The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have given into Black Lives Matter and have created a new badge – one for “diversity and inclusion.” To make matters worse, the new badge will be a requirement to become an Eagle Scout. So, fix this moment firmly in your mind, because from here on out every new Eagle Scout will either be a true believer in this nonsense or, at the very least, be willing to parrot their talking points for material and social gain.
I certainly hope y’all have already done so, but if not, this is now the moment to pull your sons out of the Boy Scouts; that organization is now far removed from its founding and over the past few years many traditionalists have started their own organizations to serve as an alternative to the BSA. They may not have the prestige the Boy Scouts have historically enjoyed, but they aren’t a subversive organization and they can still provide your sons the kind of skills the Boy Scouts were created to teach.
Witnessing this decline is a great example of how quickly an organization can fall. Just a few years ago, the BSA stood firm as one of the last hold outs of Heritage America. This is not to say the organization was perfect, far from it. Way back in the early 90s, when debates about the Confederate flag were first coming into the mainstream, the organization banned Confederate imagery on their regalia. But overall, the organization was wholesome and normie, back when “normie” meant someone who wants a family, loves his people, and went to church on Sundays.
That all began to change in 2013 when the ban on homosexual members was lifted, followed by allowing homosexual scout leaders two years later. Not long after that, they decided that a “Boy Scout” didn’t even need be a “boy” and began letting girls in (as an aside, the Girl Scouts have been on a much longer decline). I’ve even seen these new Boy Scouts in my formerly sleepy and “Bible thumping” town, complete with blue hair. Charles Chaput was right: “Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good.”
The sudden and rapid collapse of any assemblance of Heritage America points to a very disturbing trend – the longer a country (or organization) holds off the forces of modernity, the more powerful of a collapse when it finally fails. The difference between France and Ireland serves as a great example. France got hit with modernity early and while it was hit good and hard with a blood dripping guillotine, the old France took centuries to die. Monarchist organizations enjoyed mainstream popularity in France until WWII and even now, as the Yellow Vest protests have shown, embers of Old France still burn.
By contrast, Ireland appeared to be a bastion against modernity indefinitely. In 1972, weekly Mass attendance stood at over 90% and even when that number began to drop slightly, during the 1980s, Ireland remained a conservative and religiously fervent country. Every good Irish family was expected to produce at least one priest and one nun. Abortion wasn’t simply culturally unacceptable or even illegal – it was, along with divorce and contraception, unconstitutional. The Ireland of today is a far different country. Church attendance has plummeted and the country has legalized both same-sex “marriage” and abortion, not by judicial fiat or even by the actions of the legislator, but by popular vote. Last year, 6,666 Irish children were aborted, this in a country where two thirds of the population went to the polls to place constitutional protections on the life of an unborn child just a few years before I was born. Even as right-wing populism has swept through almost all of Europe, including guilt-imposed Germany and leftwing Sweden, Ireland has largely avoided having a rising populist Right.
To see the BSA go as quickly as they did should be a stark reminder that the Right can no longer engage in the “it can’t happen here” mentality. We’ve seen once solidly rightwing organizations and areas fall one after another. It’s gotten worse this past decade and it’s going to keep getting worse. Chick-fil-a and NASCAR have sold out their core fan bases. Virginia is removing monuments to the Confederacy. Mississippi is changing its flag. Throughout the communist uprising of 2020, the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy have not even tried to push back. Every future Eagle Scout you meet will be a student of BLM rhetoric, or at least willing to toe the party line. If you had told me in 2010 any of these things would happen, I wouldn’t have believed you, but here we are.
