Boomer Blindness and Young White Male Employment

Trump, Biden, etc., etc… as long as older White Boomers run the show, nothing will ever change. Why? Because they were raised during a time of exceedingly anti-White deracialization coupled with amazing good fortune in the post-WW II era. They simply cannot conceive of the challenges younger American White people face – especially young White men. Even if they did, they would lack sympathy to their plight. I call it Boomer Blindness.

“Get off your ass and work for it like I did,” is one of the greatest examples of Boomer Blindness. There are plenty of ambitious young White men who want to “work for it.” The problem is simple: no one will give them a shot.

The combination of all-female dominated human resources departments, coupled with diversity mandated minority candidate elevation is the first of many hurdles that young White men face when trying to get a good paying job. These gatekeepers are designed to keep White male candidates out of hiring consideration pools. That is something Boomers did not face when the United States was a meritocracy in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It is no longer about the best candidate. It is about the best diversity profile.

Additionally, assuming the young White male gets past the gatekeepers, who is giving them that first opportunity to learn the skills needed to succeed? No one. In the 1970s, unions offered entry level factory employment or skilled labor training. To compete with unions – and essentially destroy them – companies wised up to a myriad of benefits for entry level employees. This included 401Ks, medical insurance, dental, etc., for lower wages but a critical foot in the door. Today, the unions are primarily gutted, and companies no longer need to offer competitive opportunities to lure hardworking job entrants. In effect, they can choose to pay peanuts to the person they do not need to train. Again, an issue that Boomers may have experienced in tight labor markets, like the late 1970s, but nowhere near as bad as it is in the post-union, post-foreign outsourcing era.

Finally, mass illegal migration has killed the skilled labor market. There was a time when the excuse for illegal aliens was that they would “do the jobs White men won’t do.” That time is over. What started as restaurant dishwashers and lawn care, now involves plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and roofing. If you take a drive around any building development, White supervisors oversee almost exclusively Hispanic work crews building homes. The White supervisors will be gone soon, too. Despite a continual building boom, none of those jobs seem to go to a White man with a hammer and drive. They go to a Hispanic alien with a friend on the construction team. Older Whites – Boomers and GenXers – have failed younger Whites. The only difference is that GenXers see what Boomers mostly cannot due to retirement myopia.

No wonder young White men seem to lack ambition. It is not a personal defect. It is depression caused by our overwhelming lack of empathy for their current plight.

The cards are desperately stacked against young White men, and no one seems to care because the victims are young White men. Boomers were especially raised at a time when a young White man could find a job and work toward a career. This is not about will when the levers of power are stacked against young White men. This is about reality. Those who question the tenacity and drive of Millennials and Zoomers did not see what I saw firsthand in Afghanistan and Iraq – wars started by trigger happy Boomers and fought by GenXers and Millennials.

Are there wimpy young people dressed like circus freaks? Of course. But there are far more Millennials and Zoomers who are simple, hardworking, ambitious young people that never get the attention given to their weakling peers on TikTok and Twitter/X. They need a break, and no one is giving it to them.

One closing thought: it is easy to blame “the Jews” for this crisis of young White men, but the fact is that a change starts with us. Jews do not force Boomer Whites to demean or dismiss the concerns of their children and grandchildren. That is on Whites as a society. We need to do better at giving young White men a chance.

Everyone else is “tribing up” – blacks, browns, women, homosexuals… White men are not. That has to change. Unfortunately, nothing will change as long as 75+ year old White people control the mechanisms of power and dismiss the legitimate pain of young White men trying to enter the workforce.

It is time for new leadership in this direction.


  1. I had to disown my daughter this past weekend. We were out enjoying a breakfast of poached eggs at my favorite kosher deli. As a customer walked in she looked at him with a penetrating gaze. An intense gaze. She was “eyeballing” him, for lack of a better word.

    The man was clearly not Jewish and so I asked her, “Why are you looking at that man so intently?”
    “He’s very good looking.” she answered.

    Enraged, I jumped up and threw my poached eggs in her face. “You’re a whore!” I screamed. “You have always been a whore! Why don’t you schtup him right now, here on the floor in front of everyone, like the whore you are and always have been!”

