Are We All Racists Now?

In a world in which everyone is a racist, no one is a racist.

We all know the tired charge of racism. Today it is a meaningless term. If you are anti-abortion, advocate lower taxes, or believe in the Constitutional separation of powers, you are a racist. To be White is to be racist. If you are White, you enjoy “privilege” and are therefore “racist.” In effect, racist is anything that is not Marxist in orientation. Consequently, the charge of racist and racism is a political manifestation, not an act in itself, and it is reserved for anyone who does not seek a complete elimination of Western society.

The irony of all this is the manipulation of language itself. Those who freely throw around the term “racist,” consider “cultural appropriation” – i.e., enjoying other racial or ethnic foods, clothing, etc. – a manifestation of evil… and racism. Yet, they are guilty of the worst example of cultural appropriation: the co-option and abuse of language. Not only do they use the English language to level the charge of racism, they butcher the language in the process.

Racism is defined as a noun by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary in three distinct segments: “1. A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race: 2 (a) a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles; (b) a political or social system founded on racism: (3) racial prejudice or discrimination.” The last two are recent additions (2 & 3) to the dictionary, having been added in 2014 and 2018 respectively – thus, broadening the definition to meet modern radical leftist sensibilities. The second section was obviously added to lend credibility to the argument that any system built by racists (READ: old White slaveowners) is inherently racist and therefore its perpetuation is wrong.

The systemic racism logic follows the redefinition of the term. The Constitutional Republic known as the United States must be permanently dismantled. Anyone who advocates its continuation, even peacefully, is a racist and therefore evil. This Marxist leap is used to justify physical assaults of conservatives and libertarians by the radical Left. This underpins the entire argument of the AntiFa. You are either a Marxist or you are a Fascist. There is no in-between.

Regardless, nowhere in the definition of racism itself addresses one who prefers to live and interact with individuals of his or her own race and/or ethnicity without wishing harm upon others. Most Americans feel this way. In fact, this descriptor fits the vast majority of Southerners, even in the Dissident Right. Nevertheless, here we are today.

The expansion of the definition of racism has created a scenario by which individuals, with exclusively White friends or those who live in predominantly White neighborhoods, are deemed racist in defiance of the definition. The self-segregation of peoples is entirely natural, yet we are now being told that such behavior, especially when exhibited by Whites, is worthy of physical assault by the AntiFa, the SPLC, and other radical Leftwing extremists. In the distorted and diseased view of the modern political Left, a preference for one’s own people is somehow redefined as a manifestation of violence.

Yet, look in your facility or school lunchroom. There you will see Black employees sitting with other Black employees; White employees sitting with other White employees. These are not evil people. They do not wish each other harm. They likely do not give much thought toward other races. These racially disparate colleagues greet each other in the hallways. They congratulate each other on family births, graduations, and achievements. They collaborate on various work products.

When they go home, they go back to houses that represent the preferences of their Black, Asian, or White racial proclivities. Ethnicities, whether they be Italian, German, Thai, Chinese, Jamaican, or Southern, determine the meals they will choose that evening. On Sundays, the vast majority of these various races and ethnicities will attend churches with congregants who look like themselves. Regardless of race, they almost assuredly either know or have laughed at an off color joke regarding a race that is not their own. Nothing is wrong with any of this. We go about our business, doing our own thing, and hoping the others well.

If you fall into that category, however, the Left deems you are a racist.

Today, we are all racists, thus none of us are racists. The vast majority of Americans simply want to be left alone. They want their grandchildren to look like themselves. They enjoy the company of people like them. They tell stories of shared experiences seen through the viewpoint of individuals who were raised similarly. They want to maintain their traditions. They enjoy their own cultural nuances. There is no hate for others involved; there is a deep love for our own kind.

This is the new definition of racism. This is the new banner upon which the radical Left plants a marker upon you and seeks your destruction. Pay such labels no mind from degenerate shysters like the SPLC and the ADL. They sell outrage like dirty little scoundrels selling fake Rolexes from their raincoat. It is meaningless. Afterall, consider the source. Leftists are the type of people who obnoxiously demand that the races mix, while showing you pictures of the pure-bred puppy they just bought.

Welcome to being a Racist! Wear the label proudly. You are normal – they are frauds.