When Voting Fails

Historically speaking, the purpose of voting was largely to provide some form of “revolutionary” capacity to change the leadership of a people without violence. The higher powers might not allow the decision (i.e., fix an election) or may offer false choices, but the goal was to ameliorate the passions of the citizenry. In effect, every two, four, or six years, the American republic provided a vote that at least made the people believe things might change without the need for guns. Occasionally, minor changes seemed great to a populace used to nominal differences in a continual slide toward globalism.

Now comes Trump – yet again. This short article is not about Trump, per se. Rather, it is about the continual belief in voting as a form of implementing change. More importantly, it is about the moment in which that belief no longer exists. Trump may or may not “win” in November, but his victory would likely be empty because of the design of the system itself (assuming a billionaire New Yorker is not in on it).

There are a great many Baby Boomers who believe in voting and Trump because they have been conditioned for generations to believe voting works. It also helps (them) that politics have been dominated almost exclusively by Boomer candidates for about 40 years. GenXers – statistically the most hard right generation – seem to be increasingly more disillusioned with voting. Millennials – statistically the most far left demographic – seem to have a more activist mindset toward voting. GenZers – the most deeply divided demographic – seem to have given up on the exercise entirely (not unlike GenX).

Cumulatively, it is clear that voting – a process dominated by one generation for almost half a century – is losing its grasp on future generations. That is dangerous for ruling elites. If the people feel they have no voice or method to air grievances, the alternative has historically been violence. The ruling class understands this.

Correspondingly, it is not an accident that total societal change has been inspired to emasculate the populace. Younger men not only have lower testosterone levels year over year (I personally believe due to some form of chemical introduction), but masculinity itself is under constant attack. Transgenderism is simply a byproduct of the war on men. Notice that the females harmed by the transgender movement are athletic women who would be inclined to gravitate toward athletic men, creating genetically athletic offspring. The totality of the movement to emasculate – from girl power narratives to deconstructing masculine social structures to promoting effeminate males (e.g., “Big Bang Theory” television show) to transgender therapies for boys in schools – is part of a defensive posture to guard against the consequences of an eventual collapse of voting.

When voting fails, populations rise violently. It is helpful to have a nation of emasculated men if you want to remain a tyrant. After all, it is hard to shoot at the ruling class with your legs crossed, sipping on a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, and wearing a dress.


  1. The Band: Cold Chisel!

    The Song: You got nothing I want!

    Listen and watch the official 1980s video, if you have a chance.

    The song will lift your spirts!

    Jimmy Barns thank you good scotch men!

    Monarchs will come again!

    God Bless Dixie!

  2. There are only a few thousand fake “elites” that matter in the ruling cabal. You really don’t need an army to whack these nutters. Billionaires, tech CEOs and various “experts” are all they are in truth. Knock a few down and the rest will run like scared rabbits. They have been digging holes to hide in when TSHTF. Luxurious bunkers to die in. Know that you are winning. The system has no more credibility.

  3. The late, great Harold Covington was a friend of mine. Harold was intelligent, eccentric, and an excellent writer who badly needed an editor. In his day, he managed to pick a quarrel with every other significant figure in the White Movement. Anyway, he presented his ideas on revolutionary dynamics in one of his books, The Brigade. Harold believed that a few thousand individuals could bring the country to its knees, because there were so many natural chokepoints and bottlenecks, both politically and economically, that it would be impossible to defend them all. For those who may be interested in it, The Brigade in electronic form is floating around on the Internet.

  4. I just got an interesting strike at FB.

    Fourteen years ago my son was in Afghanistan with the Army, and he sent me a pic, or I sent him one, of some Afghani guy kissing a boy. They’re a bunch of weirdo pedos over there. He/I used FB to send it.

    Anyway… fourteen years later!… FB sends me a notice that my account has been suspended for a week – for “inappropriate sexual content”. They included the pic of the man and kid as the evidence.

    I really don’t care as I rarely use FB for anything more than checking FB Marketplace for things.

    The point is that FB is now combing through data, even many years old, looking for stuff they can throw at people. Just be aware.

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