    She tried to play the victim and started crying, but she didn’t fool me! I solemnly intoned the dread words: “You are not my daughter. I have no daughter.”
    Then I turned and walked out. Leaving her with the bill. She is dead to me now. I have put her obituary in the papers.

    Oy, I am running out of children to disown!

  2. “It’s easy to blame the Jews, but…”- No, it’s much easier to blame the Boomers, as your articles always remind us. “Boomers lived through a regime of Meritocracy” really? Affirmative action became the standard EEOC enforcement policy in 1969 under the “not Boomer” but definitely Jewish Alfred Blumrosen’s regime at EEOC. Boomers were born from 1946 to 1964, but since Affirmative Action first took effect in 1969, Boomers born after 1950 grew up under the same anti meritocratic regime as you did. Only the oldest 4 years of Boomers(1946-1950) enjoyed the meritocratic regime that preceded Affirmative Action in regard to college and and professional school admissions, while the rest(11 years) suffered under Affirmative Action, just like you. I was one of the first wave of white gentiles whose life prospects were diminished by Affirmative Action, so I should know! Face it- you know you can’t lick the Jews, so you give them a pass, instead harping upon your fellow white Gentiles as “Boomers” and declaring them the source of all your problems. Many Boomers are now retired, but I don’t see younger whites doing much to change things for the better. Once you succeed in splitting the white population in two, prepare to be surprised when you find that the more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s the Jews, stupid-it’s not a generational thing!

    1. Agree Blowtorch,I don’t buy the age thing either.I know many men from that set of birth dates who are right thinking.Who even comes up with those titles anyway but the Jews so they can sell things,impart ideas and play Whites against one another.The massive waves of Jewish indoctrination in media,movies,TV,books and education system have effected ALL Whites in a bad way.We must thank the good Lord for this moment in time in which the internet is reaching so many with the facts.Padraig is a blessing from God and he would be the first to accept disagreement as wise men know we are all learning based on new information and new perspectives from our equals.Bless all here in good faith and thank you all for never surrendering.You have all been an inspiration for me.Christ is eternal Master and the White race is supreme.There can be no doubt of those two facts.

  3. The generational blame game is nonsense, but some enjoy it. I was born in 1950, but far be it for me to deny Mr. Martin his fun. He also seems to think that Florida is still a Southern state. That idea has provided me with source of mild amusement, so fair is fair.

  4. Padraig, that’s a solid fuckin name brother. I get what you’re saying but the old fucks you speak of don’t run shit. Freemasonic jew muppets, traitors to their race, one and all. Jews want us all dead…young , old, even the unborn. We all have to be honest with each other, the old Druid way. Honor, integrity, valor. The more they shit on us the closer we will become.


    1. Create an enlarged all white CSA II.
    2. Young white men – build your dream business. No one teaches ‘the American dream’ like it really is. First you get any job you can. Then a better one and so on till you have one you don’t “really” hate. Then you force 20% into savings. When the time is right you start your family business. You build up up up until your whole family is free. Move together in a giant house or giant condo ( you all live free while tenants pay of your apt / condo ), or a ‘compound’ like the Kennedy’s did.
    3. Hire all whites and laugh at the corporate butt kissing slaves who worry about a black woman not hiring them. We’re smarter and more powerful than them. Shut the STUPID game off and get busy!

  6. They’re stacked against all non-politician White men. Having a hard time finding a new job in my 40s. And are there really even any politicians who are White? They all put on the beanie and worship the wall in Israel so they are Jews, not Whites.

  7. Yes the “retirement myopia” is an apt descriptor.

    We are all products of our times. We all have our blinders and what we internalize from the incentives and other characteristics of the social and economic marketplace.

    I am glad that GenX males are indicted alongside their hated boomer muppets. My gen(x) has birthed a whole bevy of our own problems, many of which spawn from our own “issues” with our parents and their generation as we were left to latchkey and bootstrap while they stuffed their mcmansions with garbage from china.

    These problems include failed boundaries, advancing the lies of egalitarianism and defacto feminism, stronk daughters dont need no man, etc. The extremely online, on screens, and medicated kids (and mothers) with all matters of problems that the boomers set in motion still exist in my generation. The multitude of soft, deferential, new age 2.0 males. The get mine while the getting’s good cynicism we acquired living in the shadow of the fat generation. And speaking of fat. The general fatness and physical decay.

