Leftists are terrified of Christians enforcing a proper morality on society.
Yet, they seem to have missed the fact that our society already has a state-mandated religion, it’s just not a Christian one:

The leftist is not truly against a state-mandated religion/morality/worldview—They just don’t want it to be the True one.
For a society to exist, it must have a state-mandated morality. That morality is captured through the laws of the society. It’s the very cultural essence of a society.
Our leftist elites just pretend it does not exist, even though they are the priests of such a religion.
The anarchists, libertarians, and leftists do not like to admit it, but there is no escaping a state-enforced “religion”. We always have and always will have one. It is required for a state to exist.
We once used Christianity in this country. Now, we use the leftist egalitarian-Enlightenment religion.
There is no condition where a society exists without a consensual moral foundation built upon a system of belief. Call it what you want: Religion, Globohomo, or “philosophy”, I don’t care. It all serves the same function and acts as a religion for the masses. It becomes a religion to its adherents.
Thus, we can use the Christian religion, or we can use the leftist, BLM kneeling, homo-worshipping, white-person hating, one.
You choose.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at hiddendominion.com. Eph. 5:11.
Interestingly, the newly formed Confederacy faced this question in drafting their own Constitution. They included an acknowledgement of ‘Almighty God’ in their preamble, but passed on Thornwell’s proposal that there be added a specific acknowledgment of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The objection that it would have excluded non-Christians was answered aptly by Thornwell when he said that it wouldn’t entail unnecessary or unlawful persecution, but I think he went too far in saying he wouldn’t exclude a Jew from holding office so long as they do nothing inconsistent with the Christian religion. On that point, I’d have to side with von Bismarck.
Only the Church of Christ can best the Synagogue of Satan.