From Fiction to Fact

A significant percentage of the men born the same year as Joe Biden are already dead. Unfortunately, going senile is something that often happens to those who reach the age of 81. It’s not implausible that a man of this age would be having cognitive problems. In fact, it’s quite possible.

However, if this man was President Biden, who spent years speaking incoherently and walking around confused on national television, his cognitive decline was a conspiracy theory until last week. His deteriorating condition was obvious to any observer, but this may have led to you being dismissed as a conspiracy theorist for commenting on the subject.

Now that everyone suddenly acknowledges that he’s senile, be pleased to discover that you’re no more credible with anyone who dismissed you as a conspiracy theorist for pointing out this obvious thing than you were before. What was fiction is now fact, and that’s all there is to it.

How many of your friends or family characterized you as idiotic or insane for refusing the COVID injections? Now that they’ve been totally discredited, are you any less of a nutjob in their estimation? I’m certainly not. It was completely obvious that what was, at worst, the flu and was not a justification for mandating experimental genetic injections, for which no valid data existed to prove they were even safe. Nobody talks about it anymore.

Likewise, nobody talks about Iraq or Afghanistan but was then assured the Russians would lose to the Ukrainians in a lopsided fashion that was comical in its severity while their economy collapsed. Now that this hasn’t happened, and clearly won’t happen, everyone who predicted this from the start is still on the fringe while the people who turned out to be dead wrong are still providing their commentary on mainstream platforms while their consumers are undeterred by them getting things consistently incorrect.

One is tempted to assume that the combination of making a correct evaluation of a situation, while providing evidence and a rationale for this evaluation, would make you credible with anybody once the reality of the situation is acknowledged to match what you explained to them. Unfortunately, it’s only with certain people who are also likely to be dismissed as extremists, idiots, or lunatics like yourself.

Pointing out that you made a correct prediction based on facts is just going to piss off anyone who believed the lie. The anger is going to be directed at you and not themselves for getting conned. Has anyone who banned you from something for refusing the vaccination apologized?

The Biden senility saga comes as no surprise in light of the fact that the average person can be conned into having themselves injected with poison. COVID functioned as an unsettling proof of just how gullible they can be, so the Biden stuff is some fun political baseball to distract ourselves from the civilizational nightmare we’re living in.

There are still plenty of people to reach with the truth, which always makes the production of content in the dissident sphere worthwhile. The question is if enough of these people exist to affect some sort of civilizational U-Turn. We keep getting these reminders to not get our hopes up, so maybe all you’ll have is your personal satisfaction at being correct as the world burns around you.

Actually, everyone thought it was happening but then it didn’t happen.


  1. “The question is if enough of these people exist to affect some sort of civilizational U-Turn.”

    I read of a poll which said that 40% (4% I could understand) of the American people believe Kamala Harris would be a good president … so I have my doubts.

  2. COVID was really proof of why dictatorship is necessary and democracy worthless. The majority of people are dumb animals who will forever be led around by whatever a person in a position of authority or influence will tell them.

  3. If El Presidente biteme could claim he was a black woman, or he put together NATO, then I can say I am Francisco Franco, or Julius Caesar.

  4. “It’s like I said: you have to defeat those self defeating attitudes. And to uhhh… defeat self defeat you have to defeat it yourself.”

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