    Same goes for the status striving. GenX may have a different ladder they climb but climb they will.

    The principal difference being that genx wants to be besties with their kids. They want to be better parents than theirs were but are blind to the fact that this is just their version of that narcissism, i.e. it is still about THEM.

    I know several X moms who want their daughters to delay marriage and kids to vicariously live out some sacred female eat pray love journey that they feel they missed by being the last generation that got married young. Its crazy. They ignore all the signs right in front of them. Many dads go along just fine. Their sons, who are all matters of behind their sisters for reasons that most refuse to explore, are *shrug* failing to launch or are going headlong into the broken model and hostile college-corporate-debt-status meatgrinder.

    Most of my old friends from the before times would consider it a failure if their precious did not matriculate to college and beyond.

    The thought of actual labor is still beneath them. It is turning a little but not enough to matter. They talk of “the trades” at dinner parties because it is en vogue. Because they are getting fisted by the plumber plopping a new low-flush eco-conscious toilet in their mountain house which is something we can all relate to, right? right?

    But it is not something they spend any time encouraging or facilitating for their own designer kid unless it is of last resort and they can spin it as a social win.

    No, like most of those yoked to the progressive moral hegemony, it is your kid that should take up the trade so that their kid can hire a plumber and not need a translator.

    We are all subject to the various trade-offs and paradoxes of our time. The great divide is widening and the sides are sorting but even our “side” has a long way to go because 99% of our side is still invested in not just the social order and status hierarchy defined by our enemies but also the entire economic system that we all claim to hate.

    Which is really, in a lot of cases, just envy that our silent or boomer parents played the same model and got flush while we are catching the falling knife, running to stand still, etc. and worse, are confronted with the great inconvenience that is not being able to sell the lie of the American dream to our kids as easily as our parents did because the signals in the noise are too strong to ignore.

    But apparently not strong enough to change our ways either. The greatest generation of middle managers is gone baby gone but my friends will parachute their precious onto that beachhead just the same.

    Meanwhile there are legions of old guys looking to exit the trades, small businesses, and other enterprises who have no real buyers for what they have built or no children of their own interested in taking over.

    There are legions of young men who can take up a trade or business but have no access to capital or support. On paper it would seem there are massive opportunities to bridge these gaps in a win-win.

    But reality is proving different.

    Many old guys will not leave a penny on the table and would seemingly rather fire sell their FF&E to invaders or auction it all off for pennies than accept a “lowball” price that would result in structuring a deal for a young self-employed man.

    Similarly, the capital markets are not on our side in all of this and there are exactly zero high net worth badthinkers opening private equity shops to fund these in the private markets in no small part because the “return profile” does not fit their current allocations etc.

    There are massive problems of sorting through the wreckage of the older generation and the younger generation to find the ones even capable or willing to do anything that might be bigger than themselves. Filtering for “our guys” and grifters, liars, cheats, lazy and incompetent, and so on is just too large of a task.

    Instead we are left with one off rifle shots at trying to tie together what we believe with how we want to live with how the overarching reality of the political-economic landscape cannot be avoided or ignored.

    I am in my 50’s and would very much like to work with – and for, our people, on our land, in ways that accrue to our goodwill and future as a people.

    But I also have a mortgage, live in a broken landscape small market rural area and have very little capital to deploy on my own. If I can’t find my way to this, it is a lot to expect a younger man to do so.

    A lot of folks can port their remote jobs anywhere, arbitrage the urban pay with a rural life and that’s great but at some point we all have to start making moves that reflect the blood and soil life with our own personal economics and appetite for living standards, comforts etc.

    A “community” of hivemind contractors banking on their fiber-optic connection to cloud incomes does not a durable people make. It seems we are in a time of great stand-offs and transitions. Which will end. We will need to be addressing those things, social and economic, that can exist in the reality of today but also account for the coming reality that we can speculate but not know of any certainty.

    This is the lot of the GenX life. This is our time. How will we respond? What will the kids know of our mettle? How will we be remembered?

