If you visit Europe, you’ll quickly realize that they’re White and you’re White, but these are people from quite a different place with a different lifestyle. On the other hand, if you visit Australia and New Zealand, you’ll quickly understand that these people are basically living American lifestyles, but they can’t drive on the correct side of the road.
They’re undergoing a mass migration transformation just like ourselves but they’re also burdened with some diversity that was there from the beginning. The last time I was in Australia (their internet blocked Identity Dixie), it was for an industry convention and every single time there was a speaker, they had to acknowledge the wisdom of the elders of the Chungkagunka tribe whose land, despite being nomadic to the point of not even bothering with clothes, that the conference center had been built on.
Meanwhile, they must grapple with the fact that these people are so wise that they need PSAs not to huff gasoline or sleep in the road. Every time anything happens in Australia beside a natural disaster, their wisdom must be acknowledged. I notice everything but Australians seem to tune it out the same way Americans tune out the gruesome drug commercials.
It’s very easy to get down on America after realizing that this might be the most wicked and absurd place to ever exist with the most belligerent and entitled women running rampant all over it, but please bear in mind that things are tough all over. Never lose sleep wondering if our pain will be inflicted on others, it shall. This has been going on for quite some time so don’t feel sorry for yourself.
I always found it weird that Indians (the red kind) had some special reverence in America, when in the Declaration of Independence, it was stated that having them inflicted on the population was one of their main grievances against royal authority. Our forefathers were rightfully upset that King George III:
“endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions.”
Yeah, so this dispute clearly wasn’t about casinos or the sale of untaxed cigarettes. Anyways, the people in New Zealand think this haka dance thing is really cool and do it before sporting events. What about guns, though? You could shoot them while they’re doing their dance to scare you. Skeleton crews of White people didn’t conquer the New World by accident.
It’s not even the guns. The Spanish annihilated the Aztecs in open medieval battles using knights essentially. The Aztecs were operating some sort of horrific Satanic human sacrifice cult. Likewise, the Māori were cannibals who’d literally eat a weaker group they came upon. Why is there some reverence or sympathy? Objectively, this is quite bizarre.
In terms of objectivity, I’ve dealt with lots of diversity over the course of my life and various dealings. For example, Chinese people can consider a situation objectively. This is why they find America to be so insane at this point. However, they’re mainly concerned with themselves and there’s more than a billion of them in a country around the size of the United States with many more all over Southeast Asia. In terms of genetics and the demographic/geographic situation, they’re inclined towards solipsism.
I speak Chinese and they even distinguish linguistically between vegetables that aren’t of Chinese origin. The notion they’re trying to become the next America and take over the world like Trump’s incoming National Security Advisor claims is farcical and ignorant. They’re building up their military because we encircled them and want to do a regime change and then take Tibet and Xinjiang off of China, dramatically reducing its geographical size and resources. The Chinese actually have other priorities they’d rather focus on.
On the other side of the spectrum, black people are both solipsistic and incapable of objectivity. This makes them like the perfect storm of being unable to figure much of anything out. However, they do figure some things out and I give them credit for doing so.
For example, I was having a conversation with a higher-functioning black person yesterday who remarked that the dysfunction of a particular situation was due to the fact that there were “too many n*ggas” with a say in how things were being done. I’d gauge her assessment as correct.
On the subject of Gaza and how more money should be spent on black people in America instead, she observed that this was why Hitler realized he had to deal with the Jews. Her insight was that if you don’t wipe out the Jews, they’ll take everything over with their money and wipe you out. Such musings are coming out of many black people at this late stage. I’m really enjoying it.
Blacks have been effectively used by Jews for many years as a weapon against America, but as the entire situation becomes undone, they’re playing a hilarious role in pointing out that Jews are the problem. They only care about themselves, so you can’t make them feel bad about a fake genocide that happened a long time ago.
Due to the characteristics of black people, they are impervious to being made to feel guilty about something so abstract which also had nothing to do with them. They usually just say whatever they feel like saying at any given time.
In terms of White Americans, I worry that my friends with silver oak leaves suffer from a delusion, perhaps one of personal necessity, that the U.S. military is the best in the world and fights on the side of righteousness. This leaves them unable to assess a situation correctly, while someone in the alternative media can look like Nostradamus by comparison despite holding no rank at all.
I’ve been saying from the start that the U.S. military would never defeat the Houthis. Meanwhile, they thought that Houthis would be sent packing by “debilitating” airstrikes. There’d be no rational cause for concluding this is how the situation would develop, especially in light of all the catastrophic denouement in Afghanistan and the ongoing modern conflicts in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. They only way to reach this conclusion would be to feel that the U.S. military is the best and we’re the good guys.
I’m not sure we’re I’m going with this; I just had a bunch of scattered thoughts in my head from perusing the news this morning. Everybody is different, so take that into account. I guess that’s my point. Please have a wonderful day and never forget that the total collapse remains imminent. You’ve yet to feel true sensation of fear.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Interesting as always. Thanks!
We should have never destroyed our chemical weapons. We could have exterminated the Houthis and no one who was troubled by them would give a shit.
You kidding? With the vampires who drink babies’ blood trying to kick off the Tribulation and bring their satanic King to claim his dominion, this was soothing and refreshing, a hoot and a holler. Plus, every word of it was spot-on true!
Dagnab- I forgot to mention that Whites (the Mukurati, I think) arrived in New Zealand more than a thousand years before the Maori ever got there. There is an ancient trail of red and blonde heads that goes around the equator from our ancient migrations.
Sorry, but the redchinese have openly stated their intent of domination, including already having America partitioned into 7 regions.
They – with their handlers being jewish naturally – are indeed the greatest threat to the West, save for the (((dual citizens))) in Western governments.
Oh yes. Mao’s China was indeed a creation of the Jews, not one member of the Inner Council was Chinese except for Mao.
Russia was the Horse that finally expired;
America is the Horse being readied for the glue factory;
the EU is the stable for Abraham’s other seed;
China is the new Horse being readied for riding.