The current situation has given new precedence and need for an exclusively Southern political party. It has been talked about before, but virtually all attempts at creating one have been non-starters. It is for this reason that serious discussion needs to not only occur but result in action.
Yes, I am very aware there is no political solution at this point. Our people have been sold out and we’ve been left to hang in the breeze. Being that we, as Southerners, arguably compose the largest and also the strongest voting bloc within the GOP, it’s high time we made our own party with our own representatives that acted on our behalf.
I know, I can already hear the question, “Why are you talking about creating a political party if there is no political solution?”
The answer is relatively simple – the goal is not to accomplish anything nationally. At this point, things are way too far gone nationally (given how the system is structured). However, that is not the case on a regional or even state level. This is primarily what the Southern Alliance Coalition (SAC) would aim at using to its advantage. Remember, localism is the way.
As we are well aware, the various states within Dixie are unique. This is, after all, the original point of these United States – a collective gathering of smaller nations banded together in a political alliance for the general protection and welfare of the polities within a voluntary compact. We were not envisioned as a continent spanning empire, but a conglomeration of several independent countries which could join and/or leave on their own accord.
After all, there was no clause in the Constitution which prohibits the states from seceding. This omission was our justification for independence in the 19th century, and even now other states outside the South are discussing some form of secession (or rather “independence”). For example, look to Calexit. If Trump wins reelection in November, expect other leftist strongholds to consider secession as an opportunity. Conversely, if Joe Biden wins, expect conservative states, particularly Texas, to entertain secession with more haste.
Again, the various states within Dixie are unique. Virginia and Texas, while sharing some commonalities, are vastly different nations. We must first recognize that each individual state is its own nation. Secondly, each state needs its own political party to represent the will of the people. From this point, we can begin to discuss the SAC in which these parties band together in a larger alliance (the nation of Dixie.) Now we are talking Confederacy 2.0.
Starting a party at a state level is much easier than a national one, and allows more specific focus on local offices which comprise the body of the larger state political party. As such, it is necessary to pursue both state and local levels at the same time. The effort required must be simultaneous for such a strategy to work. In short, this requires two elements of organization coordinating together – the local levels and the larger state level.
Once the state party has been fully established and control obtained at local offices to impact state affairs, the state office can be brought slowly under control of the party as a whole. Once that is done, the people of the state will have a party that directly represents them and can represent them in the larger coalition bloc.
As these states begin banding together for mutual aid and assistance, very real talks can be had about a larger Southern secession movement. Yes, this will bring squabbles and conflict over different goals; however, that is nothing new and was dealt with during the Philadelphia Convention. The whole reason behind this process is not to subsume the national government and take it back, but is to form a government in waiting. Before the Colonies themselves declared secession from the British, they had formed a government in waiting.
Running for local offices in many places is not terribly difficult. And, with the right effort can yield very real power, which is necessary for a government in waiting. The primary reason for this is it establishes legitimacy when the eventual national level decline and disruption is too much for the average citizen. At that point, it’s simply business as usual under a different banner. Maintaining normalcy during turbulent times further reinforces your legitimacy and image. This is necessary if you declare yourself the lawful legal authority by using former ties to power.
Once in a position of the overall strongest power segment, the coalition can rise from the ashes and establish itself as a new nation. Afterwards, other important items necessary for a nation can be cemented in its founding. This sets the blueprint for everything that comes after.
It is my hope in writing this I have inspired you to consider taking action where it can be effective and is needed. Perhaps if you have the means available you could even spearhead a local or state level initiative to create a political party. In doing so, you become the very thing that can provide actual change. If the Irish could gain independence peacefully from the British Empire, there is no reason we can’t gain independence from the Yankee Nation.
God bless you and God bless Dixie.

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.
I definitely agree on having a third party.
