Upon writing this, the great pro-gun rally on Lobby Day 2020 in Richmond, Virginia is over. Now, the controversy begins on whether or not the outcome was positive or, ultimately, negative.
There are those on both the Left and Right who are relieved the armed assembly peacably convened and adjourned without violence. On the other hand, there are some people on the Left and Right who are disappointed the armed assembly did NOT descend into violence and death. A curse upon their houses, the both of them.
There are many who believe the Second Amendment protesters obeyed all laws, including the governor’s made up decree that created the “Freedom Cage.” Therefore, this contingent believe the protesters lost. There are also many that saw this entire event as dangerous bait they didn’t want to take. The moment armed men would cross over into the “Freedom Cage,” they would have been trapped. Law enforcement would have demanded their surrender and arrested them. Disobeying would have turned it into a slaughter pen. The fencing of the “Freedom Cage” was bolted to the ground, so there was no easy way to push them aside. Doing anything foolish or illegal in this zone would have resulted in catastrophe.
Some believe that without armed conflict, which would not have ended favorably for Virginian conservatives, is the frog’s slow boil. The over-50 crowd, the youngest of the Baby Boomers and the older Generation X, walked away undoubtedly content that they played chicken with Governor Coonman and he blinked. Seeing that he did not have the courage to show his face and address his constituency, they have that to brag about. He was hidden away somewhere in the Governor’s Mansion, like the coward he is. However, he’s a coward who will continue to serve his masters in New York and California, and happily sign any anti-conservative, anti-South, and anti-Christian legislation that slides across his desk.
Did the event really stop any of the insidious Democrat legistlation from being passed? Probably not. The Democrats are not going to stop eviscerating the corpse of Virginia or the U.S. Constitution either way. Whatever they can’t win with the popular vote in Virginia, they will win in the courts instead.
There is one thing for certain that happened – the state government, backed by billionaire globalists from New York and elsewhere, tried to disarm Virginians head-on with some of the most draconian gun control legislation yet. They had (have) unlimited resources, they had a majority vote made up of DC employees, immigrants, and carpetbaggers; this is what they could muster from their recently redrawn Democrat super-majority districts and vote farms. They have the courts who pushed through the district restructuring to ensure a permanent majority. They have a loyal blackfaced governor- a man loyal to them, not to actual native Virginians. They had the sons of Virginia beaten on all levels of the political playing field, except for one – the one where Southern men grab their rifles and march on Richmond.
This was the first time since Charlottesville that Southerners marched to protest the encroaching Left. Many expected it to be a rigged fight. Antifa was intending to be there in force, until the eleventh hour when they virtually all bowed out of the protest in unison. For an organization that has no centralized leadership, but with thousands of members, it curiously acted as one mind “suddenly.” The evil, white supremacist Canadian and his lackeys no one had ever heard of before from “The Base” (what a goofy name) were immediately dug up, captured by the FBI and paraded across the media just before the rally. There were no provocateur agents, other than possibly one weird young man who supposedly was agitating for escalation, but he was thankfully shouted down by other attendees. There were many anonymous tips and intel that there was going to be a provocation of violence, but it never materialized.
A slightly more conspiratorially-minded person might be led to believe there was a counter-operation in the works against the liberty crowd. The theory goes that this counter-operation got canned at the last minute because (1) their cover got thoroughly blown or (2) the Democrats’ internal polling data (that they would never show us) revealed that popular support for the protest was so overwhelming in Virginia, and the rest of the South, that they could not afford escalation. At this point, anything is possible.
Don’t expect the Democrats to let the Southern conservatives have another moral victory as easy as Lobby Day 2020. Much like the Zulu warriors at Rorke’s Drift, they were not only counting rifles, but also taking photographs and building dossiers for all persons of interests. Over the next several months, years, and decades, as the Democrats repeat their winning strategy for domination across the South, Southerners are going to be contemplating that their final recourse will be armed protest. This is not an advocation for violence, but this is not the last time we will see thousands of men marching with rifles against the Democrats. And, the Democrats will are expecting them.
I hope I am wrong, but we all may be marching down a very dark road. Armed Southern men marched on Richmond out of near-desperation. They don’t have a Plan B, or any other plan that comes after Plan A. The Democrats want Southerners to feel desperate, that time is against them, and that they must strike now or lose forever. It’s the exact opposite. The Left’s system is dying and rotting, while ours is witnessing a rebirth and must continue to grow. We, as Southerners, must build strong families with stronger ties to our own communities, we must learn to sustain and support ourselves and deprive the leftists of the means to disrupt our goal of a Free Dixie.
I prayed for two things on the eve of Lobby Day 2020: (1) that every man who marched there would make it home safely and (2) the South would inch a little closer to freedom. One of those happened, let’s keep praying for the other one.
-By Andrew Saltire

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
My personal take-away from the Monday assembly is it is back to business as usual. The VA Bloomberg-backed Infanticide Party hacks are still moving forward with their “unconstitutional” agenda(s). One way to trip them up will be with lawsuits by organizations such as GOA. FWIW, I believe a much more effective method to rattle the cages of the VA state legislature, along with those of the Marxist Midget, is for the counties in the SW corner of The Old Dominion to secede, and become part of West Virginia.
It is not like this hasn’t happened before. Depriving the forces of darkness of their tax revenue, would give Governor Baby-Killer and his minions pause. Financial problems are a very quick and effective attention-getter. All it would take is the blessings of the Mango Emperor in one of his tweets and the ball would begin rolling. There are enough angry Virginians to make it work.
Don’t you reckon that the only time the “brown shirt pajama boys” show up and beat people is when they have the numbers and probably have been told that the leos have been ordered to stand by and allow it?