  8. We can write-off boomers, don’t get me wrong

    but it’s important for history to realize they were victims and taken advantage of

    helpless victims for whom it could not have been otherwise given the circumstances

    GLR was the only chance and he might have had like .1% of the population. the problem is democracy really. if you want to blame something.

    in any society there are 80% “boomer” types. Democracy allows those people to make decisions.

    the world wars created a smoke screen and genocided all the strong white men. thats really what happened

    talking about boomers without talking about the 30 years of jewish wars is irresponsible

    When boomers were kids homes were like $20k and everyone was white

    boomers could not possibly have forseen the other side

    sure they coulda been less agreeable but they had no historic precedent to compare what happens when you allow feminism and diversity

    there has never been feminism and diversity until 1960s

    but they are as culpable as little red riding hood

    the villain is the wolf/jew…not the child
    boomers’ downfall was being white and assuming non-whites could be like whites

    what you and anyone who blames everything on boomers is saying is ” white people cant be trusted lol”. fuck that.

  9. And now, the moment that you’ve all been waiting for-The winner of the generational contest as to which generation has succeeded in overcoming Jewish power and influence is… envelope please! Sorry folks- the envelopes empty! (and probably will be forever!)

  10. Well the kids, like never before, are growing up without fathers.

    Blacks at least can easily find a gang to join, which compensates some for that loss. White boys on the other hand grow up with video games; and they seem the more lost of the two. Somewhat directionless in life. They’d rather play video games than work. And those who do work seem like they’d rather be playing video games. They’ll often attach themselves to girls, who WILL work. I’ve seen a lot of that.

    The problem goes back to the Garden of Eden, when Adam tried to throw Eve under the bus. Women ever since have inwardly been mistrustul of men. Not without reason, but looking around us we can see how without a man at the helm, women collectively go wildly off course.

    The “Curse of Eve” seems to have come into full bloom in our time: women’s greediness, narcissism… bipolar disorder… Borderline Personality Disorder…. They pull out all the stops to make guys want them. Then pull out all the stops to make guys want to leave them.

    Men have plenty of psychological problems too, but fewer than women as a rule. However we’re slaves to that sweet, sweet candy. That’s a big problem. That and women are smarter about us than we are about them.

    Basically, we’ve allowed women too much freedom and authority – and they’re making a mess of it. Men for their part will have to take the reins back and start acting like men if the World isn’t to spiral into the abyss… but it’s probably going to take WW3 to make it happen.

  11. Should we start watching MSNBC and referring to ourselves as victims – thus there’s nothing we can do but sit on the couch watching grown men in tights toss a ball around and LET darkie and possessed Jews take over – or maybe … I don’t know … act like the superior race we are and turn the tables?

    Again I say … solutions are never presented on any media! Solutions require effort, balls and shutting the stupid game off …

    1. What is your solution besides constantly blabbering on about a CSA II that has absolutely no chance of ever even getting out of the starting blocks, let alone not getting immediately crushed if it did? CSA I failed in an era that was far more favorable for success than now. I want what you want, and then some. But I’m a realist, and I know what we’re up against it. We are slaves, and have been for our entire lifetimes. We are outgunned, and out financed. And probably even outnumbered, if you were paying attention to the ignorance of the masses during the phony scamdemic. I have balls, but I also have a brain to keep my balls from making me do things that are foolish and foolhardy.

      1. This is the typical type of response from victims who want to stay victims because it requires no effort – not even thought – and the inner lazy voices of all the ‘victims’ have been running their lives for a long time.

        Trying to convince a lazy voice controlled ‘victim’ to at the very least even “think” of a solution is … well, the same as trying to convince an MSNBC watching black that this is their era and they have in some ways more of a chance – at least to get a corporate slave job – than a white. They’ll fight you all the way and “cling” to their dear victimhood.

        This is why I gave up on sites like this long ago. Stupid me keeps “clinging” to hope. Hope that someday whites stand up to the “planet of the apes” we’ve ALLOWED to build up.

        Now pour yourselves another tea as the Titanic is sinking and delight in your demise.

        1. That’s what you managed to take from my comment???? Talk about lazy. Please point out where anything I said was not true????? Oh wait, you can’t so you take the lazy way out by labeling me as lazy.

