The Olympics & The Girl Power That Wasn’t

As a father to many daughters, I have watched the incremental increase of girl power narratives over the decades. What began as tough females looking to fit in with male partners in the early 90s became female physical supremacy in film by the mid 2010s. No longer are women depicted as feisty characters. They are now the “girl boss” (often with a wimpy male counterpart) who routinely beats up men. For at least two decades, girls have been taught an unrealistic understanding of physical capacity and biology. “Girls can be just as strong as men…” The fact is, they cannot. By God-given design, women are physically weaker than men, and the Olympics are proving this reality on a global stage.

I blame the global “Girl Power”/Gender Equality craze for the reason that biological females are getting pummeled by an Algerian “man-woman” named Imane Khelif in Olympic boxing. Women believed the lie that they could compete with men in physical trials. Correspondingly, when males began entering female athletic competitions dressed as women, naive women supported their inclusion. Whereas normal people knew this was a bad idea, the introduction of biological males has decimated female sports and yet, women activists still support trans-athletes. (Khelif is supposedly not trans, but some kind of hormonal mutant).

At issue, in my opinion, is that we now have a trap of societal design. It is no longer about transgenderism or transgender inclusivity. It is now a direct confrontation between ideological feminism and physiological truth. If women begin to take measures to exclude biological males from sports, they will be admitting that biological males are physically superior to women. Anyone with daughters or half a brain knows this irrefutable fact. But such a step would destroy the girl power mythology that social engineers have constructed for three decades. An exclusion is an admission that they were wrong.

Inevitably, every time I have said females are physically weaker than males, I get one of two responses: (A) a female athlete/body builder is stronger than most men and/or (B) someone knew some girl who beat up some boy. These logical fallacies are predicated on outliers and inconsistent comparisons. Yes, a female body builder may be stronger than most men (which men?) – but she will never be stronger than a male body builder. Meanwhile, it is possible that an average female can beat up an average male, but such an occurrence says more about him than her. Either he refused to hit a girl (good guy) or he happened to be a pathetic weakling. Either way, these outliers do not disprove physiological limitations. Those limitations have been on full display in swimming pools, boxing rings, and running tracks around the world.

All of this gets back to the “Equality Myth.” Women are not – nor ever will be – equal to men. They are simply different. They are not designed by God to be the same. The two immutable sexes are built to complement one another, not compete. A major factor in the feminist equality narrative is part of a broader Cultural Marxist war on the family and God. “Women don’t need men… we are equal… we are just as tough…” The end results of female equality narratives are ever expanding populations of older single women and reduced birth rates.

None of what I am stating is a license to mistreat or abuse women. In fact, it is the opposite. We – men and women – should simply recognize our differences and work together as couples, parents, spouses, grandparents, etc., to support enduring partnerships. That can begin with discarding girl power imagery and entertainment. It is time for women to get back to recognizing reality (and the kitchen).


  1. Good article sir! Our own Benjamin Morgan Palmer expresses the scriptural view beautifully:

    “No man ever loves one of his own sex, and no woman one of hers, with the precise regard either feels for the other. There is a peculiar quality in the affections when it is interchanged, which nothing will explain but the difference of sex. p. 60. The husband’s love is thoroughly masculine … befitting his station as the HEAD. The wife’s love is as thoroughly feminine … gentle, responsive, confiding — finding its best expression in a yielding subordination. The two are reciprocal and complementary. p. 61. In her cordial submission of will, carrying with it the free coalescence of her own individuality with that of another, she becomes the first exponent of the mighty principle by which, through grace, sinful man is restored to fellowship with God. … It is a wonderful privilege afforded to her who “being deceived, was in the transgression,” to be called thus openly to assert and illustrate the spontaneous loyalty of a will that perfectly blends with the authority which directs it. Such a mission is immeasurably grander in its proportions, and sweeter in its beneficence, than all the usurped dignities of the unsexed sisterhood who aspire, contrary to nature, to be the competitor and rival of man, rather than his counterpart and helpmeet.” pp. 64-5.

