One would think that a string of debacles since 2001 would impart some lessons to the U.S. military but that’s clearly not the case. White libtards simply dismiss contradictory information, it doesn’t exist to them and nothing that happened in the past could contradict what is happening right now.
For instance, four years of claiming Russia stole the 2016 election without any plausible evidence wasn’t treason but questioning the integrity of mail-in ballots is now absolutely a criminal offence and beyond the parlance of sophisticated intellectuals. Only the now part is relevant, so the staggering contradiction doesn’t exist in their defective minds. They’re beyond redemption and you’ll never make any sense to these creatures. Anyways, this sort of thing wouldn’t lead to their pointless deaths.
In contrast, field grade officers in the U.S. military with extensive military educations nearing two decades of experience in their profession would be expected to be capable of taking a more analytical approach to issues which could result in them getting killed and has in the past gotten their comrades killed. Right off the bat, one would expect them to reference what happened in the GWOT to temper their enthusiasm for war with Russia, Yemen, and Iran.
I haven’t seen this to be the case. However, it makes sense considering the ongoing implosion of the U.S. military. Anyone with common sense is going to get themselves gone either as soon as possible or when they’ve got their 20 years in for the pension. Honestly, if someone has common sense, they could figure out another way to make a living so probably there aren’t many officers with common sense going the distance anymore.
One element of common sense in military matters is referencing what happened in the past to inform analysis about what is happening in the present. Although I see an enthusiasm for military history, principally World War 2, the more recent stuff (GWOT debacles in which they participated) I haven’t observed as playing any role beyond the speed at which Iraq fell to the U.S. military in 2003.
The Iraqis were using decrepit Soviet equipment, to the extent they fought at all, and most of the Iraqi military was bribed not to fight, but this critical piece of information is ignored. They were trounced in the First Gulf War back in 1990 when they had about 5,000 shabby Soviet tanks but these aren’t what the Russians are using. According the the official narrative, the Russians are using junk but officers who should know these things aren’t White libtards with no military service. Still, they believe it. I’ve literally been told it’s all junk.
Somehow, the Abrams tanks would have another turkey shoot like the Battle of Medina Ridge where they massacred Iraqis over 30 years ago. For one thing, the Houthis have taken out the most modern versions of the Abrams tanks deployed by the Saudis in Yemen. The Saudis tried fighting the Houthis up close and failed but somehow using American bombs, just like the bombs they were using, will do the trick. How did that work in Afghanistan? This is the first thing that should come to mind.
I had a long talk with a friend of mine from Yemen about this, the Arab world’s support for the Houthis is now through the roof along with the Houthis’ enthusiasm for jihad, while their ability to run Yemen is rather poor. Politically, they’ve been handed a gift on a silver platter. The Houthis aren’t going to quit due to an impotent bombing campaign but I’ve been told it will be “debilitating.”
Another thing is that while the Russian military does use some of these models that were used by Iraq in this battle, they’re all modernized to fight the latest that NATO would field against them. The Russians have various military industrial complexes, the size of small cities, safely in the east where mothballed production lines now operate 24/7 and civilian production has been switched to war. Military vessels and vehicles are platforms often used for decades with refurbishments and upgrades. The Abrams has been around since the 1970s. This is basic awareness.
How can you think a war with Russia in Russia is a good idea and not know about Uralvagonzavod? This is just one of these complexes, but the most relevant to the tank issue. However, it makes sense that one wouldn’t know and also think a conflict is a good idea. Also, what about all the other wars of this nature historically that ended badly for everyone who tried? They’re fighting in Ukraine largely along the Soviet defensive line for Moscow. If it fell to NATO, this would’ve triggered Moscow’s evacuation.
The ignorance is astonishing. U.S. military successes are never taken in context, and it’s as if the failures of the recent past don’t exist just like in the mind of a libtard. The U.S. military is an organization headed for catastrophe. It’s a big part of why Identity Dixie writers, such as myself, have been so vocal about not joining because we don’t want to see young White men get killed. You won’t die for the good guys.
