No, the “Far Right” Is Not Winning in European Elections

Yeah, yeah, yeah, supposedly the “far right” or even just “right-wing” parties have been winning in Europe. France, Germany, et al. We’ve all seen the news.

Americans and Europeans alike like to pretend that European political parties are different from ours because they have more of them, but their system is no different from ours. It is the same uniparty nonsense that exists here.

There is no left or a true Right within the traditional political party system. It’s not viable for them to exist there. If they did, they would get banned. Like Germany is likely to do with AfD if they step out of line.

Every once in a while, the elites excite the population by letting a more fringe element of the same uniparty get a few extra seats. It’s a tactic to dull the masses. Let off some steam, if you will.

The process by fringe politicians of the uniparty is literally the same song and dance every single time. Just start watching out for it:

  • Step 1: Loudly proclaim the fringe belief.
  • Step 2: Quietly proclaim the fringe belief.
  • Step 3: Argue that you can’t actually do the fringe belief.
  • Step 4: Quietly endorse the opposite of the fringe belief.
  • Step 5: Openly proclaim the mainstream narrative / condemn the fringe belief.

Just look at Trump and his immigration discourse over time:

The exact same thing happened with Giorgia Meloni. She is now also actively calling for more immigrants, after being elected solely on her stance of zero immigrants.

You could take this above template and apply it to any political position of a so-called “far right” political party.

Every politician has imaginary balls and testosterone pre-election, but gets neutered during their term, and then is lacking so many hormones for so long by post-term that they are practically a sissified leftist eunuch.

It’s just the way it goes.

Every single “far right” political party follows that same process:

  • Campaign For Years As Underdog -> Finally Win -> Immediately Cave On All Useful Positions.

They might actually keep some of their old positions, but only the ones that are truly insignificant in the eyes of the uniparty. Anything that would actually help us overcome this system is quickly and quietly abandoned.

Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, and all of these other uniparty stooges will do the same thing. Our people will spearhead them to the top so they can just lie to your face.

None of these fools is going to change Europe, just like Trump is not going to change anything here. We need people outside of the political parties for real change. Our actions in the system can only prolong the inevitable; never accomplish victory.

The true “far right” wants a new, better system; We are not interested in happily operating to our own advantage within the existing one. None of these parties are fighting for that, because they all benefit tremendously from the current system. Until strong men step outside of these bounds, we will forever be dealing with neutered uniparty stooges.

It’s not blackpilled to recognize this reality. It’s just the way it works. We can still win, but it won’t be through this kind of victory.

I don’t know how many times it has to be said, but we’re not going to win this thing by voting. Those of you hoping for that electoral victory are going to be forever disappointed.

EDIT: I was found right, already. I first drafted this article a week ago, and Marine Le Pen is already bending the knee before my publishing date for this piece even hit:

In break with its past, French far-right now supports Israel

In a break with its past, and with fresh legislative elections set for this weekend, France’s far right is now supporting Israel rather than being critical of it.

After being anti-Israel in its early years, the far-right party National Rally (RN), now under Marine Le Pen, who took the party helm in 2011, has changed its position radically.

The party won more than 30% of the vote in the June 9 European Parliament elections, a blow that led French President Emmanuel Macron to acknowledge his centrist bloc’s defeat, dissolve parliament, and announce snap elections, set to begin on Sunday and conclude a week later.

The announcement jolted France across the political spectrum.

The Israeli offensive on Gaza, which has claimed over 37,000 lives since last October, and the recognition of Palestinian statehood were among the top issues for the parties in this context.

Since its founding in 1972, the National Rally has been accused of using antisemitic language, and Marine Le Pen’s father, the party’s founding leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, was known for his criticism of Israeli attacks on Palestinians.

The elder politician went so far as to describe the Gaza Strip as a “concentration camp where people are deprived the chance to defend themselves” – an assessment many modern critics of Israel would tend to agree with.

In contrast, however, Marine Le Pen, argues that the National Rally has been in favor of the creation of a Jewish state throughout its history, calling it a longtime Zionist party.

Uniparty, uniparty, uniparty. A complete uniparty flip in a matter of days.

Just watch the process:

  • Campaign For Years As Underdog -> Finally Win -> Instantly Become Zionists

Congrats, French right-wingers. Your so-called “far right” political party in France was just re-defined as a “longtime Zionist party”.

Unbelievable. You really cannot make this **** up.


  1. We need a complete reboot, and a system failure is the most direct path. Fine article, as always.

  2. Exactly right. What is most frustrating is not watching the leftist death cult do what they do but to have to watch the already tiny cohort of Dixie Brothers fall into the same trappings of progressive incrementalism over and over again under slightly different banners and blowhards.

    For all intents, there is no “far right” or “conservative” movement, party, organization or other formal institution. There is only one moral authority, and it is not ours. One System, and it is not ours.

    Until ours is an authority – even within the walls of our own redoubts, there is nothing beyond the walls but economic opportunism, war profiteering, and running out the clock in various material and metaphysical bunkers.

    The only “right” or opposition at this point is on the other side of the fedpoast fence. Natures arbiter, if you will. The third box or whatever other meme you prefer. Indeed its not blackpill or defeatist to understand the landscape, stripped of our own version of pretty lies. Nor does it mean nothing can be done.

    But sadly many on our side do not find God – or even some other golden goat of universal morality to be enough and must put on a red hat, hoist some black/female/otherism totem, and/or build up some idol of yesteryear to hold their faith to the rail of this reality.

    Trump got “convicted of 6 million felonies” and *shockingly* raises millions for his campaign because the problem is Trump’s campaign not having enough money SMH.

    The awkwardness of our time is in this tween in which the comforts and pretty lies still on offer to the “right” in exchange for playing along with their death and taxes is too tempting even for everyman just trying to keep the lights on. See also: covid.

    The racisms, sexisms, and phobias that the social status reigns down on us has drawn a robust thoughtcrime and self-censoring mechanism that coupled with the aspirational economic achievement of strong independent daughters heard round the world means nobody is prepared to roll the clock back to the moral and social order required to pull start a new system.

    Now i gotta go watch some tradthot on tiktok film herself in her car saying the very same things we all have been saying for decades that my Real Patriot buddies send me because wow thats edgy and owning of the libs so hard that I will have that extra big beer at the mexican restaurant tonight. You know, the one next to the regional park where the Pride festival is this weekend.

  3. Politicians are meaningless theatre. Jewbanker $ runs all sides, every angle. No voting your way out of tyranny.

  4. Good analysis. Yup, it’s all just kayfabe anymore. We’re down to one political party in the western world today: the Jewish party.

  5. Very smart piece Kaisar.Meloni is a hag who completely betrayed everything she claimed to represent.Oh but she loves her Jews.Marine Le Pen is also a hag and a disgrace.She kicked her own father out of the party he created.She loves Jews and sexual deviants(fags).Her father is honorable and right thinking.She even changed the name of the party.The granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen seems to be much better.Her name is Marion Marechal and she’s quite good looking.But I believe she did marry a really swarthy looking Italian politician which is a mystery since she is good racial stock and extremely attractive and he looks like the typical Italian nigger.But back to your point:the system was set up to fool us and keep us from asserting our God given rights.Some people are fooled their whole lives endlessly supporting the very people scamming them.I agree with Father Dabney,this rotten entity needs to fall down.God will find a way for us if only we remain resolute and use the brain He gave us(which all of those here seem to be doing)Thank you and God bless you and all here in good faith.

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