    Benjamin Morgan Palmer, ‘The Family in its Civil and Churchly Aspects’

    Incidentally, the Fuehrer also understood and supported God-assigned gender roles:

    “It may perhaps be said that the woman’s is a smaller world. … No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man’s world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other; they belong together just as man and woman belong together. … It is not true, as Jewish intellectuals assert, that respect depends on the overlapping of the spheres of activity of the sexes; this respect demands that neither sex should try to do that which belongs to the sphere of the other.”

    Adolf Hitler, September 1934

  2. Well said Padraig.I’ve known that the whole feminism madness was the work of Jews bent on destroying the correct and natural order as God intended.It is simply meant to destroy relations between White males and females and bring about a Satanic Jewish one race one world government.I notice that on TV programs on foreign spouses that White women always tell the foreign men that they understand that in their culture women obey the men but in America(or any other White country)we are all equal.So the Jews games is quite easy to see:White women can be submissive(which is natural)to any mud man but not their own White men.Perhaps a lot of this is TV manipulation but I have no doubt many of the White Eve’s think that way.Which in turn makes me think why should I defend or care anything about White women who show very little loyalty to their race or men.I know for sure that as long as Jews control TV,media,internet,education etc there is zero chance for a return to the correct way which people followed for all of time until very recently.As far as the boxing etc I must admit my feeling is knock those bitches into oblivion.I think so called conservatives who rush to the feminists defense are either dupes or paid shills.God bless you and I am so glad to be reading your wisdom.Take care.

  3. The equality mythology always relied upon two things: lies and emotional pandering.

    That we are finally reaching some end-state where both are being broken over the logical progression of an appeal to emotional investments in lies is merely one of many such cases in which the slippery slope ends in the absurd, brutal mockery of truth that is just too awkward to ignore.

    A long time ago there were outlier girls who insisted on being like boys. Tomboys, farmgirls, urban toughnecks and just some plucky suburban ponytail with a want for playing rough with her brothers.

    This was fine and natural on some level, but for the social engineers who harnessed the fringe discontent and hitched it to the ‘movement’ of equality/fairness.

    It just wasn’t fair that a girl can’t be on the boys wrestling team or that she should have to play softball and not baseball, girlscouts and not boy scouts, etc. Soy boy spaces were opened up. These incursions were celebrated as progress that, while awkward at first, would certainly lead to more equality down the road.

    We are down the road.

    And so this want, coupled with the lie of equality, yoked to the downhill cart of fairness as defined by one’s feelings, the want of girls was liberated from what was left of rational thought. We must never tell an American girl “no”.

    Same goes for the fags. Who have been in boys locker rooms long before some tucker was squatting in the girls room.

    The result has been decades of zero-sum and handicapping of boys, special conditions for women, and the elimination of free-association of men; the methodical dismantling of male spaces and institutions to the point where to even desire such was deemed “hateful”.

    Institutionalized abuses of equality as in TitleIX codified the pursuit.

    The great leveling demanded some arbitrary metrics of equality that ignored the reality of the nature of the two sexes, particularly in terms of want and ability. Evidence of lack of want in girls was treated just like the racial nonsense; it was a function of a lack of opportunity and cultural support. So they solved a problem that did not exist. Sound familar?

    The primary assumption that girls desire to play physical sports just as much as boys and thus resources must be allocated accordingly was the anvil of progress. Everything became a hammer.

    The result was that a football team of 60 young men meant that there must be seats for 60 young women in some other sports. When this was not possible, then other male sports were defunded and eliminated. So goes for scholarships and other funding mechanisms.

    We destroyed boys to make way for fairness, we eliminated natural outlets for male comradery in favor of moar free options for female self-expression. Like so much of the cultural decline we opted to produce female optionality at the cost of male necessity.

    To pursue to the omelet of equality we had to break a lot of boy eggs.