There’s another thing that blinds my former comrades. The notion that the United States is heroic strikes me as truly insane given the wanton death and destruction we’ve unleashed since the GWOT began. However, saving humanity in World War 2 is a big part of it for them. The Russians do this tiresome bit as well, but at least they didn’t incinerate entire cities and they were actually attacked by Germany, although preemptively.
This view of ourselves as the heroes feeds into this notion that the other side are villains, which is incredibly juvenile. If one is to understand why an action is taken, he has to be able to consider what legitimate motives another actor would have for this decision. Critical thinking 101.
Putin is quite candid about why Russia intervened. He made specific demands and warned action would be taken if they weren’t met, and then he gave a 43-minute address explaining everything the moment the SMO began. The entire Russian public knows that the U.S. wants to collapse the Federation with sanctions, create anarchy, and then break it up into controllable entities. Thousands of Russians have been killed in Ukraine since 2014 to this end. Somehow this doesn’t explain to my former comrades why Putin would decide to pull the trigger. I doubt they even bothered to hear him out.
It’s simply “full scale” and “unprovoked” invasion. The facts that Russians view this as a civil war instigated by the U.S. and Russia didn’t hit Ukraine with anything close to what it could have if it was desperate don’t exist. Then again, my former comrades think World War 2 broke out because Germany and Japan tried to conquer the world. This is the plot of a sci-fi novel where they were the villains and has nothing to do with what actually transpired. I’ve been told we’d be speaking German if we’d lost that war.
The Russian Army went into Ukraine only with upwards of 100,000 men with the initial goal of compelling a peace settlement. That was accepted by Ukraine (Putin shows off the signed papers) but rejected by the United States, so it moved on to achieving the goals of fixing the Ukrainian Army in place so larger forces couldn’t be deployed against the operation to take Mariupol and create a land link between the Donetsk and Luhansk republics and Crimea. This is what was actually happening while we were told the all-out conquest attempt was failing comically.
Since then, the Russian goal has been to keep destroying everything which can be sent forward to fight them, mostly at a safe distance, because eventually NATO will run out of equipment and Ukraine will run out of lives. Creating horrific meat grinders where Ukraine pointlessly sacrifices tens of thousands, such as at Bakhmut and Adeevka is all deliberate. In the end, the dead and wounded from Ukraine will probably be near 1 million. The Russian Army, PMCs, local militias, and Chechens excluded, have lost perhaps 50,000. The logic is clear but extremely depressing since none of this would’ve happened without the Jews.
If the Russians were at risk, taking massive casualties, and didn’t want Ukraine sending forces eastward, they could easily cripple the transportation network along with the power and water grid. Instead, they preferred to have the Ukrainian military surged into Adeevka, where it was pounded with 200 tons of precision glide bomb sorties daily. The front would stretch from DC to central Florida, so key to this strategy is getting the Ukrainians to defend certain kill boxes. It doesn’t help to have them stranded all over the country or engaged in a more mobile defense along the entire line.
The only successes Ukrainian has achieved was for a Russian withdrawal to more eastern defensive lines in order to avoid direct fighting with the Ukrainians, who were then massacred crossing open ground during their offensives. The Russian trenches the Ukrainians took then became death traps which were blown to pieces by the Russians, who couldn’t reoccupy the trenches afterwards.
This was marketed in the Western media as success but that wasn’t the case. Withdrawing over open ground so your enemy will come forward while you hit them is a Mongol tactic on the steppe. The Russians defeated the Mongols and eventually conquered all the way to the Pacific. They have a different historical playbook.
The front features the largest minefields in history and is far longer than anyone in the U.S. military has experienced. Russia hasn’t made much territorial progress because of the losses it would incur; the progress is made in the losses Ukraine is taking. So, yes, Russia hasn’t made huge territorial gains but that’s not been the strategic point so far. This is quite basic to understand.
To the extent the average American cares, you can fool most with a misleading statistic about how little ground has been taken, but military officers should know better. There’s no point to sacrificing soldiers crossing massive minefields under enemy fire to take flat ground without strategic value which will be taken with zero loss of life after the war ends in inevitable Russian victory. Contesting a city means destroying the city, this isn’t something they want to do, especially when the cities to contest are full of Russians. This had to be done with Mariupol, but elsewhere can spared.
