I have been asked this question, and here is what Merriam-Webster says:
“not reconciled to some political, economic, or social change
an unreconstructed rebel
also: holding stubbornly to a particular belief, view, place, or style
an unreconstructed hard-liner”
In the SCV, to be Unreconstructed is to live “The Charge,” as stated by Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, and to not conform to Yankee ideology and terminology. Did you call your noon meal today “lunch,” and your evening meal “dinner”? Then, you are reconstructed. Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance (written by a socialist) at every opportunity? Then, you are reconstructed.
As descendants of fine Confederate stock, we should resist with every fiber of our being the Yankee indoctrination which has “reconstructed” the vast majority of the South. If our Confederate ancestors could come back today and see how we act and what we say, would they be proud, or ashamed? They fought to prevent the very mess we are living in today, and where did that mess come from? Yankee invaders. Remember, the Yankees sought to remake us in their image. They called the Southerner “backward, uneducated rubes.” They brought their factories and industry into our South and did away with much of the agrarian life which was the way of life of so many of our ancestors. They changed the way Southerners talk, act, and think. They have taught generations of Southern children that their ancestors were traitors who “fought to preserve slavery.” The carpetbaggers came in and fleeced the South, stealing homes, farms, and land with their massive tax increases, causing many families to lose all they had at county auctions.
Why would you want to emulate such a detestable class of people? Don’t do it. Think about the sacrifices our Confederate ancestors made in defending their homes and families from the invading Empire of barbarian murderers. We should “hold stubbornly” to the beliefs and ways of our Confederate ancestors, our heritage, and our history, because they were right. Some of the resistance will come easily. Some of it will take some work. We all have to shuck off the indoctrination which has polluted our beautiful South for many decades. We need to put Unreconstructed people into our city councils and onto our school boards. Then, we will start to see things change for the better.
It won’t happen overnight, but if you make a conscious effort not to conform to the Yankee indoctrination, you can do it. Let us strive to be someone our Confederate ancestors would be proud of.
Now, it’s time for supper.
– By Jeff Paulk
Oklahoma Division Commander
Sons of Confederate Veterans

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Good article. Something we need to think on as we prepare for supper, not dinner this evening.
“You are so unreconstructed.” General Patton stated to his granddaughter at the
Confederate cemetery his relatives rested.
“In 1859 I was appointed by President America to play fullback at the US Marine Academy. I uhhh… probably shouldn’t talk about this, but that was the year I went 100-0. Yeah! No joke. Muhammad Gaddafi said I could go pro but I decided that Putin was the greater danger.”
Yessir, and tomorrow I’ll remember and give thanks for all our Confederate veterans who died defending home and hearth from the Yankee invaders: Stonewall Jackson, Ambrose Powell Hill, my Great-great Grandfather Benjamin Leonidas Oswalt, and many thousands of others.
Cheers and thanks to B.L.Oswalt.Stonewall is my favorite and the epitome of a Saxon follower of the Lord.I sincerely hope that every Yankee is burning in eternal Hell because they were willing destroyers just like Satan.Thank you for your comment.
I would say that today the term just means unbrainwashed and unassimilated (to the New Yankee Order).
Great piece.I am amazed you mentioned lunch/dinner because that is one thing I always make myself say.Years of hearing lunch in school and then on TV and then everyone around me has embedded itself to the degree that I must make a conscious effort to say dinner and supper.But those are correct.Southern people were always correct.Dinner is the meal after breakfast and supper is the evening meal.The Yankee Jews came along and decided to upend the very soul of decency.They now seem to change words frequently to keep people off balance and uprooted.This is Satanic.Please write more on this and perhaps give us resources on how we can individually reclaim our heritage in speech and manner.Even a list of words used then that we might incorporate into our daily speech.We must all embrace our glorious ancestors least we end up using the Jewish/Yiddish grammar patterns on TV/media.Thank you and God bless you.Christ will return and our oppressors will be defeated.And no one should doubt for a moment that the forces that seek to wipe out Christian Saxons of the South are the very children of Hell.We are persecuted because we value our race and culture and Lord Jesus Christ.Hold out as the evil side is disintegrating from their sins and pact with the Devil.We must not let them bring us down with them.Christ is coming very soon and the faithful will be rewarded.Never give up hope.
I won’t be reconstructed
And I don’t give a damn