As advocates for the truth, we’ve got certain rhetorical factors working in our favor. One is the absurdity of the narratives, and the second is that these narratives are the best that servants of our evil system can employ in an attempt to placate public opinion. Moreover, it’s a task that eventually becomes impossible since this system abuses and exploits the public. By design, it produces bad results which keep getting worse.
For instance, the aviation industry is the opening stages of a safety crisis fueled by a combination of DEI policies and demographic decline. This is alarming and unprecedented.
What’s the solution? Trot out the furtive sodomite, who kidnapped twin newborn boys, to blame it on climate change. Apparently, around 50% of Americans believe that we’re all going to die as a result of climate change. That seems pretty high to me and sounds like more narrative propaganda, but far less than 50% of Americans could even label 25 of our 50 states on a blank map. So, maybe yeah. That would still leave half the country, though.
Skeptical Americans comprehend that the weather has been having adverse effects on human populations since as far back as these can be documented. Many are old enough to remember that the hoax began as global warming but then the polar icecaps didn’t melt, so it was switched to climate change. The new term can be applied to any weather condition, which is quite obvious.
This narrative would be more effective if it could be controlled so that only experts would be weighing in on things that the average person doesn’t understand, like the chemical composition of the atmosphere. The opacity would provide an element of plausibility.
Instead, everybody offers their two cents to boost the narrative. That’s how these outrageous narratives work and thus why they haven’t succeeded. Having idiots and self-righteous monsters harangue skeptics didn’t work with the COVID injections. A similar dynamic is at play with climate change.
The animus of the climate change narrative, just like all of the other narratives, is blatantly against white people, and white men in particular. The issue it runs into is that this is the segment of the American population most adept at various technical and scientific matters while also being capable of grasping that financial issues, such as rampant inflation, aren’t driven by climate change.
It’s also clear we’re being propagandized not to reproduce because we’re causing climate change while the West is flooded with dangerous, unproductive refuse under the pretext we’re not reproducing enough. Across the West, significant majorities of national populations want this flooding to stop to some degree with many desiring a complete halt. Nothing any politician says, except for promising to stop the flood, pleases these majorities but that’s not part of the narrative.
This system finds itself confronted with an inability to address existential problems. In fact, it causes these problems that disconcert Americans. If not by narrative, how are they going to be placated? During COVID, everyone was getting free money and exemptions from paying for things like rent. This option isn’t on the table anymore, supposedly due to inflation caused by climate change. Quality of life continues to decline as the problems escalate.
In other words, as the situation deteriorates its servants can only turn up the bullshit. That’s not a sustainable dynamic. Although, like I pointed out already, it at least makes pointing out the truth easier. While I sip my coffee in the mornings, I come across so much official absurdity that it’s tough to feel inspiration for lampooning it anymore.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Oy! Climate change is what’s making the Jews crazier than ever! The speeding up of atmospheric electrons is causing our sensitive brains to whirl wildly out of control; and we’re trying to push through agendas that normally take years to advance in a few months time, if that. This could go wrong if we’re caught.
I will add that many of us can remember when this hoax actually started as global cooling hysteria back in the 70’s. As a kid I remember all kinds of science books and magazines going all Chicken Little about the planet cooling. Once they switched over to warming it was clear to any thinking person that this is a scam to fit what rational people call “weather”. Although FWIW it would be much much more dire if the globe was actually cooling to ice age proportions rather than heating up.