Secularism is not in itself unbiased, nor does the removal of Christianity from the public sphere ensure neutrality. Instead, it simply replaces the God of the Universe with the secular state. Over time, in any country or people that adopts a secular state or constitution its people will follow and eventually the state itself will become like a god to them. It will dictate their morality, welfare, education, purpose, it will become the arbiter of truth and justice, and so on. What was the authority of God, the Church and the family will be handed over to the state. Atheism becomes the state-sponsored religion practiced in the classroom and across society. Without a Christian foundation or a higher law above the state, authoritarianism is sure to result in any secular society.
Totalitarians and atheists desire the state to be their higher power and replacement for God. But this god has no limitations on behavior, economics, and other regulations it seeks to impose. And in the eyes of its followers, the more involved it becomes, the better for society. It will seek to eradicate other gods or things that might pull authority away from itself. The family, traditions, the Church, etc.
Politicians prefer atheists for many reasons. One is that atheists are easily startled and frightened. Threats of global warming, viruses, terrorists, and so on will whip the secular masses into a frenzy, causing them to run to their high power, the state, for safety. Everywhere democracy is instituted, it promotes and teaches relativism, materialism, atheism, and immorality. It seeks to separate people from their family, traditions, religion, local laws, and customs to make it easier for a population to be molded to its image. Without a solid foundation, a secularist can be easily swayed, manipulated, altered, and driven in whatever direction is needed.
Politicians desire secularism because it removes limitations, restraints, and higher law. They can then reshape and reimagine society as they desire. If they want to destroy the family for their convenience and power, they can. They want their media pundit allies and state-sponsored and certified educators to be the high priests and shapers of society’s moral values and thoughts, displacing pastors, priests, and rabbis. Across the world, Muslim countries produce a devout population desiring Sharia law, secular democracies produce secularists in love with democracy. Every government manipulates the worldview of its people to herd them as it desires.
No King but Christ
In a democratic society, those in authority do not prefer Christians with a biblical worldview. For example, throughout the Middle Ages, a nationwide tax would be unthinkable; when it was attempted, revolts began, houses were destroyed, agents murdered, and so on.
Devout Christians, whose highest lord is the king of kings, make for terrible slaves. They are not, as politicians wish, easily maneuverable, adaptable, and swayed. Further, they dare to hold to a higher authority than those in power. They even judge them by this highest authority that declares they have limited specified duties to serve the people and not vice versa. We, being multiple generations into democracy, have been domesticated beasts for so long we have become complacent, caged animals, impotent against the oppressor, not knowing what liberty is—or worse, afraid of it.
During the Middle Ages, law was derived from God and the people’s traditions and could not be manipulated or abused. So, the medieval peasant did not have to campaign, elect the correct politician, or worry about the next one coming in, because those in power had no right to violate the law; it was set in stone like the Ten Commandments. As I explain in my book, Missing Monarchy: What Americans Get Wrong About Monarchy, Democracy, Feudalism, And Liberty, during Christendom (700-1300 A.D), it was ingrained in the politics of the day that any man, lord, or king who overstepped his God-given authority was to be resisted by force or at least ignored by the entire society. To cooperate with a tyrant (a lord who gathered power to himself) would be itself treason against the law, and God.
Justice, law, liberty, etc. were derived from the eternal God and natural law and thus did not change based on who currently holds power. Defending law, liberty, and your rights was not an act of pride but a defense of God, who declared things to be so and was attacked by tyrants who sought to elevate themselves above God’s law and the limitations placed on them. You were not defending your rights in a modern political realm, but God in Heaven, declaring Him lord rather than a current human lord who has gone astray. Further, the eternal judge of nations looked down upon His people, and their obligation was to maintain a Christian realm. To allow tyrants to go above and beyond their limited roles to introduce paganism, atheism, or tyranny was sure to bring the wrath of God on His people, an extra incentive to resist tyrants.
In modern times, we have entirely changed our definitions of traitor and rebel based on blind obedience. Today, anyone who does not follow a federal declaration is a traitor or rebel. In the Middle Ages, any ruler who went outside of law and tradition was a rebel and traitor and was to be resisted by law. Thus, a medieval peasant would say the greatest outlaws in America were not those of the Old West but are its elected officials and judges of today.
What do you do with such people as existed in the Middle Ages? If you’re the government, how do you control them? Well, because the medievals were free men living before the domestication we have suffered, the Middle Ages must now be vilified, demonized, and misrepresented so none would ever think of replicating the period. If we were to imitate them today—all at once—we would overthrow the current power structures. They don’t want people to know of a time when the government and special interests did not micromanage their minds, lives, and fortunes. It was a devout Christian population during that period that maintained a Christian and libertarian society.
– By Jeb Smith
Jeb Smith is the author of Defending Dixie’s Land: What Every American Should Know About The South And The Civil War (written under the name Isaac. C. Bishop) and Missing Monarchy: What Americans Get Wrong About Monarchy, Democracy, Feudalism, And Liberty. You can contact him at

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
In the most recent issue of TBR there’s an excellent article on “Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages” by Antonius Patrick. It’s a sort of review of the work by Fritz Kern of the same title. It definitely has prompted me to want to read Prof. Kern’s book! Your article points out many of the same ramifications of the same false doctrines we’ve all been weaned on! You and I seem to be on the same page.