          Lazy is also your constant prattling on about a CSA II with nary a plan to even begin realistically executing it, other than the nebulous cliches and platitudes you spew. Let’s hear how you plan to get it started, oh mighty keyboard warrior.

          Go ahead, keep on thinking your precious hope will make it happen. I’m sure your unicorns will be springing out of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow anytime now.

  12. Whatever are you Gen-X (and younger) whiners going to do when the last of the heinous, hated boomers shuffles off this mortal coil? Will you then finally cast a steely eye toward your own myriad shortcomings? Or, like lunatic democrats still checking for Trump under their cribs three years on, will you continue blaming those extinct boomers long after we are gone for your self-inflicted misery? Better make up your mind soon, latchkey boy, as the very youngest boomer turns 60 this year.

    Yeah, we had it good. We had it REAL good for a very long time, largely through no fault of our own. College was still cheap, HR was in its infancy, it was ok to be White and neighborhoods remained self-segregated. And we gleefully took full advantage of all of it, just as YOU would do in similar circumstances. Don’t even try to deny it.

    So sorry that you are facing the fallout from some incredibly disastrous policies enacted before your time. But this boomer was born just months before Kennedy was inaugurated, and was still a toddler when the welfare state was unleashed. I, like every other boomer, was way too young to vote for or against LBJ, and I even missed the opportunity to thumb my nose at Jimmy Carter in the voting booth. I didn’t approve affirmative action or vote to let the unwashed hordes in to deny you, our children and grandchildren, opportunity and jobs. And neither did 99% of my cohort.

    If you don’t like the direction this country has taken, change it. Petition your congressman. Run for office, yourself. Organize boycotts. Form a militia group to defend the border. Do something, anything, rather than sit sulking in your aging boomer parents’ basement feeling sorry for yourself.

  13. Dear Sir Lawrence -‘Many old timers won’t leave a penny on the table” Ever wonder why? -maybe because they don’t have a penny left! Why- Because of Brown v. Topeka Board of Education (1954). Public school racial integration ruined public education, and conscientious white parents had to spring for private schools give their kids a decent education ( home schooling wasn’t an option back then- no organizations or materials.)” Busing”- translation- real racial integration in public schools- didn’t arrive until the mid 1970s in most locales- just in time for the snake-bit Boomers to reach adulthood and parenting age . Most Boomer parents couldn’t afford it but put their children first and provided it anyway-that is why there is no money left on the table for their ingrate Gen-Xer children. Think of the enormous sums paid by Boomer parents for their children to attend so-called “segregation academies” to essentially get the same quality of education that earlier generations took for granted and got for their children for free! Throwing their kids into racially integrated schools would have been tantamount to throwing them into the Black Hole of Calcutta! God bless the parents who selflessly did this for their children. I hope at least some of the Gen-Xers who got such private school educations, paid for by their Boomer parents, realize the debt of gratitude they owe their Boomer parents for doing this for them, rather than vilifying their parents for not being rich enough to pay for private schools and leave them a tidy nest egg when they die as well. As Shakespeare said, “Sharper than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child”!

    1. Again Blowtorch I agree.The most egregious blow was putting our White children into schools with apes.The possible part Jew/Jew owned Eisenhower used the 101st Airborne troops to force our beloved White children at bayonet to go with racial filth.White elite troops against White children.And here in SC Gov Ernest Hollings born 1922 of German parents said we must integrate with dignity in 1963 because we have run out of courts.The translation is that Hollings sold his soul to the Jews and was more than happy to sell out the White race without a fight.My point is that the Jews have had traitors of all ages beholden to their Satanic race.Hollings was scum as was Gov Russell who followed him.Russell retired as Federal Judge with 30 million dollars more than 20 years ago.How did he get this fortune?Not hard work but through his work on behalf of Jews and against the White race.And he was a Mississippi born White man.So the Synagogue of Satan collects traitors and souls but the resolute will have the glory of victory whether it be on Earth or in Heaven because Christ has won the victory for us and all of the Jews horrors committed against the White race are because they reject the Lord and His precious Son Jesus.That is the absolute truth.The Jews do not care about money or dogmas,their goal is absolutely Satanic in nature.

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