Zero Tolerance

A feature of our times is that the absurdity is interspersed with moments of pure evil in which nothing is in doubt and no grey political question requires consideration. Which side are you on? Christ or Satan? The course of one’s life is complicated, and nobody is perfect. However, some situations are utterly devoid of nuance, and these are useful in focusing one’s outlook. I’ve never purported myself to be some sort of biblical scholar, but I know what something is when I see it.

A Satanic baptism. Good and evil are the existential forces of this world.

Never let anyone tell you that you’re an extremist or deranged for having a visceral reaction to something so horrific. Christ warned that if what you’re up to is corrupting children, it would be better if you were never born. This has become a policy imperative, so something really bad is bound to happen. In a society where this is going on at the highest levels of government, calamity is baked into the cake.

If we lived in a healthy society, I probably wouldn’t be writing articles on the internet since I don’t really care about politics in terms of how the roads are getting paved. I might have a normal hobby instead, like playing golf or something. I’ve wanted to try being a beekeeper for a while. Perhaps we’re built for the times in which we live, so this is what I do and consistently worse is my easiest prediction. I’ve been saying it for years, and it’s never gone wrong.

You’re not crazy for feeling alarmed at the implications of such Satanic practices not just being allowed, but promoted. Sure, America’s percentage of broken human beings will continue to grow which indeed raises some fair practical questions about how this place is supposed to function in a couple of decades. Yet, this world is temporary and thus more fundamental issues of a spiritual nature arise.

If you’re not sure where you stand on most issues in the public forum, perhaps start with what’s happening to the children and then consider who is either promoting this evil or accepting it either overtly or tacitly. This covers the entire Democrat/Republican political spectrum and leaves only the “extremists” such as the Identity Dixie writing crew with the moral clarity to address these matters.

Elections are soon upon us and Republican politicians are full of empty promises to do something about what’s happening to the children. Trump is nothing but a windbag on this matter. This is a good vs evil question. Republicans can’t turn it into a grey one by accepting the child torture so long as it’s done with parental consent.

This is so much worse than saying they oppose gay marriage but favor civil partnerships, although the trajectory to the current miasma was certainly predictable. Polling shows that 59% of all registered voters want a ban on torturing children, either with surgery or drugs. What about the other 41%? We’re in for a rough ride if that much of America is so far gone.


  1. I truly am terrified for the future. I know good people with newborns or very young children. The future we have left for them… Mea Culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa is all I can say.

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