A Foreign Menu

We live in a place where everything is premised on lies. Literally everything, right down to why we have bad weather. This makes information management a challenge for the power structure that’s presiding over the ongoing implosion that nobody is supposed to notice. To be fair, there’s no good way to successfully explain to everyone that something isn’t happening right before their very eyes.

There’s a certain percentage of white people this will actually work on, because they have a need to feel intelligent, moral, and sophisticated. They will thus internalize as truth what is marketed to them as what the intelligent, moral, and sophisticated white people understand. This will also be held in contrast to what the proles believe, whom they hold in contempt. If you require a frightening proof of concept on just how far these pretentious creatures are willing to go, look no further than the COVID injections.

Its therefore quite easy to convince them that Haiti is actually a nice place and any troubles it might be experiencing are the result of misfortunes imposed on Haitians. These same white people would believe that the crime and dysfunction in the black neighborhood they avoid is a result of socioeconomic factors.

None of this is a function of IQ. Thus, a white person with a rather low IQ but no pretensions is capable of understanding that the problems in that black neighborhood are the result of black people, which is why all black areas have the same problems, and realizes that if these same black people were stuck on an island and left largely to themselves, Haiti is what happens. None of those problems have anything to do with the gold Haiti paid to France two centuries ago, either.

There are also the white people with a higher IQ who notice obvious things and are capable of considering these things systemically. Many of us now realize that bringing Haiti to America is part of a set of actions being taken against our existence. In the very least, we all recognize that importing Haitians will cause serious problems of which we will never rid ourselves, just like the black people we already have. This is why we’re labeled the preeminent threat to America’s national security.

In other words, these two latter categories of white people can’t be fooled by manipulating their pretensions. This often causes the pretentious white people I first described to lose their minds in anger. This was a big component of Trump Derangement Syndrome back in 2016, pretentious white people working themselves into a fury at the proles for not being able to perceive the correct things about Donald Trump.

We can currently observe this phenomenon at work with the subject of Haitians. The principal issue with the Haitians is that when you flood people incapable of functioning in what’s left of our civilization into a particular municipality, this location is going to experience skyrocketing problems. This process is as sure as gravity. Just because Haiti isn’t literally a hole filled with shit like Donald Trump said back in 2018 doesn’t make Haitians compatible with America.

To these proper white people however, problematic Haitians are a debunked conspiracy theory. So, all of the media is going on nonstop with condescension about how it’s a debunked conspiracy theory that Haitians are causing problems in Ohio because Donald Trump repeated a baseless rumor that they were eating people’s pets.

Just like they’ve been doing since 2016, the pretentious keep repeating this line with exasperation thinking it should finally work on the proles, yet it doesn’t which clearly upsets them. The only thing the constant condescension achieves is to rile up the proles about the issue, which exasperates the pretentious even more. This part is hilarious because it’s as if they never learn and must keep themselves on the hamster wheel instead. These creatures deserve to suffer, and I think it’s funny.

Deriding something that is actually happening as a debunked conspiracy theory is the standard initial information management tool of our power structure. Like I said, to be fair there’s no good way to deny something that’s obviously true. Still, one would think they’d be more creative than repeating the same tactic that never works over and over again. To be honest, I can’t come up with a better tactic for them to attempt.

The sad part is that there are a series of other tools that get applied to these situations which aren’t known to the public. For example, a federal task force descends on the victims and public officials when atrocities are committed by migrants in a particular municipality. I’m not sure exactly what gets said to them, but it’s reasonable to expect that a set of incentives and consequences are implied. I’d imagine the incentives are for the politicians and officials while the consequences are for the victims.

At least he didn’t talk about the great food like Mollie Tibbits’ father.

This man’s comments on his murdered son are both incredible and disturbing but they should be understood in this context. From what I’ve heard, he received a visit from the Feds. Whenever there’s a situation like a city in Ohio with 58,000 residents suddenly receiving around 20,000 Haitians, in the background are various federal agencies and NGOs facilitating and managing the operation. This also applies to the information space.

They’re also at work when it comes to potential jobs and government services. This is how Haitians can be depicted as doing jobs the local residents are too lazy to consider. In reality, the local residents don’t even know about these jobs because an NGO gets ahead of them in connecting the migrants with employment. At a macro level, this is how most of the job growth in America goes to immigrants. The same thing goes for housing and other benefits.

The Haitians can’t wreck Ohio on their own. Under that scenario, at best they might be able to drift over to Florida where in a sane America they’d be detained for deportation. Behind the scenes, there’s an enormous, coordinated effort to get them to Ohio and then ensconce them in the community just as there is to feed them in Haiti so they can reproduce and come to America. They can’t do that on their own, either.

Indeed, the biggest lie that Americans are expected to believe about these situations is that they happen spontaneously as if a need arose in the economy or something which somehow attracted a bunch of migrants to a particular municipality. I suppose the upside is that there’s no way to keep a lid on migration of this proportion to a particular place. What we’re seeing in Ohio happens in Europe and the governments over there can’t erase the outrage.

Of course, outrage doesn’t get Western governments to change their course of action on migration so expect this to keep happening and prepare to be living in a Third World country. I’ve been to a bunch, and lemme tell ya, it’ll be quite the adjustment for the average American.


  1. Every Monday Morning Comes! Suede aka The London suede!

    B sides Life’s Matter!

    Rock on Dixie in The Anglosphere!

    God Bless Dixie!

  2. One of the many things that I’ve noticed about all this is how MSM and pols are taking eyewitness testimony from people who sound like me (Appalachian) and simply declaring that it’s not evidence. Eyewitness testimony is usually considered evidence, but not here. Why? Because the witnesses look and sound like me? Or because we don’t actually exist? What?!

  3. I love Mr Schakleford’s writing!

    And, these nice white Normies are too nice to start the pew pew that needs to happen to these turd Worlders after ONE warning to get off the lawn.
    But then, the conspiracy would come in and eliminate or harass the good Normies.

    I recommend to all here (incl the venerable Mr Shackleford) the website AmericanStasi.com

    This conspiracybisncooredianted.
    The man who made the statement about wishing his son was killed by another white, made the statement clearly under duress. The conspiracy probably threatened his whole family.
    No sane person would make a statement like this.
    We know it’s orchestrated, but AmericanStasi.com shows that it’s orchestrated to a level and degree that we all must wrap our minds around.
    Just food for though.

  4. Man, Shack is on fire! Folks, if you didn’t know already, here’s how you can tell something is indisputably true: whenever the media claims it is, “debunked… baseless… a conspiracy theory… antisemitic….”

  5. RT is being sanctioned in the West for being “a tool of the Russian state”. OK….

    So what if RT is an organ of the state? So are every major (and many smaller) Western news outlets. Hell, even Taylor Swift has been co-opted as a propaganda tool by the Cabal. The difference is that folks who are sick of all the lies from on high, and who comment at RT (and there are a great many) are not allowed to air their views on a fair basis in Western msm outlets. I have some experience there. You may too.

    So, I think the comments in the comments sections at RT are the *real* reason for the sanctions. Not RT itself.

    1. RT has had guests no MSM outlet would touch. An example is Ken O’Keefe. Of course, that’s not to say they haven’t caught up with them by now. That was several years ago.

  6. I want to thank the Writer here with letting me post about Art, the only Site to chicken out so far has been Infostomer, Anglin Don’t mess with Taylor Swift!

    Not Wise to mess with women!

    God bless Dixie! Thanks stay safe!

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