Our enemy hates Western civilization and the communists will never forgive the white working-class for not embracing communism. Hence why everything they love must be mocked and subverted (and replaced). It did not begin with the Boy Scouts and it won’t end there. I’m sure even the Boy Scouts will have even farther to fall. That’s why building parallel organizations is so important now. And in the case of the Boy Scouts, it is not like the organization has the prestige they enjoyed 60 years ago. It won’t erase ClownWorld, but it will give children from traditional families a refuge, and they’ll need it. Again, no child from a Dixian family has any place in the Boy Scouts of 2020. However, the skills that the old Boy Scouts taught are valuable, thankfully a now subverted organization isn’t needed to teach them.
-By Harmonica

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
A true shame. I was a boy scout myself back in the 90’s. Still have my old uniform with all my badges and everything. One day I can regale my kids of what those days were like.
Recently sold a vehicle to a LDS scoutmaster, good guy, he mentioned the Mormons pulled out of bsa, and have an alternate program, good for them. Scouts was my alternative dad in the 60s and 70s. I appreciate what they did for me. The old motto “Be Prepared “ and twelve points still apply…..
Is this not a wide open opportuniy for us to create our own organization?
The Boy Scouts were created by our older generation to address a problem they identified and that I myself see in today’s kids myself, they are lacking the ability to stay in touch with the underlying reailty of existence, they become weak and soft, out of touch with reailty which leads to a complete lack of wisdom. They have intelligence, they can sit in a chair and memorize things, but are out of touch with the real nitty-gritty truth of life, which is why a lot of kids now lack what my grandfather called “the fire in your belly”.
That fire, that fight is the hallmark of the Southerner, its why we love the outdoors and struggles that make you stronger. Its why SEC football used to be so damn good, we reveled in that passionate, smash mouth struggle with our brothers by our side. That fierce, intense fire, the will to fight is something any true Southerner carries within them, even our women have it. Its beautiful and has always made me proud when I see it. Its something about us that our enemies target through psychosocial methods as well as mundane ones such as fluoride and “medications” that “cure” that fire they see as a problem, and for our enemies I guess it is a problem.
We all know that weak men create hard times and so did our forebears, they saw their kids losing that true grit that defines us and one of thier anwsers was the Scouts. To put them outside and teach them skills at the same time they taught them about grit and self reliance, but also the need for brotherhood and teamwork. God bless their foresight, it saved many a young man from becoming what I see a lot of Southern boys becoming, what I term “Boatshoe faggots”. I got the term from here oddly enough, from a series of posts that used to be published here called “The Boatshoe Beat”. Spoiled rich kids, excelling at intelligence and fancy clothes, but completely lacking wisdom, wisdom that only comes from living with your face in the dirt, grease under your fingernails and blood on your knuckles, living like that for so long that you dont care about clothes, money and definitely not boatshoes. You also develop a distain for those who place importance on those things, they begin to look, well.. Clownish. Which is fine if you enjoy clownworld and want to fit in, but seeing young Southern men behave in such a manner is quite disheartening.
Not that there is anything wrong with good clothes or craft beer in and of themselves, but the moment that you place any importance on them or Judge men’s worth by in the rags they wrap around their ass, or how many sheckels they have hoarded then you sir, are a clown. You think like a woman, you have become a boatshoe faggot. There is another version on the opposite end of the spectrum, the dirty hippie type, who does not care about such things not because he has struggled in the dirt of reality until he surpassed such concerns like a man, but he is simply slovenly. Both are equally unmanly, just in different ways.
The Southern male is producing them in droves do to the oppression we live under, they have stripped men of our cultural mechanisms that served to “man up” our boys, the Scouts just being one of many. Football and sports in general are gone, even the video game versions that used to be the domain of boys to compete and shit talk have become PC garbage, see (((gamer gate))). We cant bring our boys to work with us anymore, no Scouts, no anything that men can go to experience brotherhood, they all are courrpted and controled by liberal fags and women in order to produce weak men, to then in turn bring about hard times that will end in our genocide. They have convinced the herd that masqulinity is toxic.
So, we have identified a major problem and the underlying reasons for our enemies implementing it. So what are we going to do about it? Which way Southern man?