One thing that always fascinates me is how quickly conservatives will recognize that many modern events are bold-faced lies, but will then immediately trust everything in the historical narrative.
I am sure some of you share my thoughts.
The modern conservative will talk your ear off about how the government lies today. They’ll talk all about the modern conspiracies and even many times laugh about things like the Covid lies or the indoctrination happening in colleges or rail on about the lies impacting the Trump campaign.
They’ll even openly mock things like the history and political books being pushed on kids.
Which is not a bad thing. They are right on that point.
But then, as soon as you step into the historical narrative with these folks, suddenly nothing is a lie. You’re just a wacky conspiracy nut. Clearly to them, everything about history that they learned in school and was recorded in the history books is true.
Just suddenly, out of nowhere, now everything is a lie. But nothing back then was. Oh no, definitely not!
These people honestly believe that anything that the moderns say regarding any time period before roughly the 1800s is just fact. No lies can be found back then, apparently. Everything we think about those centuries is just magically trustworthy.
I consider this modern conservative’s misunderstanding about historical lies inexcusable. The reason why this particular problem is unforgivable is because of the conservatives open acknowledgment of modern lies. These aren’t leftists: These people can see the modern lie. They should be able to see the historical lie, as well.
The worst part is that the further you go back in history, the more solid they believe the narrative.
But us dissidents know better. The rulers and their pawns lie today and they lie about what happened yesterday.
In fact, the further you go back in history, the less secure we should be about the prevailing narratives because of the simple lack of original documents. But you’ll never be able to tell a modern conservative that.
A great example that I’ve written on previously is the so-called “Dark Ages“. Nearly every conservative (esp. Boomer Conservatives) that you meet will argue that this time period was just horrible. That no one would want to live then because we would all just be serfs slaving away.
The problem? That’s a complete lie. The Middle Ages were a great time.
Yet, the word “dark” is their entire conception of 1000 years of history, spanning multiple nations and countries and even continents. “It was all just horrible”. Why, you ask? “Because I was taught as a kid it was the Dark Ages—how spooky! Darkness is bad!”
I know this seems like a funny exaggeration, but it is true. It is what they believe. Go ask them. I have. It’s always the same response.
And why do they believe it? Because that’s what the modern narrative about history tells them.
Somehow these folks can break off and realize that Covid was a lie, but then they become completely blind when the same elites (who have been in charge this entire time) tell them what to believe about the Middle Ages. The conservative just can’t seem to piece this together.
The Enlightenment elites have been here since the 18th century, if not the 17th century. These are the very same elites that teach history and have instructed us what to believe about certain time periods. They give us the history books and narratives that we use to discern the past. Why would you disbelieve the modern history books but believe the older history books, written by the same Enlightenment-riddled fools?
Also, is it any mystery why these elites condemn Christendom so greatly? With even the most minor understanding of history, you can figure out why they do so. It is because the Enlightenment replaced Christendom (The “Dark Ages” so-called). The Enlightenment mindset was anti-God. So, of course, they teach you to hate the Middle Ages and to call them the ‘Dark Ages’, because that’s when Christendom reigned. They don’t wanna go back to that. But we should.
Heck, even the individuals that revived the term “Dark Ages” were humanist-individualist revolutionaries who hated Christ and Western Civilization. They literally wanted to burn it all down. So, they coined it the Dark Ages to make it seem negative. Now, so-called “conservatives” that want to “defend Western Civilization” use the enemy’s term to degrade and disparage our own heritage.
Idiots, the whole lot of them.
This lack of historical understanding applies to all modern narratives surrounding our history. Once you see it, you won’t be able to stop:
- The average conservative can figure out that the government is lying about major cataclysmic events like Covid today, but can’t seem to piece together that maybe the government used past cataclysmic events in a similar fashion.
- The average conservative can realize that the war against terror was a sham and not based on what the narrative says it was based on, but they just can’t seem to grass that other wars, such as the Civil War, were also a sham. But who writes the narrative about both of these wars? The exact same people.
The summation is this: There is no difference between a historical lie and a modern lie.
They both share the same root. The elites teach their version of the historical lies to ensure that we stay within their operating framework under modernity, even if we reject modern lies. This is why conservatives keep losing ground.
To break out of it, we have to accept that a vast majority of what we have been taught, and what the average person believes, is a lie.
That includes both modern lies and historical lies about our heritage. Our elites, our media, and our cultural institutions all lie using both modern and historical lies. We can trust nothing they say.
This is not easy to do. I understand that. It requires diligent research to believe nearly anything about the modern world and the past world. But it is a task that we have to do. We have to put in that time.
And in fact, this was their whole goal this entire time:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”– William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
This is the world they created. We have to accept that. We cannot trust anything they say; now or then.
The modern conservative does not have much of an excuse for falling into this trap. They know about the modern lies, so they should not be trusting the historical lies.
Rejecting modernity means rejecting all the lies. Not just the ones that we want to or that are convenient. We must accept that our old history books don’t always say the truth. Just as—newsflash—modern history books often don’t share the truth.
Do not trust the historical narrative so easily. Historical lies are just as powerful as modern lies. Many of the problems us dissidents have today exist because many on the Right still hold to the lies about our history. This is no minor issue for us.
Power, greed, corruption, and evil itself share the same roots from the very beginning of humanity. Each of them has that very strong need to keep The Lie(s) alive.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at Eph. 5:11.
What should we call this phenomena, “selective blinders effect?” I don’t know what to call it, but I know exactly what you’re talking about, by first-hand experience, a thousand times over.
Good article, sir.
They weren’t the “dark ages” for the people living in them. It was a happ’nin time. Plagues, Vikings, Muslims, Mongols. But while styles have changed across the centuries, the human verities remain the same: problem children, debt, marriage, talking about the weather, ill health, robbery, old age, working on the house, going to church, invasion, gossiping about the neighbors, bar room brawls, adultery, the deaths of family and friends, lucky escapes, gambling, sports competitions, fullness, hunger….
Yep, same as it ever was.
As an avid reader of history, I know how you feel.
Great article. I’ve actually been pushing this to my fellow travelers lately. The elites, ahem, synagogue of satan and their bidders, do hate Christendom. That is a fact.
Don’t even have to go further than 20th century.
There’s certain events that are illegal to question in many countries and de facto illegal here with how much power some groups have.