Doing Something About It

A friend of mine remarked to me on the absurdity of the homosexual colored man in a dress on the White House lawn. She had just scrolled across the story on her phone. I shrugged and replied that this was our country. We already had a topless tranny on the same patch of grass. He’s what you realize that something is amiss around this national nightmare? But hey, at least she noticed.

At this point, I’m far less triggered by the things I notice than the fact that other people don’t seem to be noticing. The inescapable implication, that most of us will perish horrifically in the final collapse of America, I’ve basically made my peace with as well. It’s everybody else’s blindness that I find disconcerting.

Documentaries now made for Americans utilize footage shown for no more than a minute at a time interspliced with footage of someone being interviewed about the topic. Many different people are interviewed about whatever topic who don’t need to be interviewed at all.

The documentary could simply feature one contiguous piece of footage with a a single narrator who is never shown on camera. If you’re not retarded and possess an attention span long enough to learn anything of value, this is a superior format. Moreover, it’s really annoying to constantly have the screen switched.

I find this infuriating to the point of making outbursts at the TV set like my grandfather used to do quite often in his later years. I’ve had people remark that they didn’t even notice how this format is how all the shows are done nowadays. When I comment on the dystopian qualities of various commercials, I receive similar responses.

Thus, it’s not a surprise that the average American doesn’t fathom just how badly things are going. This would include most of my friends and family. They don’t seem to be on the same planet and yet here they are, I’m not sure about this physics of this phenomenon.

I take it for granted that everything will fall apart, but if you’d told me that a decade ago I’d have thought the notion to be rather fanciful. Still, back then they were saying that most of us would perish due to the melting of the polar ice caps. Some would presumably survive like the characters from Water World. I enjoyed that movie but have never worried about living out this scenario.

So, that was one thing but I didn’t realize that as the ice caps failed to melt and we all continued to prolong our existences on dry land that lunatics would start gluing themselves to busy roads and attacking priceless works of art to alert everyone of impending doom. Now they’re attacking sporting events.

These lunatics are just as convinced as myself that most of us are going to perish, but the difference is that they’re trying to save the world by trying to get everyone’s attention. I merely write articles on the internet to vent.

On the one hand, I think to myself that this was inevitable and is probably preferrable to them conducting actual terrorist attacks like Al Qaeda. On the other, they want everyone to be forced to stop using oil, gas, and coal by the government. This would lead to the collapse of society overnight. So, everyone would perish either way. There’s really no point to their campaign of soft terrorism. But where’s the fun in that?

I’ve realized the grim reality is that we all have to find our fun where we can, because hope ain’t to be had anymore. They’re not wrong about this part. What wacky stunt are they going to pull next?


  1. Hey I.D. Peeps–

    Is this Glickman dude “for real”?
    He seems more and more like a parody of himself (whoever that may be).

    I mean, we Jsut have to ignore the trolls, but the particular post by him is Jsut weird.

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