Dear Otto,
I hope you won’t mind my correcting the record a bit where you wrote,
Actually, the omission of a clause prohibiting secession, while not totally irrelevant or unimportant, was not our justification for independence in the 19th century. The actual justification may be found, among other places, in Commodore Matthew Fontaine Maury’s A Vindication of Virginia, and of the South, written by his own hand and published in 1871, later included as the 2nd article in vol. I of the Southern Historical Society Papers in 1876. Below are copied and pasted the relevant excerpts from Mr. Maury’s paper:
Herein you see, I trust, the greater strength of the argument for the right of secession of *any* state for cause, by contrast to the weakness of the argument citing the mere lack of a clause in the Constitution expressly prohibiting secession for any cause or reason. In addition to that, I could cite several northern sources – William Lloyd Garrison as one example – who understood these terms perfectly well leading up to the beginning of hostilities. These persons not only understood these terms perfectly well, they also agreed with them. That is, until they had a change of heart and recanted their former position. But that’s a Yankee for ya; he’s for a thing 100% until he is against it; he says he believes it applies to everyone equally, but what he really means is that it applies to him exclusively to all others.
I am aware that there were multiplicative reasons for our seccession however in a broader scope I should have clarified I was talking more of the mechanics that made such an event possible in the first place. The reason I chose that as a launching point so to speak was to setup for the CALEXIT part and show how it applied equally to all stats, not just Southern states.
As always though I never fail to learn something when I read your comments. Thank you friend.
We all know it has to happen. After learning here some of the history of the Republican party I spend all day in Southern groups telling them of the horrors of Lincoln’s Party in the South, I explain that they are RINOs, that’s who they are. Then I bring up the need for our own party and everyone agrees, they don’t really have Party loyalty, they just don’t have a choice.
From experience the best way to make this happen is to red pill them on what that Party has done to the South. If you can get a good outline of their crimes against us, I don’t mean just reconstruction either, I mean this whole time, all the way to Niki Haley and the Mississippi state flag, then you will have a powerful tool.
Remember you are talking to people with collective amnesia. We had our memories erased in Yankee indoctrination camps and replaced with self loathing and lies. You have to remind them in a visceral way, not just a string of facts. Show them compassion and respect, something nobody else does, it will have a profound effect I assure you.
We need a document to link them to, with sources, one that tells the story, in a succinct way, with pictures etc. (I guess we all know the power of meme magic? Making it some form of visual storytelling is key with our people). Something that outlines the horrors and hatetred towards us by Republicans. I mean make it emotional, not just textbook, tell the story of our oppression and suffering at the hands of them. Get me something like that we can link other Southerners to and watch it do magic. Trust me I do this alot, but my sources are random and I can’t link to here on Facebook, so we need something else to link to. Make that and let me and others start to make it viral on Southern groups, we can start sharing it now, we can lay the ground work now while you get the rest together. Believe me when I say our people are open to the idea of a party for us even before I start listing off some of the Republican crimes.
Another useful aspect and one you should be keenly aware of when making the planks of the platform, young people. This generation, and myself included, do not like cops and what they have become. For good reason, they might not know it anymore, but they have that Southern soul. That soul is anthema to the monolithic, authoritarian nightmare of today’s “police” enforcing our would be king’s decrees. Again, yet another thing we can lay at the feet of Republicans along with the gulag system, mandatory minimums for victimless crimes, the sham of our courts and all the rest. Position yourself as the party of freedom, which if it is a Southern party then it should be, we are after all the actual Americans.
Not to say you have to be anti-police anarchists, but position yourself to law enforcement as Jesus did, you are not here to hate and destroy them, you are here to restore them and help them regain the respect of their people again, which they very much do not have right now. Same goes for courts, Judges behave as if they are Kings presiding over their pesants, arbitrarily throw you in prison with the endlessly defineable term of “contempt of court” , insult and denigrate people from their throne, I mean it’s indefensible to a free people. Do not make the mistake of defending it, I am warning you, no young person will even consider you if you defend it.
Our children are psychologically programmed to see what’s wrong with the current system and driven to fix it, it’s just science, it’s part of their development. That mechanism is something (((Marxists))) have used on each generation of our children, most notably the hippies, but that’s a whole different conversation. We can tap into that and should. Position yourself as the Party against the Yankee police state. Don’t defend a system that is designed from the top down to oppress the South. We are on their side alone, no split loyalties, no carpetbaggers (which will never support you, don’t waste the resources) just Southerners, the most oppressed people in modern American history.
I could write an essay right now and am very tempted to, this is something we have long dreamed of, but I will cut it short. One last thing.
