Meaningless to the Washington Empire

Over the course of the past three decades – perhaps even longer – one thing is abundantly clear: there is no such thing as a surprise terror attack. On every occasion, the FBI knew it was coming and let it happen. This is true whether it was 9/11, San Bernadino 2015, Fort Hood, or the 2017 antifa murder of 26 Christians at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. In every single incident, the FBI allowed the killings to take place. Why? Usually because someone or a group of “someones” seeks a political outcome.

In the case of 9/11, the results are obvious and well documented. No single incident led to more repression at home and killings abroad. The knee jerk reaction of elected officials and the voting sheep who get their news from Fox or CNN (same thing) always take the bait. Whether it comes in the form of the USA PATRIOT Act or Red Flag Laws, our rulers always win when a terror attack takes place. Islamists may be the instrument – or maybe some psychologically groomed teenager – but the result is always the same. Every terror attack comes with more citizen repression. The FBI may not actually drive the vehicle into people or buildings, but it definitely clears the path.

Meanwhile, the DHS narrative that alleged “White Supremacists” and “MAGA Extremists” are a greater threat to national safety is outrageously hilarious. While it is true that my colleagues and I personally seek the balkanization of the United States, and work daily to achieve that aim, we seek this result through peaceful means. Not one person within my inner circle has ever advocated violence against fellow Americans for the sake of some kind of political or social aim. Every White Nationalist I know simply wanted to be left alone and allowed to achieve until Jewish-led meddling forced them to awaken and react. The Tree of Life shooting or the Dylann Roof killings were lone wolf anomalies, not organized attacks by any association of likeminded White people. The same cannot be said for the vast majority of Islamist or antifa terror attacks in the United States.

Now comes New Orleans. Suddenly, as Israel is in the midst of a multipronged attack on the Palestinian and Lebanese people, Islamists pop out of the woodwork. It’s cool to be a Muslim terrorist again – just as Israel needs America most. Trump will be president in three weeks and the message is obvious. Attacks by Islamists in New Zealand, Germany, Brussels, and the United States on New Years Day were a clearly orchestrated attempt to regain anti-Muslim sympathies from a population of White-Christian Americans who have been vilified, denigrated, and disempowered to the point that they no longer join the U.S. Armed Forces. After a decade of calling me a terrorist because I want a homeland for my people, they now want me to stop what I am doing and send my sons to go fight the “other terrorists.” The tired argument was reminded on Wednesday: “Fight there or fight here, Goyim – your choice.”

The cherry on top was the cybertruck bombing outside of Trump Tower, Las Vegas. It was a classic example of Judeo-Bolshevik overreach. Undoubtedly, Trump will buy it. So will his legions of followers. An attack on Americans in New Orleans is bad enough, but an attack on Trump – even if only symbolic – is unforgiveable.

Now, we prepare for another military action in the Middle East. In the last Trump Administration, Trump crushed ISIS but refused to continually bomb Syria or attack Iran. Obviously, Tel Aviv was disappointed. They thought they got a more compliant Biden team, but they underestimated the desire of the nearly 100% Biden Jewish administration. The Biden Kibutz on Pennsylvania Avenue prioritized killing White Christian America over protecting Israel. Thus, Trump is back with enthusiastic support from the Knesset.

Trump will do what Israel needs, or else. The FBI and the DHS will ensure that happens. As we have learned over time, American lives are meaningless to the Washington Empire or its masters in Israel. If Trump does not take the hint – Islamists are back to priority one – then the next shooter they place on a roof during a rally will not miss.


  1. A commenter at Big Country made a good point. The N.O. and the Vegas events were for two different audiences. The Vegas incident was for Musk and Trump. And that message was stay in your own lane.

    The N.O. incident was for us peasants. And that message, IMHO, is that we can kill you with impunity and you stupid goyim wont do a thing because you’d rather go extinct than be called a racists.

  2. “The Jewish Messiah will only appear once Europe and Christianity are totally destroyed. So, I ask you, ‘Is it good news that Islam invades Europe?’ It is excellent news! Islam is the broom of Israel.”

    Rabbi David Touitou

  3. Nice take on things Padraig.I’m quite sure all the Mohammedan “terrorists”are controlled completely by the Jews.Notice ISIS,Al-Qaeda,etc only attack Whites(the image of God)or other peaceful Mohammedans but NEVER the children of Hell,the children of the Devil,the Jews.Historically we see the Jews directing the Mohammedans at White Christians and seem almost to run this supposed anti-Jew cult.Also it is thought the dictator of Egypt is Jewish as is the terrorist leader who now runs Syria.The Turks who have enslaved and disgraced White Christian people are also said to be crypto-Jews.This makes sense if we understand the Jews are demonically empowered and have caused most ills in all history.Thank you for your wise musings and may the good Lord bless you Sir.Christ is Master and King.

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