Over the past several months, and especially since she was fired by Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens has been on a bit of a crusade, posting about some of the most taboo subjects on the Right – namely what happened to Dresden during World War II and how few Russians led the “Russian” Revolution. In her tweets on these subjects, she explicitly called the actions of the Soviets a “Christian Genocide.” This is a term that I have seen some on the Authentic Right take umbrage with, as it shifts the emphasis to religion when they see it as a matter of race. So, instead of a “Christian Genocide,” we really have a “White Genocide.” And while I do understand their basic point, our enemies have targeted all White nations for extermination, from Christian Dixie to secular Sweeden – I do think the term “Christian Genocide” is more accurate as it more deeply cuts into the heart of the matter. Before I begin with my reasoning, I want to make a few points:
- I support working with legitimate black leadership (the best we can) to ensure peaceful relations between the races.
- While I have some reservations with her, what Candace Owens has done is very brave and we should be willing to recognize this.
- Whatever one may want to say about her, this should end the debate about her being “paid off.” Paid off people simply do not do this. The Corporate Right will support many things – homosexuals, transexuals, abortionists, and so on – what they will not support is a critic of Jewish power.
- It is undeniably a good thing that her vast audience not only knows about these things, but also feels they can discuss them. We will never break Jewish power otherwise. Dissident rightwingers should look beyond step one and think of the possibilities this now opens. Even five years ago, someone with her following saying these things would have been unthinkable.
- In the course of this article, the Jews will come up. I do not mean to indicate that every last Jew is a bad person. Judah P. Benjamin served this country. But as a race, and their leadership, they have a terrible animosity and hatred toward us. They will be the focus of this article.
To understand why I think “Christian Genocide” is a more accurate term than “White Genocide,” we have to understand why the Jews hate the White race. It is not for some random, unknown reason and it is not because the Romans expelled them from Palestine. They hate the White race because they first hated Christianity, and before that, Christ. Our Lord explicitly said this would happen: “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” (John 15:18)
Jews are unlike the Chinese or Indians; in that they have in their hearts a longing for a Messiah – something I think God placed there to prepare them for the coming of Christ. But when the Messiah came, the Jewish nation split. A minority accepted Christ and became the early Church. However, the majority rejected Him and became the religion we now call “Judaism.” The “Judaism” of Moses, Ellijah, and King David no longer exists. Yet that longing for the Messiah remained, but as with the majority at the time of Our Lord’s earthly ministry, they were searching for an earthly, political salvation. They were looking to save the world by the efforts of men, a search that would, over the centuries, eventually lead to Marxism.
With this search for secular salvation also came a hatred of Christianity. They picked Barabbas. They asked that the Lord’s blood be on them and on their children. And because Europe and its diaspora has been responsible for more missionary activity than anywhere else on earth, this led to a hatred of the White race. Had history turned out differently and Asia, rather than Europe, led the missionary efforts to evangelize the world, they would hate Asians with an equal ferocity that they hate Europeans. This is why they have worked so hard to make Christmas a secular holiday. This is why they have worked to remove the symbols of the Christian West from the public sphere. Yes, they have worked to remove the Traditional West, but all of this goes back to their anti-Christian mindset. They hate Christ. The Talmud contains unspeakable blasphemies depicting Our Lady as a whore and declaring that Our Lord is boiling in feces. Remember that before they hated you, they hated Christ first.
