Neocons and leftists alike love to beat their chests and talk tough about fighting a war against the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), but they don’t seem to realize just how difficult of a proposition such an aggression would be. Since the Yankee Empire does not care about the lives of its fellow Americans, they are likely to start a fight that cannot be won just for the chance to profit off of the sales of armaments and subcontracted logistical services. Young White people should consider the fact that the United States government will not hesitate to sacrifice them as pawns. They should also expect to be hung out on a limb if, or when, the military’s diversity hires desert rather than risk their lives fighting in Southeast Asia or Taiwan.
There are three general lines of defense in combat. The first is using distance to keep out of the enemy’s firing range. The second is using concealment, by operating in the dark of night, using various forms of camouflage to blend in on the battlefield, or hiding in plain sight amongst indigenous peoples. The third is effective aggression – rapidly blitzing enemy positions with extreme prejudice while attempting to knock out their defenses before they can regroup and fight back. None of these tactics would be possible to use against China. Their homeland is both too far away and much too big to be assaulted. The U.S. military does not even have the abandoned Bagram Air Base in Eastern Afghanistan to use anymore. China controls it now. The Chinese also have land-to-sea harpoon missiles that can sink carriers, which means that Taiwan is indefensible.
The PRC has a population of 1.3 billion. The People’s Liberation Army has an estimated 1 million combat soldiers which would be three times the number than the U.S. Army. Their navy has more ships than any other in the world, and their air force is growing ever stronger thanks to all of the technology and wealth that China has taken from all of the Western nations (with whom they conduct trade, including the United States). While the Yankee Empire has become dependent on the importation of cheap Chinese made goods to keep the United States’ rate of inflation artificially low, continuing to trade with the PRC becomes an increasingly self-defeating practice. The more we trade with the Chinese, the richer and stronger they get while the American Empire gets poorer and weaker. The biggest problem that China has is a lack of fertile young women. There are an estimated forty million more Chinese males of fighting age than there are eligible females to marry. That math equates to tens of millions of angry, sexually frustrated, and involuntarily celibate recruits.

The Chinese military also have the distinct advantages of being patriotic, unified, and homogenous in their pursuits and operations. The multicultural American Empire is too diverse and political for its own good. The Yankee Empire uses its military more like an equal opportunity job and scholarship program than a fighting force. Too many in the Empire’s military have different motivations and self-serving interests to execute strategies with the discipline needed to be successful in combat. Many are functional idiots, and some are not even literate in English.
Tucker Carlson recently interviewed Col. Douglas MacGregor about the government’s plan to reward aliens with citizenship in exchange for military service. I seriously doubt that these sunshine patriots will be eager to risk their lives in a foreign war. It is far more likely that many Hispanics, as well as, blacks will go AWOL if Congress were to declare war, leaving Heritage Americans to earn all of the purple hearts. It would be nearly impossible for the FBI to find colored deserters, who could easily hide in plain sight within the overcrowded urban slums, or in migrant labor colonies where everyone speaks some dialect of Spanish. It’s most likely that neither the Department of Justice nor the Pentagon would even try.
War with China would cripple the American Empire. Perhaps that’s a good thing for a Free South. Although, we should encourage all of our people to refuse imperial service, lest they become cannon fodder for Washington, DC.
-By John S.

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
“thanks to all of the technology and wealth that China has taken from all of the Western nations”
That was true 30 years ago. It isn’t now. China has 10 times as many engineers and scientists as we do, and the graduate 10 times as many as we every year. Actually, almost one-third of the graduate students in our own STEM programs are Chinese nationals.
Numbers count, as Mao once said, and China has a huge technology labor pool working on everything. China now leads the US in patents and refereed papers in science and technology journals. They not only have the biggest navy, they also have the most super computers, and, until last year, they had the two fastest. They have something like two-thirds of all the high speed railroads, which connect all their major cities. Their manufacturing sector is the most advanced, most highly automated in the world. They are not a low wage competitor. They are a high wage, high tech competitor. Moreover, while we use AI for games, and still haven’t allocated all the 5G frequencies, China has combined AI with 5G to optimize their factories. By the way, China has 80% of all the 5G cells in the world.
They have deployed hypersonic weapons, while we still have not had a single successful test. They are behind Russia in that area, but well ahead of us.
Chinese cities are clean, new, and safe. There are no homeless or drug-dazzled throngs, no feces/urine saturated streets, no mobs looting stores. Urban Chinese live a western European life style, and maybe even better. American and European life styles are collapsing. Even Russians live better than most Europeans and Americans.
The former stock trader Gary Stevenson has an enlightening serious of YouTube presentations that explain the collapse of the Western middle class and immiseration of the Western working class. Highly recommended.
Name one thing you’ve ever purchased and owned that was made in China that wasn’t an absolute piece of shit. I’ll wait.
Name one thing that you’ve purchased and owned that was made in China that wasn’t an absolute piece of sh1t. I’ll wait.
Interesting… both of your pov’s. Thanks.
Of course God isn’t always on the side of the better artillery, but I think it’s safe to say we’re heading for exciting times. We must pray and fast. For ourselves, our families, our friends….
Great piece.The Jews have purposely ruined the White West.The want it to be crushed.They do this as a gift to their father the Devil.Keep up the good work and God bless all here in good faith.Christ is Lord.