For those of you who have yet to understand why the ruling class has determined that topics such as CRT, white guilt, and so on are necessary in elementary schools:
Imagine you’re a child in school—a white child—and every day you’re reminded of how evil you are because of your skin color. Now imagine that coincidentally, at the same time, you are told that LGBTQ+ are heroes that need to be celebrated, cherished, and loved above all others. As a white child, you begin to recognize that you can simply identify as LGBTQ+ and suddenly you’re no longer such an evil, original-sin laden person. Instead, you are now the hero. That is exactly what is happening.
The LGBT sexual cult is a tool to convince white children to abandon their people. It splinters that connection with kin who want to see them succeed and be raised correctly.
We teach these white children that they are either the horrible whitey or the disadvantaged, oppressed (but cherished, loved, and celebrated) sexual minority. Obviously, at such a susceptible young age, they will choose the one taught to them as the “good” guys. They don’t want to be hated and vilified. No child does.
There is a reason why whites and youths have high representation within the walls of the LGBT insanity cult. It’s because they are being targeted with it the most. For whites, they can escape their “white guilt” immediately upon inclusion. Those whites are now miraculously, with only a single phrase uttered, a minority that does not differ from the other minorites.
With just a few single words—”I’m now a woman” or “I’m gay and nonbinary”—They instantaneously morph into the oppressed heroes instead of the malicious villains. We all must stand and marvel at this supernatural transformation.
This does not just affect the children. Weak adults get caught up in it, too. The entire belief structure of an oppressed sexual minority class functions as a mechanism that teaches susceptible whites to run and hide (while simultaneously selling their soul). It’s an out for the weakest people to escape any type of persecution.
You no longer have to feel bad about being white, so long as you become a degenerate. A useful tool of the ruling class. This wasn’t done by accident. It’s yet another successful demoralization campaign by the demons in charge.
The result is the creation of an entire class of anti-white loons who are white. These people become some of the most sociopathic of all of our enemies, because they must constantly demonstrate their allegiance through further groveling to the other minority classes (to continually abase their own whiteness). A part of this prostration is the inevitable targeting and oppressing of other whites, so they themselves are not targeted or oppressed.
It’s sad when it happens to children who don’t know any better. The groomers force the children down a horrible path at a young age, with no choice given to them. Those who should be the protectors are the ones directly harming them. I feel for those children. But I don’t feel for the adults that pass it on to them, or the adults that get wrapped up in this. They are incredibly weak, depraved, or both.
So now, when you see graphs like these, you will know why:

It’s all a part of their plan to break us.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at Eph. 5:11.
Pull your kids out of public indoctrination centers (schools). It is happening even in the Deep South, in rural areas with majority white demographics. These demons are entrenched and are preying on our southern children because they know we are the last bastion against this evil… we the Christian, Southern whites.
Well done.You put the pieces together like Napoleon did on the battlefield.They do this with our race(White),our heritage(Southern/Saxon) and our Christian beliefs.They tear them down,threaten/coerce them,and them give them an escape route which destroys their essence.Very impressive that you put that together and explained it so well.Great work.God bless you.