“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
Eric Hoffer
Big Pro-life is threatening to walk away from Trump. If they can successfully get their followers to in fact do this, Trump would lose not just because of their absent votes but because the system will have the perfect cover to robustly manipulate results and blame the missing votes on the pro-lifers not showing up.
The aspiring potentates at the head of Big Pro-life orgs believe they can exert enough pressure to get Trump and the GOP to be more strident and uncompromising on pro-life issues. Given the nature of the political debate and the courting of the single woman vote, this is doubtful to be successful and begs the question if Trump calls their bluff will they in fact encourage their single-issue base to stay home in protest. Very possible. If so, then not only will the Evil party win but Big Pro-life and the movement itself will rightly be responsible for a disaster.
As a single-issue movement in the final act of the American experiment, it is time to question whether its purpose (and certainly its strategy) has run its course and deserves our support, financially and emotionally.
“A Nation that kills its own children has no future”
I am radically pro-life and have done the freezing late January march in D.C. countless times, usually with busloads of kids and fellow church members. I’ve given significant time, treasure, and years of professional attention to the movement. I have blown up more than a few relationships, including extended family over the defense of life.
I believe Mother Teresa’s observation is disturbingly accurate, that, “The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child… murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?”
Like the Babylonian Captivity, I am also increasingly of the belief that we have already been judged because we’ve allowed millions of babies to be killed. The sentence is being carried out through endless waves of aliens invading our homeland. The sentence is being carried out by the tyranny of the trannies and mandated celebration of perversions and evilness everywhere in our lives. The sentence is being fulfilled with an emasculated population allowing a Godless State to penetrate and dictate the minutiae of our lives. As G. K. Chesterton put it, “When men choose not to obey the big laws, they do not become free. They become slaves to the small laws.”
Yes, we are at war with Principalities and Powers, but we are also called to be wise and prudent and Big Pro-life’s line in the sand is imprudent and stupid given the clear nature of the unfolding existential fight and having even the dimmest hope of having one more chance to get control of power before shooting becomes necessary.
In no way do I endorse the degenerate Andrew Tate. His comment here is crass and so off-putting that it obscures a salient point intelligent people need to soberly engage with:
As already noted, God will judge both the individual and the nation that delights in the blood of the innocent and I believe we are being judged now. On a temporal level, however, the legal and political system the pro-life movement depends on to “change things” is all but gone. Giving absolute victory and permanent control to the Enemy will make any effort to defend life not only impossible but illegal…in the extreme.
The fight we have is one of immediate survival. We need to put the oxygen mask on before we can save others. It is tragic and sad, but that is the truth. It is neither righteous nor holy to take the moral high road of the single-issue position being pushed by Big Pro-life right now.
The Pro-Life Racket
The Eric Hoffer quote opening this article needs to be taken seriously.
I support and will continue to support local (as in my community) crisis pregnancy centers.
I also believe that our personal witnessing to the sanctity and dignity of life is an obligation we all have. There are people who somehow aren’t aware of what abortion actually is and how basic human biology works. When these people become aware, they are horrified and can change their mind. But, like spreading the Gospel, it is most effective when it is intimate. The problem is they are a small percentage of the population and don’t warrant the carpet-bombing strategy of Big Pro-life.
With the overturning of Roe the national level discussion that was focused on basic awareness and sweeping policy changes shifted to the very local and state levels, leaving the appeals and missions of national level pro-life organizations stuck in no-man’s land. That’s very bad for business.
The top tier organizations are led by overly charismatic women who, until Roe, were successfully leveraging their voice in the political arena to become influencers with regular invites to events, rallies, and podcasts well outside pro-life circles. Their chastising of Trump is uncomfortable to watch because their pro-life rhetoric feels increasingly boilerplate and seems desperate for all the wrong reasons.
My beef with Big Pro-life goes beyond the motivations of its leadership and is the same I have with Big Conservative, it has become an industry with a very questionable ROI.
Not including local crisis pregnancy centers, which do tangible things every day, there are roughly 850 pro-life organizations in the United States. Combined, they employ nearly 4,000 people, and earn more than $433 million in revenue each year.