    Nobody talks about these mutant boys ruining girlsport from the perspective of how and why our culture is producing broken boys. Colleges are 60% female. There are 200 womens D1 swimming programs. There are 143 mens. Nobody saw this coming?

    The “gender war” of the 70’s is over. We all lost. Just like the “culture war”.

    Our side of the divide is greatly diminished by not matriculating boys into men with healthy kinetic institutions to harness and direct our innate desire to compete, cooperate, fight, and find our level among our own, to train and strive and endure discomfort, to know what it is like to make brothers in this process, even if it is just some silly larp of ancient combat.

    To be the physical beings God intended takes practice.

    The time is near when men will have to marshal these innate drives once again for the survival of our people. I hope all these “conservative” men up in arms about strong girls eating the tail of the snake will be happy knowing that war has an equality of its own.

    But if the whole “aint nobody gonna draft my princess” blind spot is any indication, there will likely be a great leveling first. Those three-sport city lawer strong girls aren’t going to be in the foxholes. It will be the basement bois.

    Not to mention there is a massive deficit created by men having no idea what it means to be on a team, to unite under a shared objective, to subordinate one’s personal striving to that of the group. This is something rarely addressed. The opposition to globohomo and normie NPC is largely rogue individualists who have no experience cooperating unless it is in some transactional situation affording clear and direct short-term personal benefits.

    Luckily for western civ, apparently, we have plenty of girl boxers. Which also apparently, must now be saved by strong men kicking the asses of the girl men to white knight for strong girl sport. SMH.

  4. There would be NO global Grrl Power totalitarianism — and no trans-movements — without the requisite precedent of Feminism have been fully embraced by the U.S., and much of the West.

    Who enabled, funded and enforced Total Feminism in America? Well, that’d be the nation’s (endlessly) empowered daughters, along with the DADS of those seventy million daughters. They were happy to unleash their self-serving evil upon the nation’s sons, decade after foul decade. Now, I go to Breitbart or American Thinker or Gateway Pundit, and I find the daddies of daughters RAGING about the ‘unfairness’ and ‘injustice’ of men competing against women.

    The same persons that CREATED the Woke-Fem Politburo, now are outraged that the result of their backing Total Feminism for 5 decades is . . . trans-madness and every other form of celebrated evil.

    You boys and your precious princesses demanded a Feminist Nation, and now that you’ve got it, you want to blame somebody else for burning down your houses. When it was yourselves that poured the gas and lit the matches. No sympathy from me. Eat the whirlwind you have sown.

  5. Personally, I love the kitchen, but I know an insult when I read it.

    This is a critical issue. We are raising generations of women who despise themselves. Feminism has proven itself to be a trap, but too many of feminism’s opponents are just as bad as feminism. Insulting women wholesale is just as ugly as bitching about “toxic masculinity.” Both sides need to just stop it.

    We need some ideology or movement or something that says: Women are full human beings and are to be accorded the same dignity as men. Women are different from men and have a different set of weaknesses and strengths. Men simply cannot have babies and despite men’s greater brute strength, women have greater endurance. They have greater endurance in part in order to survive labor, which is aptly named and needs to enjoy MUCH greater respect just as a feat of physical strength.

    Men making stupid jokes about getting back in the kitchen make it sometimes awkward for me to do what I need to do in the kitchen. Other women start backing away when they see that I am, gasp! wearing an apron while canning tomatoes AND baking cornbread. I am woman, watch me sweat! The men, also and meanwhile, refuse to argue politics while I’m thus engaged. They say it’s on the grounds of mumble mumble something. I suspect it might just be that although men are good at withstanding the sweat of bailing hay, they just can’t stand the heat in the kitchen, so we’re good. I understand. They’re not as strong as me when it comes to kitchens. But if only the other women would get back in here with me!!!

  6. The Cabal is probably playing it for laughs at this point. We deserve it. Once upon a time the European world lauded the virtues of men. Now it embraces the vices of women.

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