More Duke Boys, Less Thin White Duke

Dixians of the Dissident Right- hear me loud and clear, you will never be able to build a healthy, long-lasting movement, that can create positive change for our people, while utilizing the trappings of Nazi and fascist imagery. I don’t care if you’re serious. I don’t care if you’re just doing it for shock value. I don’t care if you think you’ll just be called a Nazi anyway, so might as well run with it, as the short-sighted thought goes in the Alt-Right. This is a massive dead end.

Average, everyday Dixian men and women, the sort of working-class and middle-class folks we need to reach, will be turned off by it and go back to Fox News or worse. We, as Dixians, are a traditional people who try to remember what our daddies, granddaddies, and great-granddaddies would think about us, those men will never forget that they (or their parents, brothers, cousins and friends) actually fought the (actual, not LARPer) National Socialists, fascists and the Wehrmacht.

And, I say this as someone who likes a lot of music where the performers have engaged in this sort of imagery. Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones wore a Nazi uniform during a photo shoot. David Bowie went even further, especially during the “Thin White Duke” era, calling Hitler a “rock star” and claimed that Britain could use a fascist leader. He also incorporated fascist imagery, inspired by Oswald Mosely, during the Ziggy Stardust tour.

And, there were The Sex Pistols. Sid Vicious famously wore a swastika t-shirt and the band released a song called “Belsen was a Gas.” Punk Rock has engaged in tongue-in-cheek references to Nazism literally going back to the very beginning with The Ramones first album when they wrote “Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World,” but it was with The Sex Pistols that really got it amped up. I have hypothesized that had it not been for the elections of Thatcher and Reagan, Punk would have gone much deeper into actual fascism, far more prevalently than it did. Just as the similarly, and purely for shock value, “Anarchy in the UK” is generally seen as the beginning of the relationship between Punk Rock and anarchism, the most famous ideology in the movement, “Belsen was a Gas” would have been the beginning of Punk Rock and fascism.

But, there is a world of difference between what those bands were doing and what we’re doing at Identity Dixie. We’re trying to build a movement for the wellbeing of our people. Brian Jones, David Bowie and Sid Vicious were trying to piss people off. There is a reason all the bands I mentioned (save for a passing reference to The Ramones) were British bands from the 1960s and 1970s. During the 1960s, and even more so during the 1970s, the full realization of the loss of the Empire set in for the British public. Britain, for the first time since the end of the Napoleonic War, was no longer the greatest power in the world. Out of that realization, the Brits comforted themselves with the idea that the loss of the British Empire was all worth it to defeat Hitler. Britain had nobly sacrificed her empire for “freedom.” So, when a bunch of rock musicians started using fascist imagery, it hit a raw nerve- “Yeah, you lost your empire to defeat Hitler, but your kids look up to someone wearing a Nazi uniform anyway.

And, if all you want to do is shock people, then go knock yourself out (someone else will try in the street also). I have listened to musicians, who have utilized this sort of imagery for far too long, and I can tell you that it’s an absolute “no go.” Make some music with it. If it’s good, I’ll buy your album. But, remember what this does. It brings in angsty kids or worse (criminals), while driving away normies. It’s something that has the making of a great show (minus the criminals), but it makes for a complete disaster of a movement trying to create positive social change. Shock value makes for engaging entertainment, not a successful movement.

A swastika may very well piss off the shitlibs, but it also alienates normie Dixians, who just look at it as an insult against their World War II veteran relatives. Those are the very folks we need. Those are the folks we should be in this for. And, we can get them by offering them a better and saner world. Additionally, for 99% of Dixians, a better and saner world doesn’t include a bunch of NEETs goose stepping down the road. We need more of the wholesome Duke boys and less of the Thin White Duke. One plays to our people, the other repulses them.

One of the cruelest aspects of doxxing isn’t the firings, as serious as those are, but rather the loss of friends and family. There is a reason why the Greeks considered ostracization, the loss of one’s city, to be a particularly harsh punishment. Humans are social creatures and the loss of one’s social structure can be devastating. While I am aware that not everyone has this privilege, one thing that keeps me going is that I do know, if I am ever doxxed, is that my family will support me. I am a proud Dixian and a devout Christian, as are they. If I was waving around a swastika flag, calling my granddaddy a “cuck” or “race traitor” and, most especially, referring to Christ as a “Jew on a stick,” I am sure I would noy enjoy that same protection.

Remember the type of people you want to draw in, that will tell you what kind of imagery to use.

-By Harmonica

One comment

  1. No need for Southern Nationalists to borrow a German flag when we’ve got our own that only “triggers ” the right people.

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