Feminism and Female School Shooters

As a kid, it was pretty common for older students to carry weapons on the back of their vehicles. Pick-up trucks with gun racks were common. Post-class hunting was normal. I learned both rifle and shotgun shooting in middle school. In an effeminized world, all that changed.

The feminist movement forced men out of their homes while simultaneously forcing masculinity out of societal childrearing. Men were relegated to second class parenting status. The damage done by the 1960s and 1970s “sexual revolution” has deep roots of which the fruit today are school shootings. Single parent households have yielded male-female realities to a world of commercialism and escapism led by girl power initiatives predicated on immediate satisfaction.

Worse, single female parents do not know how to raise young men. They rely on a deadly combination of prescription drugs and video games to subdue the masculine instincts of their male offspring. But what about the female shooters – of which, we have recently had two in Christian school settings (Natalie Rupnow and Audrey Hale)? Personally, I believe those girls are victims of feminism, as well – even when they have fathers at home.

The fact is, children are inundated with cultural reminders of the superiority of women and the weakness of men. Every commercial features a strong woman and a goofy, fat White dad. If the father is strong, he is black. Young, impressionable girls are saturated with ideals of “Wonder Woman” myths. When reality and hormones confront these young women with reality, they turn to various outlets to attempt some variation of control – be it hook-up culture/sex (easiest for young girls), some kind of social media validation (often sexual in nature), or violence. It seems at a time of gender confusion, violence is becoming more popular.

No one can tell me that these school shootings are not the end result of diminishing the value of male leadership. Take men out of the Head of Household role, and you get confused boys and girls ripe for exploitation. In “Barbie World,” that means convincing boys they need to become girls to reclaim some semblance of strength; it means convincing girls they need to act like boys.

The overall impact is a symptom of a greater devaluation of masculinity. Boys who feel trapped and do not cut their penises off, grab guns and use them on disassociated peers. Girls who feel trapped and do not engage in online sexual perversions seem to grab guns and use them on disassociated peers. All of this leads back to the devaluation and absence of the father in society as a whole – beginning with a very specific Father: God.


  1. Do these sound like the ravings of a megalomaniacal monster?

    “We want women to remain women in their nature, in their whole being, in the purpose and fulfillment of this being, just as we want men to remain men. … Then, it is no longer a question about so-called equal rights, but more a question of respective duties. There is no longer a dispute about which of the two sexes is privileged; rather, the profound realization arises that the two sexes together make up the people, and that the continuation of the people is only possible through their cooperation. … The more masculine the man is, the more uncontested he will be in his sphere of activity, and the more feminine the woman is, the more uncontested and undisputed she will be in her own work, and thus also her own position. … The more a man is faced with a woman who is truly a woman, the more he is disarmed from the outset in his arrogance, so much so that he is sometimes almost overcome; and on the other hand, the more a man is completely a man, and fulfills his activity and his task in life in the highest sense of the word, the more a woman will gravitate to the position towards him which is natural and self-evident to her. … All this has only one purpose: that this flesh and blood does not die out, but that it continues to flourish, that it gains immortality through its children, as far as immortality can be spoken of in this earthly world.” pp. 217-19.

    ‘The Second-Most Hated Man in History’, (next to the one whose birthday Christians celebrate on Wednesday), ‘Address to the NS Women’s League’, Nuremberg, Sept. 10, 1937, trans. C. J. Miller

    1. Thank you for that German Confederate.Truly a wise man sent by God to battle the Jews and just like our precious Savior he was murdered by the Jews.Or should I say all of Germany was murdered by the Jews.To have an idea of how important the Fuhrers ideas were we must only note the constant 79 year long campaign of hatred and brainwashing the Satanic Jews have carried out against his name.To be hated by the children of the Devil is a badge of honor.A book that is quite good is Hitler’s Table Talks,one of the few not feed to us through a Jew filter.God bless and keep you.

      1. David Irving really likes the ‘Table Talk’ also. I kind of look askance at some of the anti-Christian statements in it that don’t seem to square with what I otherwise know about the Fuhrer’s views, and I attribute them rather to Martin Bormann. Hitler’s ‘problems’ were with the clergy, and not Christians or the Christian faith.

        While I don’t think the Fuhrer could recite the Apostles Creed with conviction, or personally subscribed to the substitutionary atonement of Christ, he valued and fostered the morality of Christianity as a necessary pillar of Western Civilization, and I don’t buy into the idea that National Socialism was in any way neo-Pagan or occultic … though some of its adherents, such as Himmler, may have dabbled in that direction.

        I always appreciate your comments Rebel Roy.

        1. Yes yes I agree,the anti-Christian statements I usually attribute to the Jews who always project their own perversions and Satan worship onto Whites but in the case of the Table Talks it could very well have been the traitor and sellout to the Jews Bormann doing some trickery.I firmly believe Bormann was a double agent working for the Jew Bolsheviks.The Gestapo was getting very close to finding out where radio transmissions near the Reich government offices in Berlin were coming from when Bormann stopped them.These transmissions are believed to be Bormann leaking the Fuhrers most secret orders and plans to the Bolsheviks.The speed with which Stalin had German secret plans rule out Britain passing along the Enigma messages they had broken so it had to be someone near the Fuhrer who then quickly sent them out.Bormann was an anti-Christian and a moron.How it ever got to be in such an important position I will never know.He used his power to deny important information and wise people from reaching the Fuhrer.But only God really knows for sure.God bless you Sir and thank you for such perspicacious comments.

  2. Oy vey! Such anti-Semitism! I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes. He might not have mentioned Jews but make no mistake, he was *thinking* it.

  3. Pick-up trucks with gun racks were common. Post-class hunting was normal.

    Them was the good ol’ days, for sure! My sophomore year of H.S., I bought and restored a 1962 Ford step-side short bed, and drove it to and from school the rest of that year and all of the next, with a gun rack prominently displayed in the back window bearing a Winchester 30-30 rifle and a ,22 long rifle; a box of shells for both guns tucked away, yet readily accessible, in the glove box. No teacher or administrator, nor any parent ever said a word or even thought anything of it to my knowledge. It was, as you note, quite common and normal in those days. My, how times have changed!

    1. Merry Christmas,T Morris.Hope you are well.Might another great story of Confederate irregulars be coming our way in 2025.God bless you.

  4. A great piece Padraig.I quit taking the local New York Times owned local paper years ago(anti-White rag to the maximum)but I still look at the crime news online at the CBS local TV affiliate and it is constant girl power/strong women nonsense.And of course TV commercials are all n.gg.rs and black male/White females.Also a lot of purposeful commercials of big black mouths chewing and eating or even sitting on the toilet.And all have giant afros.The Jews are really seeking to degrade and shock the sensibilities of the Whites remaining.That this goes on unabated shows what that viewer input means nothing and that the Jew police state is in effect.Stupid White females gladly sell out their race to get an upperhand in divorce and child custody.Just like Eve they cannot be good unless taught and controlled by men.The Jews know this and therefore exploit it.I feel the good Lord will not allow this to continue.Hitler said that God created nature and nature is the mechanism which reigns in behaviors which are unnatural.I believe it is beyond that and the supernatural powers of Hell are propelling the Jews into global power,which brings the End Time.Nothing but the Lord Jesus can right these evil Jews.God bless you Sir and take care.Hope you had a great Christmas.

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