This conflict was always going to end with Russian victory, so now the narrative is being adjusted that this is unfolding because we didn’t send enough support and the Russians resorted to human wave attacks like the Battle of Stalingrad in that movie Enemy at the Gates. I was told by an officer in DC last year that the Russians were sending unarmed conscripts forward to get killed in order to identify Ukrainian positions. This might be what they’d do this if that was what the situation required, but that’s from a movie about a battle in 1942.
I wish I was making this shit up for comedic effect, but I’m not and other ID writers know every single reference I’ve just made in this article. Ultimately, the point here is that the U.S. military is careening from one disaster to the next larger disaster. You really don’t want to be on a carrier when we find out how many hypersonic missiles it can take.
MiG-31s armed with Kinzhals have been circling the Black Sea 24/7 to take them out since Israel began its genocide in Gaza. Putin warned about this in Beijing saying this was not a threat, just FYI, but this dramatic way to make a Russian threat. That situation has continued to escalate, and nobody can tell the Israelis to stop.
Kinzhals have been used in Ukraine, but their original purpose was to evade defenses and hit moving carriers just like several other types of missiles used in the SMO. The U.S. military was aware the Russians could take out carriers since the 1970s and this was incorporated into WW3 planning, but not anymore it seems. The Mediterranean isn’t a safe location in wartime with Russia, only maybe the open Pacific or the Atlantic south of the GIUK Gap.
Anybody willing to think for themselves and realize these purely Jewish initiatives are going to end poorly, just as they’ve been consistently ending poorly since 9/11, isn’t going to play a role in this process except potentially as civilian victims. Something really bad is going to happen, and perhaps any day now. There simply aren’t enough critical thinkers to right the ship.
I have nothing to do with the U.S. military and instead vent in articles on the internet. Honestly, not to toot my own horn, but I sound like Nostradamus or Claus von Clausewitz compared to the commentary and predictions somebody like Gen. David Petraeus has been providing. This is really quite insane but consistent with the trajectory we’re on. It all makes sense from this angle.
Have a great day, tomorrow could be your last.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Here from Western Rifle – looks very much worth reading carefully which I will do. But sure does have a sniff of Russia Rules / US Mil (and their lackeys) suck cheer leading commentary. You do not mention the two major warships that Ukr has sunk in the last two weeks (thus neutralizing the Black Sea fleet); nor do you mention the several Rus planes shot down in the last month – something is changing there and the Ukr F16s are soon to arrive. (And, by the way, just where has the Russian air force been the last two years combined-arms-operations wise?) And 50K Russian KIA so far? – probably ridiculous – they may have lost 50K just in the assault on Bakmut last winter when they emptied their prisons into Prigochin’s (sp) private military company. Perhaps you should seek out some Russian mil bloggers from whom I get much info.
Point is, the horrifying attrition of men and material in 21C ground operations has stunned honest military planners on both sides. The era of drone, un-maned munitions has arrived with a vengeance.
The Houthis’ battle flag reads “God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam”. I don’t think that they are going to back down to the modern U.S. Military waving their rainbow gay pride flags.
Patton understood what jews were up to, long ago. They murdered him for it. American military brass is ZOG. Sad, but true. No White American should go anywhere near the military. That poor bastard who lit himself on fire says it all.
I have heard the story that, in the time of the czars in Russia, any prince in line for the czarship, the son of a czar, would be sent out into the wilderness, on an island, I believe, where he would have to survive alone for one year. I think this was in medieval times. Anyone who knows about this, please help me out. (My sources were a Russian physicist that I worked with, as well as our personal lawyer, whose son-in-law was Russian. They both maintained that, yes, indeed, it was for a full year. I asked the Russian about the possibility of the prince dying, and he said that, well, there were plenty to take his place.) This was no doubt intended to provide a great maturing influence on the individual, as well as making him a survival expert.
“A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or regard that quality in its chosen leaders today – and in fact we have forgotten.” ~ John F. Kennedy
Some thoughts