On August 5, 1914, one of the most significant events of the Great War occurred. It was not a major battle, but rather the cutting of undersea cables at the German port of Emden by the British ship Alert. From that point on, Germany lost its most important avenue to securely communicate outside of Europe, especially with the United States. This is important because very quickly the Allies launched a libelous campaign against Germany, one that accused her of violating the very basic assumptions of Christian morality and conduct during a war. Wild stories, such as allegations that German soldiers were playing a game of throwing Belgian infants into the air and attempting to catch them with their bayonets, or that Germans were crucifying kittens on church doors, or that Germans were intentionally using poison gas on civilians soon flooded the United States. Long before Germany lost the Great War, she lost the public relations war. It was only after the war’s end and more critical eyes were able to examine the actual evidence did these stories fall apart.
To be sure, there were some atrocities committed by the German military. It’s war – horrible things are bound to happen, hence why the teaching by the Christian Church that war should be used only as a last resort. It is also true that the American elites were predisposed to support the Triple Entente. The elites of the United States have traditionally been divided between Anglophiles and Francophiles – see the rivalry between the Anglophile John Adams and the Francophile Thomas Jefferson. It was a divide so deep it even split the individual nations that make up the United States. The Great War saw the unification of these two factions, with the American elites consolidating behind the Entente. At the time of the Great War, those that supported the Central Powers, like the Germans who wanted to see their Fatherland triumphant and the Irish who wished for their ancient enemy to be humiliated, were not powerful enough to push the United States into the direction of the Central Powers. But it remains true that the all-out character assassination of Germany played a major part in pushing the United States into the war.
Today, we very much live in a similar world as it was during the Great War – the flow of information has been greatly restricted and the elites are able to bend public will to suit their own needs. Those who they support are brave freedom fighters, while those who oppose them are evil. One of the primary areas this can be observed, and certainly one of the most relevant in light of current events, is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For years, we have received stories of nonviolent Jews trying to make peace with their evil and barbaric Muslim neighbors. The context of the horrible treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis is completely ignored. The Christian population of Palestine is rendered invisible. While their co-religionists in the United States praise “our greatest ally,” Palestinian Christians find themselves hated in their own land, being spat upon, being prevented from exercising their religion, having their cemeteries desecrated, and even being murdered. This is all being done by the very people whom many of their fellow Christians have turned their support of into a matter of dogma.
Nationalists face much of the same problems. Because our enemies control the flow of information, their propaganda dominates. The media is able to spin a very peculiar story – one of hate-filled White supremacists dreaming of murdering non-Whites against peace-loving newcomers who simply want to culturally enrich their new homes with a trendy restaurant. The reality is far different, and would create new nationalists, if it were allowed to be told. It is the dark side of immigration. It is a story of increased crime and lowered wages. It also comes down to one basic question: should Whites become minorities in their own homelands? There’s a reasonable answer to that question, but not to the most deranged, anti-White leftists; however, because of the control of information, it’s something that remains untold. Much like Germany in the Great War, nationalists can be defamed with total impunity and have no real way of fighting back. No matter how outlandish the propaganda is, it will be believed by a significant amount of the population because there is nothing to counter it.
This is where the internet comes in. The internet has, in essence, rebuilt the cables and allowed for the other side of the story to be told. Although shut out of the traditional media, thanks to the internet, the plight of Palestinians, particularly Palestinian Christians, can now be told. Thanks to the internet, nationalists can now show the world that we are far from Hollywood Nazi caricatures the media wishes to portray us as. And that is why the elites are so frantically trying to regulate it. After Unite the Right, the media painted the picture of peaceful anti-racists protesters against deranged Nazis out for blood. It is no coincidence that at that moment, the Old Wild West days of the internet ended in favor of the sanitized, regulated internet. Without a major crackdown, the other side of the story could be told and the regime narrative would fall apart. But, eventually, the internet worked around this, and the old behemoths went into decline with new fronts opening up. Globohomo was able to get Facebook and YouTube to play along. They cannot make Telegram, Gab, or TikTok do the same. This is why they went after Elon Musk – he allows non-approved ideas on Twitter (X), a platform that was once firmly in their control.
The desire to recut the cables is the reason for the TikTok ban attempts. I do not like TikTok and think it has utterly destroyed a generation of young White women. But, that is not why our overlords are trying to ban it. If that were the case, there are plenty of other platforms they would ban instead. Rather, TikTok is being targeted because they refuse to remove pro-Palestinian content and have created a generational revolt against the pro-Israel monopoly. Remember, even in the post-Wild West age, we have been able to make great strides now that cables have been rebuilt. The pro-Israel consensus is now over; it is just a matter of time before the younger generation takes over and U.S. policy changes. Israel knows this, and is now moving towards China. They know the days they can count on infinite American support are over. The next generation of Christians, even Evangelicals, no longer views support for Israel as a matter of dogma. Ideas like a second Dixian secession or the Great Replacement are no longer fringe ideas.
None of this would have been plausible ten or even five years ago, and the elites trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again is a fool’s errand. You can bet that the college student of 2024 will not forget being threatened with permanent unemployment for speaking out against genocide of the Palestinian people. You can bet that the young White man will not forget being threatened with debanking for thinking that Whites should not become a minority in their own land. Much like the honest historians who were able to examine the actual evidence against Germany after Versailles, a paradigm shift is underway.

Thirty plus years ago I knew an old woman. She’d been born in Germany and her family immigrated here when she was a young teen, before the Great War. And she still spoke with a detectable accent. She remembered WW1 well, and once told me about how her neighbors and classmates… overnight… turned on her and her family. Some would even spit on the sidewalk when passing by.
Propaganda is a very big stick.
Excellent.The internet has been brought to us by the Father so that truth about the Satan worshipping,Christ murdering Jews will spring forth.I have always been disgusted that so many Southern Christians adore those hook nosed demons.Are they just stupid to worship the very race of demons who destroyed our Southern culture and people?Yes they are.Especially the White female below 60 years(give or take a few years).As a rational White man created by our Lord,I have seen my whole life that it was the Jews destroying our South and people and just loving it.How can a 13 or 14 year old kid like I was see it but adults and other young people seemed either oblivious or sympathetic to our oppressors?My only answer is that our White race a few generations ago was seized by a demonic force,a force that caused them to reject their great race and defend the filthiest,shittiest races to ever curse this world.So we in the End Times and very few of us cling to Jesus,God and what Whites correctly believed and followed since the beginning of time.We are the last of the Great.We have character which is not corrupted by the Devil and his Jews(although we are still sinners needing Salvation bought by Jesus sacrifice and gift).I asked myself for years how it has come to this.And the Bible gives me the answer.It says a mongrel and demonic race will form a one world government and then Christ will return brighter than the sun and bring final victory(a victory already paid for by His precious blood).So I never give in because it is my duty.And I laugh at the White women and effeminate men who throw away their race and souls because they are nothing compared to our Glorious White race which held fast for thousands of years and loved God,Jesus and the Holy Ghost.The White race and the Jesus keys are all any of us need.Thank you for your efforts and God bless you.