Just one example is Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America which alone is a $23M organization with a C-suite earning salaries close to 200K a person. They also have a separate foundation with almost $10M in revenue.
There are many more multi-million dollar pro-life orgs all doing the same thing, getting very well-paid, striving to become celebrities, and basically shouting into the wind. Their mission statements are soaring and noble but they exist with the same growth and funding objectives of any business.
While this article could easily turn into a critical and bitter look at the sham of the entire non-profit sector, I will refrain and encourage you instead to look very closely at who you send your donation dollars to. 990 forms are publicly available. Take a look at their revenue and how well-paid their leadership is.
There are certainly very worthwhile causes, but there is a financial tipping point they all reach where it would be wise to look seriously at the impact they have once their mission becomes big business. The lure of even second-string political power is strong and with it comes compromise and grift.
Supporting Life in the Extreme
It is outrageous that child killing has become an industry supported by governments and our institutions. It is not possible for a moral person to feel anything but fury and sadness. The solution should be as radical as the solution to our imminent demographic death: mass deportation driven by massive armed and aggressive citizen uprising. How abortionists should obviously be dealt with is only restrained by prudence: me going to jail doesn’t solve the problem and would leave my family abandoned.
Seizing power at the State or regional level needs to mean those that disagree are forced into compliance. There is no middle ground. How can there be? These are irreconcilable differences and pretending that compromised solutions are possible or lasting is not acceptable. This is and will always be about achieving power, purging, and rebuilding.
I’m cynical for so many reasons of “too organized” non-profits, but see the no compromise fervor and advocacy of organizations like Free the State and the New abolitionists (https://freethestates.org/) as being basically right. Even so, and returning where we started, I can’t help but accept that this issue is subordinate to stopping what is clearly the last play in the game. Slowing, if not stopping, the plainly stated agenda of the Enemy must take precedence. It is the oxygen mask analogy writ large. If you can’t stop Hector and Commacho from taking over apartment complexes, there is zero chance you’re saving any baby.
The Rusty Orange Sword
Any chance of enforcing a moral order means first stopping the unmasked face of an opposition that demands your destruction and eradication.
You’re alone on a path, an enemy approaches. You happen to see a rusted and chipped sword on the ground. Do you pick it up and fight, or pine for the perfect blade?
Trump is far away from an ideal champion, but he is the rusty weapon, Boomer Yankee and all, that we need to pick up. Big Pro-life needs to understand this.

‘Cause down in Alabama, you can run, but you sure can’t hide.
Abortion aside, your choices are right wing Zionism or left wing Zionism.
Choice wisely, it’s actually starting to look like left wing Zionism might be better considering Trump can’t stop campaigning on Israel.
I have a southern son that just turned 18. I don’t want him drafted to fight a war for Trumps donors (Adelson).
What a ridiculous article. Let’s bend on killing babies so that we can pretend voting is a real thing and vote in someone who’s supposedly our savior, a person that has shown time and again that’s he’s nothing more than a tiny hat puppet, no different than any other puppet “left” or “right.” When the hell will you people wake the eff up????? I mean, seriously.
There is a substantial amount of critique in the article. In no way is bending a knee advocated. Big Pro-Life are the ones who failed to hold politicians actually accountable for two generations… and that was when there was arguably enough social and political leverage to make changes. They protected paychecks and being flattered at being invited to the porch of the big house, but never got to go inside. And they keep waiting and keep growing their business. Trump will very likely fail us if he gets in. However if there’s even 1% chance he begins deporting the millions who need to go, the only issue at all that matters, you have to take the chance at getting even temporary power back. There is no way the pro-life movement will ever win another victory, even at the state level, if we lose…or worse yet walk of the field thinking our vote doesn’t matter right now. Do what you will though. We’ve already been judged as a nation, personally I’m concerned about saving my own soul now and being held accountable for what I did…and didn’t do.
Oh, so yet again, it’s “Let’s cuck on some important issue. Maybe that will lead us to victory somehow”.
Yeah, let me know what that ever actually works.