Don’t you reckon that some of the “anti-fascist” fascists knew there was such a thing as a bayonet lug, and that thousands of lug attachments would be present, and that probably no shots would even need to be fired to make thugs behave like gentlemen for a change?
Isn’t it a very positive thing for the “people” to see that even though thousands of so-called “weapons of war” were “on the street” and in the “hands of civilians” and there was no violence?
Isn’t it a very positive thing for some to avoid truancy from their anger-management classes and not come off as an ego-maniacal divisive force to the freedom movement mostly because something wasn’t “their idea,” and whose main concern might be book sales and camera time?
And anyone who can’t hold their water at the thought of being ID’d by the Communist Freak Democrat bureaucracy should know that, right now, they won’t be able to defend their freedom very well from the shadows.
And if you haven’t been on a government watch list for a couple of decades like the old Primer Pocket,
my question to you is, “Why not?”
Being primarily a Northern and Left Coast organisation led by Jewish Kommissars, AntiFa have a hard time operating outside of their safe areas in Yankeedom and Cascadia.
In Dixie, other than Carpetbaggers, they have no organic and sympathetic support from the native population, who necessarily view them as hostile, disruptive foreigners, or Yankees.
They also don’t have the logistical and political support network, either.
As an aside, however, what the enemy want are AntiFa activists shot dead on Southern soil. They want to be able to show grieving parents “back home” in Pennsylvania, and Michigan, and Ohio, crying on TV and demanding that “their government” “do something” once and for all about those evil Southrons with their Constitution and Laws, and their constant threats to “Democracy” and the rightful rule of Massachusetts.
Heather Heyer’s death wasn’t sufficient, or the right kind of grist, for their propaganda mills.
If Southrons think that the war ended in 1865, they need to think again.
The North is still the enemy of the real America. It has been since the founding of Massachusetts, and from the final settlement of Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
Further proof the demonrats in the Virginia legislature are mentally diseased… https://bigleaguepolitics.com/virginia-democrats-push-legislation-to-make-criticism-of-government-officials-a-criminal-offense/
No rally, no protest, no letter writing… nothing is going to make any impression on these cretins/imbeciles/morons/idiots (words fail me). They are just going to do what they want, when they want it, and their constituents be damned.
I disagree the rally did nothing. I think it brought into the light what the MSM has tried to suppress, that those in power want more power and are willing to take it by force if needed. However, they cannot do that with armed people saying “no thanks”. Hopefully this will be the start of the great awakening of the sheeple. As Claire Wolfe wrote something about “it’s not time to shoot the bastards yet” I think that time approaches. When one side does not recognize rule of law, only win and keep power (and those who believe they can use that power any way they desire US Constitution be damned) by any way required, we no longer have a country. It takes two to tango. One side quit the dance. We will have no choice. War will come wanted or not. Be ready.
Antifa bowed out so there wouldn’t be any pics of purple haired vegans beating the snot out of nice looking boomercons while the cops stand by. Pics that might show Normie that he doesn’t live in the country he thinks he does.
By avoiding this, they turned lobby day into something as useless as the tea parties but with even less influence since gerrymandering.
That was it, the gun lobby’s big moment. Now they’ll go back to Netflix and telling each other how “thousands of armed men” stood up to tyranny. Nevermind the tyranny is still in power and moving forward with its plans.
2A Sanctuary “movement ” neutered.
I like your take on it better than any I have read so far.
Here is what I see happening. They’ll pass these laws over vocal objection, and once passed, they will never go away absent force. These new laws won’t involve confiscation, but they will involve registration. Most won’t comply. They’ll get something like 10% compliance, at best, and even those who ‘comply’ will likely only register some of their guns, such as those they purchased recently through a dealer and thus have a paper trail. So, most people still have their guns. But, this will put a severe damper on their ability to train with them, practice with them, order parts for them (what do you need all that stuff for if you only have “one” AR on paper?) and especially teach their children how to shoot them at the local range, or just out in the woods, as has been done for generations. That last one is key – the rifle/gun culture goes under ground. Children will be much less likely to grow up shooting guns, going to the range, and enjoying the past time. They won’t get that experience while they are simultaneously hearing their parents’ their culture, and guns themselves being demonized at school and in the media. These laws will include a provision that prohibits passing these guns down from generation to generation, too, so when the older one’s die off, their children are left with the choice of either turning their father/grandfather’s guns over to the police, or hiding them and risking prison. The left is playing the long game here. They are looking a generation or two ahead, to a time when the men of the south who are now over 50 will either be dead or insignificant, and the generations raised from here on out don’t know guns, didn’t grow up shooting them, and are far more pliable and managable than the current crop.
All we need to do is look at California as an example. It’s virtually the same template with a few tweaks here an there. Many forget California was once the most conservative and prosperous state in the country. Now it’s teetering on the edge of becoming a third world country.
Gator, I believe your take on the lefts approach is exactly right. It’s already happening in other states where similar legislation has passed. Unless a person owns a large piece of property guaranteeing privacy, non-compliance with registration definitely alters gun owner behavior. People may still own them, but they can’t freely use them or introduce others to their use in a public place. Openly mentioning possession to others can be considered a risk. The firearms are essentially sentenced to stay at home. I believe the left recognizes that confiscation or a forced buy-back would be a disaster, so they are largely content to “play the long game”.
American whites are bad at the long game, hence the reason less than half of us have $1000 in savings and fewer still with any long term savings plan.
The Bible says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children. Meanwhile the average boomer cashed in all of his belongings so he can live comfy in the last 20 years of life. This lack of generational planning is why we lose.