There was an article on Lew Rockwell this morning that I agree in part with but not wholly. If I read it correctly, it said that problems with the public schools began with the advent of sex education in schools. I have to admit that sex education in public schools was a major problem. In a normal world such a subject wouldn’t belong in public schools, but the world we live in has not been normal for a long time.
Try to look at it this way. In a normal, free country, you would not have a government education system that compelled attendance. That’s what the public schools do for 180 days each year. If you don’t “educate” your kids somewhere for that number of days per year, you have problems. You may, at this point, be able to teach them at home or in a private school, but it has not always been so. Over the years some kids in some states have been removed from their homes for being homeschooled.
Over the years there were those that went to court to protect the rights of private schoolers and they won some important victories. But always remember this–what the government can giveth, the government can also taketh away. Today’s victory can be tomorrow’s defeat if you don’t constantly keep your eyes open. In a truly free country we would not have to worry about that.
We’ve had public (really government) schools in this country since the 1830s in the North. The Southerners had more sense than to force this on their states until they were forced to in the “reconstruction” after the War of Northern Aggression. In our day, however, the South has embraced public schools in a most alarming fashion. More’s the pity!
It seems as if the South is suddenly in a huge hurry to dispense with its heritage and history, because that’s what the public schools are doing–dispensing with the South’s history and heritage. It may take some awhile to figure this out. but that’s where all this anti-South propaganda is going. Your history will be rewritten by those in the teacher’s unions that seek to make Marxist revolutionaries out of your kids. Some teachers have actually said said as much!
You have only one solution to this situation. That is to take your kids and secede (withdraw) from the public schools–and stay out! The public schools have been headed in this direction since the 1830s and they are not about to change now. They will not be reformed and can only be separated from. For the sake of your kids’ souls, this is what you need to do.
– Al Benson Jr.

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Thanks, Mr Benson. My wife and I have been teaching our children at home since 1998….we still have four children under our roof. We wouldn’t consider sending them to a public school cesspool.
Another excellent essay at this weekend: The American Way of War – by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, who has authored many fine books, including ‘Lincoln Unmasked.’
Ach, what would all the two income wage slaves do without the state baby sitting their unteachable, booger faced brats? Yes, the road to hell begins with a single step. L’Chaim!
Good piece,I concur.Jewish control of our forced education system is the death of our culture and race.It is one of their many tools to destroy those made in the Lord’s image.Allowing the murderers of Christ to control education,media,entertainment etc can only bring a hasty end to our race.Only the utter defeat of the Jewish Beast will save us.Father we need answers,we need your guidance and we need your help.The Jewish demons and their father the Devil have done horrible and profane damage to our Christian Saxon people.God’s will be done and may the enemies of the Cross burn in eternal Hell fire.They surely will.God bless all here in good faith.Christ is Master and Saviour.