If someone tried to sell you on a job where you would lose a lot of your friends, be unable to culturally engage with most of modern society, were constantly harassed/targeted, became largely ostracized if anyone found out your job, and that job did not pay you a single cent, you would tell them to bugger off, perhaps in harsher words.
But is that not exactly what being a dissident entails? We recognize all of those things, but choose to do this, anyway. Maybe we are the crazy ones, after all.
Joking aside, there are a myriad of reasons why we all go this route, but the most universal one is that we are lovers of the truth. We find the truth more important than anything I listed in that first paragraph (relationships, societal approval, societal standing, and riches). Truth is worth more than the riches and the pleasures of this world to us. So, we start that journey of seeking truth, even knowing the risks.
I found a meme that captures the process well.
Replace “conspiracy theorist” with dissident in the below meme and it tells the same story:

There is no one born a dissident. It’s just the end result from countless hours deep in research, analysis, and reflection.
This is why you have dissidents of all political belief systems: republic, aristocracy, monarchy, revitalized Roman Empire, etc. Divergent dissidents all end up here on the same side of the aisle because the truth leads us to the reality of the error of the modern way. While we do not agree on everything, we are all forced to agree with the reality that modernity is a nightmare.
After you spend those endless hours in study, you eventually reach that end point of realizing the entire system is geared toward failure. The system, our civilization itself, is decaying. Reforming a few policies here and there is not an option. We need something reborn; something new. There is no other option.
But it is a slow process to get there. We were all normies once. Then, we take that first step of doubt and learn a little truth. That truth is almost always something that hurts personally – a recognition that you were deceived or that you were blindly ignorant, and that this truth will cause you some problems fitting in to normal society. This is where the dissident is born or dies. If a person rejects that first truth, the process ends, and they join the grey masses. If a person accepts it, they keep going down the pipeline.
The first step is arguably the hardest, because it requires full submission to reality. One has to let go of the hardest sin to overcome – pride – and accept you were wrong. Not anyone else, because you believed the lie. But once you accept your error, you are free of the guilt. It is crazy that this works, but it works. Then, down the dissident pipeline you go.
Along the way, you will come into contact with many false conspiracy theories. These are almost always the ones most promoted in the news, online, and in the magazines. Our modern narrative promotes dumb conspiracies and “truths,” while hiding the real ones. This creates a legion of conspiracy nutjobs that believe the wildest things (QAnon, being a prime example), discrediting the actual dissidents and conspiracy theories who vet their beliefs with the endless hours previously mentioned. We’ve all had that one uncle who is a normie in every way but believes the craziest conspiracy theories without even investigating them. It is people like this who create a bad name for the actual dissidents that spend hours drenched in data. But as you go down the dissident pipeline, you learn to spot these types pretty quickly.
Going down the pipeline is also dangerous. No one tells you where it will go or how the journey ends. It’s darkness. A leap of faith. But it can be a fun and enlightening one, if you let it be. Or it can be depressing and blackpilling, if you do not foster a proper mindset.
The true, final end result of this process is evolving into a spiritual dissident by finding Christ. That is the “proper mindset” I speak of. If one earnestly seeks the truth for long enough, it is where you will end up.
This is why one starts as a political, material dissident, but the final evolution is to become a spiritual dissident alongside it.
During the journey down the dissident pipeline, a person realizes how messed up our entire civilization is. But once you become a spiritual dissident – dissenting from this world entirely in favor of the world to come, you are truly set free. And you truly can see the world as it is, how it was, and how it will be. This provides hope; a joyous realization at the end of the pipeline journey.
The material dissident that stops themselves before reaching the end is worse off than the grey masses that never take the journey at all. It’s nothing but depression and blackpills. It’s no wonder most of them go crazy and join some fed-ran neo-Nazi organization, sell their souls to become a talking head somewhere, start believing in actual alien-lizards, or some other absurdity. They know a little truth but won’t take the ultimate truth.
I don’t know of any dissident that rejects Christ who has been around for decades without going bonkers. If there is one, they are the exception, not the rule. Look around – nearly every dissident that stays in the game and stays sane is Christian. This is not a coincidence. This should be a sign to the rest of you.
But hey, God said that would happen. So, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise.
It takes a long time to become a dissident. But it takes even longer to reach the final stage as a spiritual dissident against this Satan-run world entirely. Still, it is a process worth undertaking, because it provides an eternity of blissful rest at the end.
I never thought I’d be a dissident, much less a Christian. But the truth can do funny things to a person.
Wherever you are along that journey, I am glad to have you here. Thanks for being a part of it. Even if you disagree with my analysis, I still appreciate your time in reading a dissenting view.
For those of you who are not yet spiritual dissidents: all I ask is that you keep sticking to the truth, no matter where you may find it.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at hiddendominion.com. Eph. 5:11.
You’re an excellent writer Kaiser … one of the best on this site in my opinion. The ideas you present are what I’d call ‘big tent without compromise.’ This piece reminded me of an excerpt from Benjamin Morgan Palmer (another Southern Christian gifted with the power of expressing profound truth):
“The art of enjoyment is to be forgetful of it. The essential mistake of most men lies just here: they try too much. Happiness is like our shadow. … Nobody ever caught it by pursuing, and according to the quaint conceit of the Chinese, nobody can succeed in lying underneath it. This is just the folly of unconverted men. The world can never be anything but shadow, to those who mistake it for substance. p. 184.
