Rounds, to the head

Personally, I understand a lot of things that happen in other people’s personal lives. What’s going on in their life might never have happened in my life, but I can intuit how circumstances lead to a particular course of action. As whatever is left of a society, I think we mostly tend to get these sorts of things.

For example, if a woman’s boyfriend is a crackhead and he’s behaving erratically while brandishing a loaded pistol. This tends to scare any woman, and most women don’t know much about firearms. So, if an upper class white woman confiscates her crackhead’s pistol while he’s passed out and tosses it in a public trash can, I can pretty much understand she did as best she could to diffuse the situation.

Most readers of this publication are proficient with firearms, technical aspects, safety protocols, and the various legal strictures. Many have themselves a redneck woman who knows these sorts of things too, or at least is unalarmed at the sight of a firearm. This isn’t a helpful context to grasp with what was going on with Hunter Biden.

What’s important for y’all to bear in mind is that upper class white people, women in particular, are often startled at the sight of a firearm. Just because it’s an unloaded, inanimate object doesn’t nullify the psychological impact. It sounds ridiculous, but let me assure you it’s a real phenomenon.

There’s a lot of stuff going on with Hunter Biden. Ukraine, the CIA, etc. The Russians are now accusing him of financing terrorism. I’m not really sure what to make out of all of it. He did like to party, though. Various women aren’t cheap, so I can understand this one as well.

I think his life would make for a good movie, maybe with Christian Bale starring as Hunter Biden. There’s plenty of great montages to make out of him high on crack, such as driving to Vegas at over 100mph. The montages are one of my favorite things about Stallone’s movies from back in the 80’s.

When he showed up to Congress for that bizarre hearing last year, a Republican congresswoman accused him of having “no balls.” Various women can attest that he does have balls, and this entire country has seen the photos at this point, whether we wanted to or not. His crack binges with various women are famous across the planet, actually.

As far as we know, he didn’t shoot anybody. For a country faced with an existential set of problems, this doesn’t seem like one to me. This is probably why the Republicans fixate on him, since they’re going to do nothing about anything dragging us beneath the toilet water.

People get shot every day in America, so it’s unclear to me why Hunter Biden matters in that context. He didn’t even shoot himself on accident, I’d say the man can handle a pistol. He’s nothing if not a survivor.

I think it’s time to add another face on Mount Rushmore.

Some of the writers from the Identity Dixie crew know me quite well, and they’d all tell you how fond I am of black people. One of them sent me the tragic story above. He said to me, “Tom, I know how much you care about black people, and this might be pretty tough for you to handle, but I think you ought to check it out.

It’s an awful story. The amount of potential this young man had really makes it sting. China and Russia are teaming up to build a lunar base powered by a nuclear reactor, so we’re really going to need young scholars like him to finish their studies if we’re going to remain relevant as a nation in a world defined by technological progress.

It would appear that when he put the gun to his head while telling his audience “fuck y’all n****s” he didn’t realize that the safety was off or maybe he put in an empty clip without realizing a round was chambered. I’m not sure what happened, but I found it extremely disconcerting.

His tragic demise seems to be part of a broader trend of blacks brandishing firearms while rapping and accidentally shooting themselves, friends, and family members live on the internet. They start young, too. A toddler executed his mother live on Zoom.

Black people often lead very colorful lives and have a wonderful sense of theatricality. That’s why they like to film themselves live on the internet. I wouldn’t characterize them as pacifists, but it’s quite perplexing how much wanton violence occurs when the combination of firearms, social media, and black people come together. Must be systemic racism, although it would probably require a woman of color with a PhD to come up with an exact diagnosis.

It’s like death stalks them, waiting for the silliest moment to strike. Don’t count on Republicans to figure out what’s getting all these promising young black people killed, they’re too busy fixating on Hunter Biden.


  1. It’s too bad Hunter isn’t more of a literary talent like his namesake Dr. Thompson or he might have produced something like:
    “Fear and Loathing in Ukraine” by Hunter S. Biden

    “ We were just outside Kharkiv, on the edge of the steppe, when the drugs began to take hold.”

  2. I’m sure I’m not the only one here who’s noticed that Blacks tend to develop at a more rapid pace than Whites. Progressing through the Black developmental stages of dancing, running, vandalism, stealing, armed robbery and homicide at ages that leave experts at a loss to explain. By the age of ten or eleven many of them are ready to leave the nest and begin life in the wild on their own. Truly amazing people!

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