Moral Equivalence

The International Criminal Court has only been around since 2002. However, the concept is older. Ostensibly, it’s about adjudicating war crimes and genocide, but the idea goes back to the tribunals at Nuremberg. This was mostly a Jewish operation. Although it’s famed now through their dishonest promotion, it was criticized by prominent Americans at the time as being a flagrant violation of justice.

For one thing, under a fair legal code, a crime must violate a law that existed prior to the commission of the crime. Not so with Nuremberg. Moreover, a confession obtained under threats and torture doesn’t constitute sufficient proof of guilt. It actually amounts to a reasonable doubt the accused isn’t guilty.

Third, why is something that transpires in a war criminal conduct if you lose but not if you win? One could easily make a case that any single crime corroborated by a German confession was no worse than the firebombing of Dresden, which became a signature tactic of the winning side holding the tribunals.

Starvation in concentration camps occurred under German custody, but that was in conjunction with German starvation due to blockade and bombing. Not so with the side holding the tribunals, which deliberately killed millions of Germans after the war.

If the goal is cost-effective extermination, simply put the victims in an open field and deny them sustenance. Quickly, they will lose the strength to resist and perish. The Allies proved this obvious concept using German POWs in camps on the Rhine after the war was over. There’s no need to gas anyone or build an elaborate industrial complex the size of a city.

they were set up to prevent such horrors, to prevent future genocides” – What he means these courts are there to punish those standing up to Jews, not to prevent Jews from conducting a genocide. He’s correct that this is outrageous to Jews.

The whole point of these legal mechanisms is for Jews to use them against their victims, not prosecuting cannibals from Africa. That’s what provokes such blind rage out of Jews. These are their weapons of their contrivance, not what their enemies get to use against them. These standards set out by Jews were never meant to be applied objectively to Jews.

Also, the notion that Jews can be held accountable for their actions elicits hysteria all on its own. This is a key part of their psychology and also their Satanic religion. If you listen to the video above, such dynamics are at play behind the sheer hypocrisy and unreality of his arguments.

If you get angry and start yelling at someone, what’s your dog going to do in response? Just sit there and wag his tail or start barking and growling at the guy? There are campaign donations, the Scofield Bible, etc. On a basic level though, this is what’s going on with our Republican officials and the ICC.

It’s best to interpret the threat letter they sent to the ICC from this angle. I’m quite skeptical they possess a grasp of history and the Jews any firmer than your dog’s grasp of what’s going on with you.

Netanyahu has been going on and on about the Holocaust and how the ICC will prosecute Israel. However, the ICC hasn’t announced it’d be doing anything of the sort. In other words, Republican snarling is entirely at the behest of their masters. It’s not about the merits of a particular legal case. Apparently, this threat letter against the court was from April but the public is finding out about it now.

Important to note as well is the universal legal principle that threatening the personnel of a court and their families isn’t how a case should be contested unless you’re Pablo Escobar. Collective punishment is against international law so threatening someone’s family for any reason would be a violation.

When Jews claim there’s no moral equivalence between what Jews are doing and what anyone else has done in the past, bear in mind this has a dual meaning beyond the obvious inference that Jews should be above criticism. What they’re referring to is “moral equivalence.” You might’ve noticed they invoke this phrase quite a bit.

As Jews believe themselves alone to have souls and the rest of us to be merely disposable cattle, anything done to Jews is immeasurably worse than anything else which has ever been done to anyone else or that Jews could ever possibly do to anyone else. Whether the offense against Jews was made up by Jews isn’t the salient issue. Jewish hypocrisy can’t exist according to their understanding of reality.

Following this Satanic line of reasoning, none of the rest of us have any legitimate interests of our own. Thus, nothing a Jew could do to us would constitute a legitimate transgression. That’s how we get the bizarre sophistry entailed in the “working definition of antisemitism” from the IHRA which has overwhelming bipartisan support to become law in America:

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

This could mean anything and thus absolutely includes every single Jewish value, action, or aspect of their influence. This is quite simple to understand, but they provide elaboration to make it seem like some other principle is at work. Here’s an example:

However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. 

So, you can criticize Israel if you’re not:

Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.

What this means is that since no other democratic nation has pushed 2 million people off their land and confined them in an open-air prison zone, which it’s now methodically leveling without regard to human life using American aerial bombs and demolition operations by soldiers, Israel can’t be accused of this because that would constitute antisemitism.

So, in order to not be antisemitic one would have to accuse another democratic nation of the aforementioned set of transgressions, and next criticize Israel for also committing these transgressions that the other democratic nation isn’t committing. In other words, you must negate your entire original point and present yourself as a schizophrenic.

There’s no way to reconcile Jewish power and behavior to reality. No sophistry renders this possible. The problem is compounded by their escalating misdeeds at this stage of the current iteration and the consequences for everyone else, most of whom eventually can’t help but notice. Jews are running out of time.


  1. “Starvation in concentration camps occurred under German custody, but that was in conjunction with German starvation due to blockade and bombing. Not so with the side holding the tribunals, which deliberately killed millions of Germans after the war.”

    One might paraphrase with as much truth:

    “Starvation in Andersonville occurred under Southern custody, but that was in conjunction with starvation due to Yankee blockade, refusal of prisoner exchange, and Sherman’s total war tactics. Not so with the side holding the tribunals, which deliberately executed Henry Wirz and imprisoned Jefferson Davis after the war.”

    Thanks for another fearless expose’ that reminds me of David Irving’s description of historical truth as, ‘truth that cannot be bought and cannot be bought off.’

  2. Given the fact John Hagee does not believe John 14:6, it stands to reason that Hagee will eventually join Netanyahu in hell, right? I suppose if Kristi Noem becomes VP, she will press Tom Cotton or Wicker or Pelosi to introduce legislation making it a federal crime to criticize the nation of Israel. Then they will try to round all of us up, no?

    1. Right.Hagee is a big fat monster who I believe knowingly lies to those who listen to him.Of course what normal people go to a mega-church with a wailing wall and Israeli pentagram flag on the walls.Are people just stupid.Hagee is definitely going to Hell,right along with Congress(esp the GOP members).

  3. Great piece Tom.Totally agree.I just saw a video of Sen Katie Britt mock segregation in her defense of the Jews she is a urinal for.Disgusting airhead.Beside her was the shaking,stammering moron Sen Susan Collins of Maine.How do these retardos get elected?Wait I know the answer,its because the Jews love to mock us with its choice of puppets.Speaker Johnson looks so doughy and unmasculine and his Democrat counterpart Hakeem Jeffries looks like a mongrel lab experiment.That these people make laws for us is proof that we are in the End.How can this possibly go on.Its torture living in this horror called America and the West.God deliver us.Thank you Tom,a voice of good and reason in a crazy time.I ask Jesus to give us all strength to never give up.

  4. As is usually the case, Israel has overplayed its hand. This time, however, the repercussions they will face may actually cost them more than words. Their marxist pets are turning on them in the US and around the world. Their atrocities are laid bare for all to see thanks to modern tech like the internet and social media. The hollow cries of ‘holocaust’ from the chosenites and their crocodile tears (‘the ovens’) no longer evoke sympathy from the world like they have for the past 80 years. Time to pay what you owe, kikistan-and the debt is far more than 30 pieces of silver.

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