this is a trend projected to move westward.
It’s an interesting scenario to contemplate because the only thing Americans will ever be able to agree on is feeling hungry. No amount of censorship would succeed at keeping us from noticing our incomes have declined while the cost of eating has drastically increased. One of the few commonalities shared by all denizens of the USA Zone is how cheap it is to bloat oneself into a corpulent monstrosity.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
As my eldest son is quick to point out from time to time, any time anyone pronounces in an exchange that “I agree, the system is broke,” he’s trying to wriggle himself out of the discussion the chicken-shit way, doing his level best to avoid identifying in what particular ways or in explicit terms how “the system is broke” to his mind because he fears and loathes controversy, or being controversial. Modern man has been trained to speak in vague generalities and sloganeering that he has also been led to believe will keep him safe from the vultures if his underlying principles were to come to the surface. He’s dead wrong about that.
You wrote in your previous post that the left consider normie conservatives to be white supremacists too. The fact is that normie conservatives *are* in fact white supremacists – white supremacists in denial. They can bleat all they want denying it, but all the blather is just that, empty blather.
I’m no normie conservative, but even if I were it would be disingenuous of me to claim I don’t believe that whites on average are more capable than POCs of various shades to establish and govern society. Good government starts in homes and intact, well functioning families. Whites are orders of magnitude, even in their modern deracinated, degenerate state, more capable and competent parents than are blacks or browns or yellows, et al. This has always been the case, and always will be the case. And this why normie-cons vote the way they vote in the sham elections.