In every sphere of life, happiness must be the result of what we are—the necessary reflection of those who are careful to stand in the sun. This explains how a Christian can renounce the world and still enjoy it. … He has found the law of happiness in the oblivion of self. He seeks to be what he should, and to stand accepted with God; and permits his happiness to take care of itself. … He who lives only for this world, has only at last to lie down and rot. But he who lives for God and duty … lives to purpose. … Life under any other view is insipid. … It is a luxury to live, when life becomes heroic. … ‘True joy is a serious thing’: and it profanes a splendid word to apply it to anything beneath the holy satisfaction of sowing earth with the seeds of noble actions. pp. 185-6.”
Benjamin Morgan Palmer, ‘Selected Writings,’ Southwestern Presbyterian, April 28, 1870.
Good points and well said. I used to wonder about all the people who *refuse* to see the reality staring them in the face. We all know someone like that. Ultimately, I realized it’s because truth/reality can be painful. And when you think about it, most of what people do is about escaping from some kind of pain.
I agree that the Christian dissident makes a better go of it than others; but even there the Devil has made great inroads. So, it’s time for some good old fashioned prayer AND fasting, friends. Spread the word.
“For where there is no prayer and fasting there *are* demons.” -Theophan the Recluse
“When asked why they lied, the liars swore they were not lying.”
Friends, look at the following article from MSNBC, then watch the video. Where did Senator Kennedy say, or imply, that he knows more about the southern border than “Border Chief” Jason Owens?
I can help here: Owens was tapped by *the Biden administation*… which wants to squeeze as many brownies down America’s craw as it can. Owens is going to do and say whatever it takes to preserve his retirement. He knows very well what can happen when you step out of line in DC.
It’s simply a case of pattern recognition, folks: whatever is worse for White, middle-class America is exactly what the big guys are gonna’ choose. Every! Single! Time! You can bet on it.
You might say, “But what about White liberals? Many of them voted for Biden…. Are you saying they’re voting against their own best interests?”
That’s exactly what I’m saying. A bad conscience is always accompanied by self contempt. Always.
Liberalism is more than just a political POV. It’s a mental disorder – with a strong demonic element too. Not to say liberals are all demon possessed (though many are) but that they’re people under some type of demonic *oppression*.
My own theory is that it’s because they’re sex addicts/chronic masturbators; and rather than make the effort to overcome this vice, they decide it’s THE WORLD that needs to be fixed! Hence, they come together in a great dysfunctional swarm, seeking to deceive humanity in such a way that their own evils can’t be recognized.
Because they’re prideful, libs won’t repent and ask for God’s forgiveness. But in their hearts they know they deserve to be punished for their sins. So, they do self-destructive things – like voting for other liberals. They also swear a lot, drink a lot and use drugs in an attempt to momentarily escape from “the burden of self”.
But misery loves company. And so… libs seek to drag everyone else down with them. Even their own children. Which is why they can almost always be found supporting – abortion for example – the greater evil.
Am I being an “extremist”?
Well, think about it. As just one example I could give: libs ALWAYS push for greater sexual license. But only up to a line. A line that Satan himself draws. Why would he draw a line he’d prefer not to? Because he knows that if he pushes things too far people might notice. But he knows he can push things very far with libs.
The lie imputed to Senator Kennedy is a standard propaganda psyop. The MSM paymasters know that most people don’t read past the headline. And those who do can be manipulated using carefully chosen slants and buzzwords, e.g. “conspiracy theorist”. Look up articles on “neuro-linguistic programming”. There’s some very interesting stuff going on there.
But now, the same psychologists pushing neuro-linguistic programming, because they know to some degree it works, are telling us it’s a “pseudo-science”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-linguistic_programming#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20scientific%20evidence,NLP%20contains%20numerous%20factual%20errors.
The controlled mockingbird media (and all of the MSM outlets) simply regurgitate whatever their paymasters feed them. And the public, to a significant degree, laps it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director.
PS, I never recommend Wikipedia as an authoritative source, but it is a good place to start a line of inquiry.
This is a very thoughtful, well-written piece. I can still remember the screaming arguments among my friends, relatives, and co-workers over the truth about the Kennedy assassination. At this point, however, I would submit the act of being a dissident is to not say anything, other than maybe: “See, I told you so!”
The FSSA is on the tipping point of a massive economic reset. The cultural disintegration has been going on for decades and is just snowballing. Given my educational background, military and civilian police experience, and my age (76), I and my tribe spend more time watching, preparing, listening and waiting. There is a Power involved now much Higher than I and mine. He, in His own time and in His own way, will correct the apostacy of this corrupt, soulless, degenerate, syphilitic-thinking country. Bleib ubrig.
Thanks for plainly stating what value dissent has. You mentioned the “Q” thing. I was always fascinated with that as an interesting study in psychological operations. It’s real value is to get people questioning what is actually going on in the world and hopefully start them on the path to spiritual dissent.
There is a new way, it is also the old way! It can seem complicated but is mostly seeing a new way of looking at history. Start here,
There is a lot to learn, you can read or watch video.
I needed this; thanks brah!
Very well written and expressed, thanks for writing this. All of what you had to say resonates very deeply with me.