By understanding the roots of their hatred of the White race, we can better address the problem. It is true that the victims of the gulags and Dresden were killed for being White, but on a deeper level, it is because they were Christians. It really was a Christian Genocide.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
“Had history turned out differently, and Asia, rather than Europe, had led the missionary efforts to evangelize the world, they would hate Asians with an equal ferocity that they hate Europeans”- don’t think so! Jews are an envious lot-they waited to see who would rise to the top of the heap and the winners were the Europeans-especially the Anglos, whose castoff lower classes turned out to be more talented than their upper classes, turning every place they were banished to by their presumed ‘betters” into a garden spot- North America(Canada and America), Australia, New Zealand, Rhodesia and South Africa (the last 2 were garden spots until the envious Jews turned them over to nonwhites, thus proving definitively that “all men are NOT created equal”). Whites are better looking than Asians, and smarter across the broad range of academic disciplines( metaphorically think Decathlon as opposed to 100 yard dash). Most importantly, we became richer as a result of our superiority- the only way to escape Jewish domination is to be a nation that is hopelessly poor, without realistic prospects for becoming wealthy due to natural resources. Jews are natural parasites looking to glom onto the healthiest host possible. Christianity, for better or worse, is seen by the non-christian world as the “White man’s religion” and most of the animus the rest of the world bears towards Christians is linked to that perception. Jews see us as the only race that can challenge their Talmudic quest to dominate the world- that’s why, in their eyes, we are their primary enemy. Framing the animus as Anti Christian rather than anti White misses the point- Jews aren’t focused on our religion- they don’t hate black African Christians, but use them as a bludgeon against us- they hate us! They hate the secular Swedes as much as Christian whites, because their primary animus is anti-White.
A thought-provoking article. I personally would label it a “White Christian” genocide, instead of either Christian or White. This is because our enemies do not really seem to care about black, asian, or insert-nonwhite-race-here Christians at all. But at the same time, they happily support leftist whites like transgenders, homosexuals, race traitors, and so on. Their true target is Christian Whites, and a secondary target is any secular Whites that happen to hold beliefs that would eventually support our Nation-based Christian heritage (like other dissident traditionalists who aren’t Christian). Just my two cents.
Christmas originated from pagan origins. Christianity should abandon this pagan tradition or admit that Jesus is not their Messiah, Santa Claus is their messiah instead. As a believer in Messiah Yeshua (The correct Hebrew Name of Messiah) I reject anything pagan that has been blended into (syncretism) the “faith once delivered”, which would also includes Easter.
Incredibly, most Whites are happily onboard the jewish crazy train. For now.
Satan’s *real* enemy is and always has been Christianity. Not Buddhism. Not Islam. Not Zoroastrianism…. So, that’s the endgame: the extermination of Christianity from the globe. Because European Christians have given satan the most trouble down through the centuries. Not with their brilliant inventions and discoveries, but with their piety.
That’s what’s going to win the day for us in the end. A return to Christian piety. But it’s looking like it’s going to be a stormy passage. Prayer and fasting, friends.
It’s good to see you follow up with another article, Dixie Anon. I just finished reading Henry Ford’s ‘The International Jew’, Book 1. I recommend it to you highly. I’ve only gotten around to reading it late in life because I’d previously thought it probably only contained a rehash of the original thoughts of others. I was very wrong! It’s very insightful and original. Here’s a link to the free online download if you’re interested.
“The Jews have always counted confidently on the fact that if the whole truth were told in one comprehensive utterance, no one would believe it. … They know that facts are not accepted on proof, but only on understanding. Non-Jews cannot understand why human beings should lend themselves to certain courses.” p. 232.
Henry Ford, ‘The International Jew’, Book 1
Your main point is correct — white Europeans are a proxy for Yahshua Christ, as the Jew is a proxy for Satan. THAT is the real core issue.
However, modern Jewry cannot simply be described as ancient “Jews” who rejected Christ. They have certainly adopted a spiritual legacy, but from a genetic/racial standpoint it’s much more complex. Those who call themselves Jews are mostly Canaanites and Edomites who are the seed of the serpent and therefore are biologically incapable of accepting Christ. The stories of Cain and Abel, and Jacob and Esau, are quite literally representative of the eternal struggle between white Europeans and Jews.
The Jews don’t see whites as some worldly racial competitor, as the Science-worshiping male feminists at places like TRS would have you believe. They see us and they see Christ. Always been that way and always will be.