That is wonderful to hear! Yes Kern has influenced me as well and I highly recommend his work. I quote and cite him multiple times in my book.
People forget that “Separation of Church and State” appears nowhere in the Constitution. It comes from a private letter from Thomas Jefferson. “Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion” merely means the Cavaliers were not permitted to make “the Church of America” under the Anglican tradition. This was meant to keep the English Civil War from breaking out again in the American continent between the Congregationalist Roundheads and the Southern Cavaliers. So much for that.
Speaking of roundheads in New England, at the time of the signing of the Constitution and well past its adoption, they HAD state churches. The official state church of New England was the Congregationalist Church (Calvinist Presbyterianism). Anybody who wants to maintain the myth that Americans have forever opposed an official denomination, much less religion, as the default in America has to ignore this horrifically inconvenient fact.
People make a lot of noise about how the founders were Deists, masons, and hardly devout Christians. Even if that were true, it wouldn’t diminish the piety and faith of the God-fearing men and women who built this nation. America is its people, and up until the 60’s, it was unabashedly Christian. God-willing, we will be again.
I live in Vermont, and it is still in our Constitution for elected officials to swear that they believe in Jesus Christ and that they think the Old and New Testaments were divine instead!
No one does it, of course.
This witches brew we’re in was mixed in Holland as far as im concerned. Charles R. Boxer in his book ‘The Dutch seaborne
Empire’ explains the supremacy of the state over all the newly founded Christian religions, making the Calvinist the only recognized one in the Dutch republic. The author calls them Calvinist puritans and speaks well of them.
More to your point, my family lived on Oahu Hawaii for some generations, and they witnessed a fairly big cross put up on the top of punch bowl crater in Honolulu, where the veterans memorial cemetery lies. RIP to all those men and woman.
The cross got taken down shortly after it went up, by the communist I have read. I’m no fan of the Yankee north, but that Cross might have been put up by some Christian power from there?
America would have been blessed to high heaven with a righteous Anglican church in my opinion.
God Bless you Sir.
I may add, the Cross that adorned the dorment volcano had a perpetual flame about a half mile away or so. When you’d look through the flame sighted in by 2 rows of palm trees on either side, you would see the cross. It is located across the street from the Hawaiian capital building.
You could easily see the perpetual flame and dorment valcano by searching WW2 perpetual flame veterans memorial cemetery punch bowl. Hawaii. Sounds like a Southerner did it, now that i think about it.
God Bless you all
To be blunt, Christanity has never had much of a hold on the hearts, minds and souls of people. Even during the so-called “age of faith”. To their credit though, the idea of “Judeo-Christianity” would have been an intolerable oxymoron to Christians of long ago.
There have been notable exceptions though. God did a mighty work in the Confederate armies during the WBTS. Good sources are “The Great Revival in the Southern Armies” by W.W. Bennett and “Christ in the Camp” by J. William Jones. I agree with you though that “strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Great comments per usual German Confederate.
I just uncovered some interesting facts about the Germans in Holland, the author up above in the book i mentioned called them protestant dissenters, when Holland through off the Holy Roman power and created the first secular state, a lot of Dutch labor went on strike, to remedy that they opened the borders to European labor, the Germans came in in number. They were protestants from northern Germany and were barely tolerated by the authorities, while Catholics were being hunted and killed. You have schooled me in the past about the German Marxist in the U.S, according to the author those Germans became communist. The Jews expelled from Iberia found a happy home in Holland, making Amsterdam their base of operations, I wonder if they got control of them somehow?
I thought I would mention that to you.
The Iberians who kicked out the Jews were very passionate about Jesus Christ and his kingdom on earth, not to forget the centuries of persecution the Irish faced for their faith. They were called Nazis during WW2 for not fighting, I got a book with all that printed propaganda against them. I’ll try to get you the title.
I left a comment at I don’t know if that will link.
God Bless you Sir.
I’m always interested in learning more history about Holland since many of my own ancestors were Frisian. Sadly, many Jews (from what I’ve read) found sanctuary in Holland after being expelled from other countries. And yes, Amsterdam became their financial center. It was from there that Cromwell re-invited them back into Britain (huge mistake!). You can read a great deal about the repercussions of that decision in Veronica Clark’s “Warwolves of the Iron Cross, Albion and Zion United” — if you can find a copy! A friend loaned me his copy to read, but I’ve been unable to locate one of my own.
Thank you for that reply German Confederate.
It makes more sense why King John the fourth of Portugal sold out to the new economic powers that ended the reconquista. 1648 AD.
I may add, Peter the great of Russia went to Amsterdam and learned the tricks of the trade, no pun intended, and went back to Russia and built the trading center of St. Petersburg on stolen land (tidal mud flats) from Finland. Around 1700 AD.
Thank you again, God Bless you and God Bless the Southland.
I have heard some refer to the Confederacy as the last bulwark of Christendom, and I think it is accurate.
On this continent, yes. By the way, you may be interested also in reading Richard Walther Darre’s “A New Nobility of Blood and Soil” … if you haven’t already. It’s available from Antelope Hill Publishing.
Amen! Yes it was and we are still the Bible Belt for now. Both of your books are in my Amazon cart and next up on my list. Great article!
Thank you for the support Rusty! Feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have.