Subversion Subversion Subversion
It’s coming. It’s practiced, they are numorus, well funded, educated and very strong. They will take our Party right out of our hands, then turn it against us and watch us destroy our own Party for them. I have seen it thousands of times, think of NASCAR. They take it, subvert it and then we destroy our own creation for them, I have watched that play out more times than I could ever count and it’s coming for you.
(((They))) will be coming in hordes as well, with bags of gold for a cash strapped Party and a ton of political know how and weight, they will be very, very tempting and if you allow them in at all you are dead, I won’t even waste my time with you because it’s over for you. We must never subcomb to (((them))) and we need to start linking them to their numorus crimes against our people in the same way we do Republicans, subtly at first, but very necessary. (((Laura Loomer))) now speaks for Southerners in Florida, when I attack her my question is always the same, “why do you claim to speak for Sotherners?”. Position them as outsiders, carpetbaggers, people actively participating in our oppression with their very presence in our home. They are contributing to our purposeful genocide by moving here, make it a racism issue before they do. We need the framing and terminology, but it’s not hard. We are the invaded people and they are invading us through borders forced open at gunpoint and stealing our voice. Make them defend themselves instead of attacking you. People are more aware of them now than ever, so it’s not like it will be that hard of a case to make. It must be done. Its high time we entered the social justice arena, we must of we are to survive, and our oppression is very real.
Beware, you should never stop thinking about subversion, not for one second of one day. I watched in real time with the Libertarian Party. They wanted numbers and they got them, commies of every stripe, subverting, disrupting and derailing them. Their mistake? Being an open Party, anyone was welcome, what’s called a “Big tent” party. It was a death sentence for them as it will be for you as well if you allow it to. Don’t go for every voter base like they did, if this is to work it must be just for us or you will very quickly be subverted into a joke as they were . Big tent, big failure, you were never going to get those votes anyway. I have some ideas about how to fight subversion off, but that’s another lengthy post, so I digress.
I will leave off here, just know sir that what you are talking about is not only necessary, but the time is right, our people are disgusted with both Parties and the system. You don’t even have to spend time talking about Democrats, they know, you just have to make them remember what was stolen from them in the camps, the history of the carpetbagging Republicans, show them they will never be free as long as a Republican holds office in the South, make them remember, make Republicans spend all of their time defending themselves instead of attacking you. Lord I could write a novel here.
Thank you for raising awareness of this and I look forward to hitting the bricks and campaigning for our party. Don’t let up, get the ball rolling, the time is ripe, let’s make it happpen!
You’re onto a lot in this comment. I like it, I like to see the fire and passion I can feel in your words. It brings me hope. These are the conversations we need to be having. We need to move beyond just facebook groups and online websites. We need to build a platform which the Southerner can use to exercise influence over our God given domain and our destiny.
I highly encourage you keep up with everything you said there. It is important work. Equally important is beginning. I often cite the founding fathers as examples for many things because many of those things will hold true for us. Many view history through the scope of hindsight or disassociation which prevents them from fully understanding. This is why I encourage that one immerse themselves in the particular time period they may be studying at the moment to truly understand it. What many do not understand is outside of prominent examples most who were responsible for the founding of America itself were left poor and destitute as a result. They gave everything to make it happen and we must be willing to do the same because the results are clearly evident.
You hit an perhaps the most important point, how is the party to be funded? This is the entry way for the oligarchy and others with money to insert themselves into a party and gain control.
I have more thoughts but perhaps I can submit something for the website, if I can get it written and approved.
Its also possible. To stop thinking. Of. The US. As. “Our. Country”. Virginia is “my country”. I could care less about Minnesota or Maine. Let Maine take care of maine
So, a month ago you all came down on me for suggesting we even try to have a BBQ and get folks together to meet eachother.
Now, like a lightswitch flipped, folks here are ready to start a political party and declare independence?
K. What happened?
lol we are not all the same man
That’s a great idea, get your kin and social network involved in setting it up.
I’m ok with a third party. The TRS guys have started one and are working on a platform already.
Maybe its just me, but a BBQ still sounds like a good idea.
Could be that I’m just hungry.
On behalf of the “Do Something Crowd” we require a BBQ.
I’ll bring meat and pasta salad and Coors Golden Banquet.
One goal of the political party should be as a medium to awaken an ethnic identity and solidarity among Dixians. That way, we still win in the long run, even with every election we lose.