I’m not an advocate of setting oneself on fire. As a practical matter, it proffers little utility. Moreover, the way things are going, in terms of your untimely demise, America probably has that one taken care of. The fun part is you don’t get to know when or how your ticket is getting punched.
That being said, I’m quite surprised more Americans aren’t setting themselves on fire. I’m not sure if this is a testament to American complacency or a form of grim resilience, but the vast majority of us haven’t set ourselves on fire and probably never will.
This doomed country is a grab bag of things to drive someone insane. The nutjob who set himself on fire outside the Trump trial raised some good points. For instance, that the government is a puppet show to cover for criminals who are actually in charge and that a collapse is coming. In other words, he was less crazy than the average American in terms of thinking that he could vote for something.
It could also be that the average American is too stupid to appreciate the gravity of our situation and therefore avoids venturing down the blackhole of pondering the implications of whatever dystopia they might find themselves confronted with at any given moment.
Honestly, this is probably why more people aren’t setting themselves aflame rather than some noble character trait. I feel the gravity pulling on me like it’s an anvil tied to my ankles while I try to swim across the deep end of the pool.
People often ask me “Tom, why haven’t you gone crazy yet?” Well, my sanity is tempered by the fact that I don’t expect anything better from America. In fact, I can’t fathom paying attention to anything going on and maintaining reasonable expectations about this being a functional country.
I had no idea who Mike Johnson was before he became Speaker, just like I had no idea who Mike Pence was before the 2016 Trump campaign. They’re simply these generic GOP creatures. I can’t remember his predecessor’s name, he was the one who was always crying, but I heard he now sells legalized marijuana, and his daughter is with a dreadlocked black guy. Sounds about right. Johnson has a black son and abhors racism. Pathetic is a perquisite.
At least Biden is a character, this can be said about most of the Democrats as well. I’m not saying they’re good characters, but it’s not like you could just crank these freaks out of a machine like GOP politicians stuffing the suits.
Sometimes, Democrats say stuff that’s hilarious. Joe Biden just claimed his uncle was eaten by cannibals and there was that black congresswoman who said we were going to colonize the moon pretty soon because it was mostly made out of gas. A chuckle is something positive, at least. Remember, we’re getting the same results out of them as we get out of the Republicans.
I don’t bother voting, but how could anyone who did expect that the Republicans were going to do anything about the border or stop funding slaughters in Gaza and Ukraine? They ought to change the name on my SPLC page to Nostradamus.
I’m not outraged by this shit because it’s what any rational person who wasn’t born yesterday should expect from the GOP. Do you think they have any sense of dignity whatsoever? A dog looking for scraps from the table conducts himself with more dignity than these creatures waiting obediently on their knees outside of Satan’s Synagogue with their ears pressed against the door.
What do Jews want? By this simple question, you can predict everything that the GOP is going to do, short of outright abolishing the 2nd Amendment. When it comes to these creatures, hope is a wound by which the craziness will fester in your heart. The human torch mentioned above said he spend 1,500 hours figuring this sort of stuff out, which means he had ample time to go insane.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t have hope, but you’re going to have to find it somewhere other than our political system. Where depends on yourself entirely. Perhaps it’s a bottle of scotch and a tray full of ice cubes waiting for you at home after a long day, maybe it’s the confirmation bias of watching the spectacle you predicted play out again and again. Schadenfreude could be the last bastion left in your psyche. There are so many creatures getting their comeuppance that you should never run out of it.
Whatever it is, if you let that fortification fall, I don’t think there’s any coming back. The sad reality is that stupidity and ignorance wrap around the average American like a warm pair of blankets. If you’re reading a publication such as this one, that condition doesn’t apply to you. Therefore, you must actively maintain your sanity in order to stave off the madness. Good luck.
Every single one of these stuffed suits will get what they have coming to them. Please don’t waste your time fretting about it. Congratulate yourself for not being one of them. Whatever your faults, at least you have that going for you.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I was tormented for a few years with thoughts of lighting myself on fire over the inability of the left and the American people to effectively do anything about Bush II’s war lies. God finally clued me in that what He wanted was for me to instead quit smoking. Seriously.
If you are being tempted in this way, find something that’s painful but not suicidal, painful for you but which also deprives the GAE of something, even $1.72 in cigarettes taxes daily, and then do that thing. Pray without ceasing through the whole thing. God bless and do not set yourself on fire!
No, Tom, they should call you–and most of us, for that matter–Laocoon: Nostradamus was just an overrated Jewish hack who tossed out endless predictions with just enough unique parts to fool some into not realizing that they’re vague enough to apply to just about any future scenerio.
Whoever said, “Dance, Monkeys, Dance”, got it right. That should be the motto of the country.
Tom Shackleford… my favorite writer. Even more than me.
We need more people reading ID and less watching controlled opposition media such as Fox News. I’m spreading the word to everyone I can. It’s painful being around those that cannot grasp that the “muh GOP” is no different from the democrats. Two sides of the same coin. A bunch of AIPAC funded shills among other things. I try to stay positive but man is it becoming increasingly difficult. It eventually has to fall apart and then there is the hope of secession/balkanization. Getting to that point is going to be quite the ride though. I subscribe to the beer after a long day method for maintaining my sanity. Cheers!
Tom,once again you have summed it up perfectly.You write the closet to my thinking of all here.It is the Jews and their worship of Satan(their father)that are behind the evils of this world.The average sinner might do very minor or neglectful or ungrateful transgresses but it is the Jew who routinely deals in perversion and murder and sexual filth which destroys to the core.The sinner might steal a wallet but the Jew seeks to steal innocence and goodness and peace.The Jew seeks to hollow out your soul,and he hates us because we are in God’s image.The Jew hates and mocks our Lord Jesus and will do so until they are all cast into Hell fire.I see many hasbara trolls who pretend to be White but they always reveal themselves in their hatred of Christ and of things good that God intended.I thank you for your truth and wisdom and God will reward you for never giving in.God bless and protect you,in Jesus name I ask this.I am an unworthy sinner yet God loves me and protects me and I love Him for everything He is.All here must seek out the Lord,that is what He wants,and reject those who try to put doubts in your head for they are Jews as surely as I am writing this.