Biden’s Handlers and their Origins

While most of Biden’s administration is blamed on the geriatric Yankee from Scranton, Pennsylvania, many on the Right seem to forget he has an entire cabinet (his handlers) who are largely doing the real day-to-day work while Biden eats ice cream. Many on the Dissident Right like to point out the large number of Jews in the Biden cabinet, which is certainly a true fact, but many neglect to mention just how non-Southern the cabinet actually is. In this article, we’ll examine the origins and some of the background of Biden’s wicked cabinet of crooks.

Let’s start out with the cackling witch herself, Kamala Harris. Harris’ whoring career and gender is often the topic surrounding her, but one should also consider her racial origin. Her mother was Shyamala Gopalan born in British India in 1938, while her father, Donald J. Harris, is a Jamaican mulatto. Neither were even born in the United States but instead allowed in during the 1960s, met at the notorious UC Berkeley, and had Kamala in 1964. Clearly, her family is anything but “American,” much less Southern. Moving onto the Big Three: Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen. All three are Jewish. Garland is from Chicago, Illinois and Blinken is from Yonkers, New York. The Federal Reserve “Queen” Yellen was born in Brooklyn, New York before making the trip to California to teach at, of course, UC Berkeley.   

The next member of the Biden administration is Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, who Republicans recently tried, and like usual, failed to impeach. Mayorkas wasn’t even born in the United States but instead Cuba. His parents were Cuban (and Jewish) refugees who fled and brought baby Mayorkas with them much to the detriment of Dixie and Heritage America. While making a pit stop in Florida, they would make the leap to Los Angeles, California. Another fun reminder is Alejandro Mayorkas graduated from UC Berkeley in 1981. Wonder if he ever ran into Professor Yellen, although I don’t care enough to look that up. 

Finishing off with the B-team members of the cabinet, let’s move to the Confederate-hating Sectary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Austin (spoiler) is the only member of the cabinet actually from a Southern state, born in Alabama and raised in Georgia. However, Austin is black and, thus like many of his racial peers, has nothing but hate for traditional Alabama and Georgia. Austin does probably win the contest when it comes to tracing his ancestry the furthest back on “American soil.” That actually may not be true if you count Pueblo Injun Deb Haaland, who was born in Arizona although she defines herself as New Mexican, or “35th generation New Mexican” to be exact. To nobody’s surprise, Creepy Joe made her Secretary of the Interior.

Compared to Secretary of Labor Julie Sue, she may indeed be very “American.” If you can’t tell from the name, Sue is Asian and specifically Chinese, though she was born in Wisconsin before her Chinese/Taiwanese parents moved out to California. Julie Sue, at least, didn’t attend UC Berkeley. Speaking of California, I should probably mention the last Californian in the cabinet – this is Secretary of Health and Human Resources Xavier Becerra. Becerra, despite being born in California, has Mexican parents, which makes him Mexican in my book. Although, at this rate, he can probably just call himself a Californian. He did serve as the state’s attorney general during the Trump administration. 

Moving away from the West Coast, we should inspect the rest of the cabinet starting with the rainbow flag carrying Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigeig, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. South Bend is only a few miles south of Michigan and very far away from the more culturally Southern part of the state near Kentucky. South Bend is also the home and resting place of Radical Republican Schuyler Colfax, who was Grant’s running mate in 1868 when the two campaigned on crushing Southern backlash to Reconstruction (a mere trivia fact and one which is fitting with the reputation of South Bender Pete).

Moving west of South Bend and the far western flank of Yankeedom, we see the adopted home of longtime Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. Vilsack was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and went further north to get his education in upstate New York at Hamilton College. Vilsack would proceed to make the move to Iowa, where he’d be elected governor in 1998 and again in 2002. From there, the native Pennsylvanian would get recruited by Obama as his Secretary of Agriculture in 2009. One can speculate this is due to Yankee Iowa voting for Obama the year prior and Mr. Vilsack being out of a job, unless you count his brief campaign for president the year prior. Either way, Biden decided to make him the Secretary of Agriculture again in 2021. 

Traveling north of the increasingly conservative-turning Iowa, we have Secretary of Veteran Affairs Denis McDonough of Minnesota, who supposedly has communist sympathies, served in the Obama administration, and is actually not a veteran. Circling over to Michigan, we have Canadian-born Jennifer Granholm, the Secretary of Energy. She, like Vilsack, served as governor of her state from 2003 to 2011, giving Yankee Michiganders a preview of a jezebel governorship before they asked for second helpings in 2018 by electing Gretchen Whitmer. Granholm was actually born in Vancouver, British Columbia to Canadian parents. I should also mention she graduated from UC Berkeley in 1984.

No anti-Southern cabinet would be complete without a few New Englanders and Biden, like usual, didn’t forget about them. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo was Governor of Rhode Island (2015-2021). The last cabinet member is Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona whose parents are Puerto Rican. Despite this, Connecticut Yankees felt confident enough to elect him their Commissioner of Education in 2018, which he served as until being tapped as another Latino Affirmative Action hire by Creepy Joe in 2021. Currently, he’s trying to shut down the largest Christian university in the United States at the behest of the purple haired tattooed Yankee Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro. 

To sum things up, Biden’s cabinet is everything our Confederate ancestors warned us about. The executive branch is effectively a gaggle of foreigners, Yankees, “people of color,’” and Jews, headed by a career liar who can barely speak half the time. There’s not a single Southerner in the cabinet. Austin, the only black in the cabinet, is there to appease blacks in Georgia and the Deep South who like the idea of a strong black man in uniform. The state of the executive branch is a testament to just how much Southerners have lost control of the Democratic Party, the United States, and even the ability to get token gestures. The Biden administration clearly hates Dixie. They also hate “Middle America,” as the only person in the cabinet from that region is maybe Vilsack. He was last serving as governor in 2007, well over a decade ago. It’s quite telling that Biden (and his handlers) didn’t even bother picking a Latino or Blue Dog Democrat from Texas or Florida.

Let this show all Southerners and Heritage America that we need to focus on secession and not trying to reform the American Empire. This new America, one where secession doesn’t happen, is going to be reflective of Biden’s cabinet. There’s no fixing the Union, only breaking away from it.

When Dixie secedes, we will make sure to have none of the scum of Biden’s regime in our new Southern executive branch.

-By Dixie Anon


  1. Total late empire vibes. Reminds me of how Roman society was eventually be goverened by people who were neither Roman ethnically or born anywhere in Italy.

  2. Great article.Truly a nest of racial filth.Its a fitting representation of the impure,mongrel Jews.God created the White race in His image and wanted it kept pure and good.The Devil and his children the Jews hate the White race and their highest goal has been to ruin it.We are hurtling towards the End as Satan brings about his goal of one world rule.But God will send His Son and our Savior Jesus to send them into Hell.Keep up the good and interesting pieces and thank you so much.May God bless and protect you always.Never lose faith nor heart because the King Jesus is coming soon to liberate us.Is it product of these End times that most Whites seem either against their own kind/very accepting of ideas our White ancestors would have rebelled against or to weak and distracted to even rise up or care about their demise.

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