While researching criminal statistics for another editorial, I noticed something odd about the way the U.S. government collects and reports information. Neither the Department of Justice nor the Department of Defense differentiate between Whites and Hispanics in their demographic records. Both departments group Europeans and Hispanics (or latins) into the same racial category of White. By doing so, the government can give readers the false impressions that Americans of European descent are responsible for a larger percentage of crimes and account for a larger percentage of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Now the Office of Management and Budget requires that the Census Bureau still keep more accurate records based on the way that individuals identify as members of any particular racial groups. This is done by necessity since racial or tribal classification is tied to eligibility for so many government welfare entitlements. According to the Census Bureau: “Information on race is required for many Federal programs and is critical in making policy decisions, particularly for civil rights. States use these data to meet legislative redistricting principles. Race data is also used to promote equal employment opportunities and to assess racial disparities in health and environmental risks.” It’s funny how politicians, academics, and racial minorities tell us that whiteness is just a “social construct” and that there is “only one race, the human race” except for when they demand handouts solely on the basis of being biologically different and allegedly underserved minority races.
According to the FBI, Europeans and Hispanics are all White and belong to the same group in their criminal database. For example, the Feds allege that Whites comprise 70% of the population and are responsible for the majority of crimes committed in the State of California. Mexican cartel soldiers and coyotes are considered to be as White as any blue eyed blonde of Anglo or German descent. However, the Census Bureau reports that latins comprise the largest racial group in California at 40%, with Whites now comprising only 34% of Californians. The Bureau currently defines White as: “A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.” Amusingly, peoples from the Middle East had been considered to be a different race until a certain tribe of Satan-worshiping witches descended from the region and bribed U.S. government officials to reclassify them as White.
All of this begs the question why? Who knows? I sure don’t. Perhaps the government thinks that they can obfuscate the globalists’ plans to replace Americans of European descent with Aztec and Mayan Indians by simply changing the definition of White. Maybe they are trying to frame and blame European peoples for more crimes in an effort to cover up or offset the outrageous percentages of violent crimes committed by blacks and Hispanics while trying to keep liberals in the dark about the savage nature of Third World peoples. Regardless of the Empire’s motives, Whites must realize that we are in grave danger and will have no future in North America unless we start to defend our lives, our liberty, and our sacred honor.
-By John S.

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
As to ‘why’ I’d suggest one reason may be to give the remaining whites a false sense of security in the idea that they’re still a majority in this country. I don’t believe we are. Also, apparently if you’re donating blood they still want to know your true racial makeup. Why? A director of a blood bank explains:
Here’s what the Medical Director of a Regional Blood Center had to say:
“I am frequently asked why a potential donor’s race is listed on the FDA approved “Uniform Donor Questionnaire” for volunteer blood donation. Besides ABO and Rh, there are over 30 major blood systems important in transfusion medicine. Our extended blood type is determined by the presence or absence of various membrane-bound sugars and proteins inherited from our parents. Most blood groups follow simple population genetics, meaning their distribution tends to be clustered in similar racial or ethnic populations. One example is in the Rh system. Approximately 15% of the world’s population is Rh negative. However, in the Asian donor population, only 1 in 1000 are Rh negative. As most people procreate with mates of similar ethnicity, similar genetic traits are reinforced.
As you are aware, race is important in tissue and hematopoietic stem cell transplants. In essence, the transfusion of cellular blood components IS a tissue transplant. Patients exposed to non-self red cell antigens through transfusion may produce antibodies against the sugars and proteins on the red cells that are different from their own. These antibodies, depending on type and strength, may trigger severe transfusion reactions and even death.”
Medical Director – Regional Blood Center
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Physician
This is one more reason miscegenation is a bad idea. Compatible organ donation is thrown into chaos.
Yes exactly.I noticed my own county classifying the most hideous racial filth as White in jail house listings.The only time the would classify someone as not White is a Black or Asian.So all scum from Mexico,etc was marked as White on the jail website.I called and the lady gave me some run around answer basically saying that they would be classified as Hispanic etc in the next tier of accounting.I did not believe her and still don’t.They do this to blame crime on Whites.I believe the Justice department was using Hispanic for victims of crime but not perpetrators.This tells us everything we need to know.The Jews absolutely must be displaced as our oppressors.
For YEARS, they’ve hidden the absurd level of crime committed by blacks and hispanics by using the classification of hispanics as “Caucasion”.
Not only has that let them claim that things like homicide are 50% black and 50% white, but they’ve also been able to keep hispanics painted as these innocent, poor, hardworking immigrants, just trying to earn the “American dream.”
Next you’ll all be blaming the jews for it.
No one said anything about the Jews, rabbi. Funny how you automatically assumed it. The guilty confessing when no one accuses?