Overestimated Wholesomeness

I’ve never been one to require much convincing on the subject of things going wrong around America. Sometimes, however, in order to write for ID, I find myself having to suspend my de-sensitivity in order to maintain perspective on the sheer insanity of this place. For example, I was sipping my coffee this morning and scrolling through the Daily Mail when I came across the following headline:

This isn’t exactly a subject that piques my interest, especially as someone who’s been writing about Satanic pedophiles, child trannies, nuclear war, the apocalypse, etc. Why I clicked was the sub headline with the year 2015 in it.

Back in 2015, I had no idea what a “furry” was beyond the adjective for animals just like the term “incel” and all of this other shit. If you’re a normal man born in the 80’s with a healthy frame of reference, none of it makes any sense. To illustrate, I’d spent most of 2015 working in China. I can explain the concept of “f*** who dress up as animals and rail each other in the ass” in Chinese to a Chinaman. That’s easy.

The problem is that it sounds too nuts for anyone who hasn’t spent time in a country as sick as America to grasp. You might as well tell them you were abducted and probed by aliens, it makes you sound like you’re a deranged pervert just for bringing it up. China has some serious problems, but this ain’t one. They have censors who understand this stuff so they can ban it when they see it, but the average person is blissfully unaware.

If somebody did try to hold a furry convention in a Chinese city, I’m certain it would be dealt with by the authorities and never make the news as the authorities try to do with anything embarrassing to them. The citizens would go about their business ignorant of the depravity somebody attempted to perpetrate in their municipality. It’s impossible to have a functional society with demented filth being propagated. This is rather simple.

Absolutely, be extremely worried.

On some level, there is humor to the situation. The furry convention laid waste to a Hilton, even to the point of deliberately flooding it with sewage which then leaked into the basement and took out the hotel’s servers.

It’s legal in Seattle to be a miscreant living on the streets while getting your drug money through petty crime and these freaks still managed to get themselves banned from all hotels in the city. So, that’s really saying something:

Permanently plastered in the annals of internet history, the event started to go off the rails when someone purposely loosened a bolt on one of the Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center’s toilets, causing it to flood instantly. 

The floor was soon filled with two inches of putrid toilet water – the first sign hosts had overestimated the wholesomeness of their guests, and were losing control.

Things only worsened from there – as attendees indulged in drink and drugs that eventually gave way to destruction. A series of arrest ensued, as attendees donned diapers and even went as far to defecate in a pool. A hot tub was also flooded, when a person shoved towels into the pump filling it with water. The hotel was left in ruins.

If you’re destroying yourself, why not destroy the hotel as well? Let’s read on:

As these diaper-wearing hooligans openly roamed the halls, others began hurling the items – some of them soiled – out onto the hotel gardens and inside its stairwells.

A few hours later, the diaper throwing phenomenon had worsened, with some being found on people’s cars, full of excrement. 

‘Some people at this con are so classy,’ one attendee wrote at the time.

By the next day, the festival’s last, the hotel was in tatters.

It’s amazing the extent to which freaks are able to hold our society hostage. This particular event was called “RainFurrest” so maybe the hotel staff thought it was some sort of environmental convention. The average American is only semi-literate these days and most can’t spell correctly from their own knowledge. Honestly, If I’d only seen a few of furries, I’d probably have assumed it was for a kid’s birthday party or something.

When 2,700 of them showed up, that’s when I’d be searching for a reason to get rid of them. Hilton is a giant multinational company, the revenue involved was trivial. Somehow, the staff put up with this event until it was over. You can actually make a legal case that your company was mistreating you by making you work somewhere feces were being flung unless you signed up for a job at a mental hospital.

They had plenty of reasons to shut this thing down, but they just took the abuse instead. I’ve heard the America described as an “open air insane asylum“. This isn’t a bad description, but asylums are there to treat the patient’s insanity or in the very least, keep them away from everyone else. Is that what’s going on around here?

I’m not sure where this furry thing came from but I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been around for very long and thus it can be hailed as an evil spawned in our modern nightmare. Trannies pop up on historical timelines right before catastrophe. They’re not a new thing.

I’m not sure how to interpret the furries in this regard, because we’ve never seen them before. Adolf Hitler never made speeches about how the Jews wouldn’t be turning any more Germans into teddy bears, for instance. To the best of my knowledge, nobody was dressing up as cartoon animals during the late states of Rome, either. We’ll just have to wait and find out, that’s the fun part about America.


  1. This “furry” thing has been around since at least the late 1990’s-early 2000’s.

    I remember working at a software firm in Silicon Valley and there was a programmer there who went by the name of “Porsupah” who was a rabbit furry and would come partially costumed into the office.

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