Any functioning state can protect its own borders from migrants.
Any functioning state that does not protect its own borders does not survive for very long.
It is not something that is difficult to do. You put a few blockades up here and there, a turret, maybe scatter around some trigger-happy troops, and then you won’t get migrants trying to walk across. It’s really not all that difficult, contrary to the corrupted modern idea of how ‘it’s just impossible to do.’
In reality, it is a simple process. Nations have successfully done it for thousands of years. So, there is a reason that our border is being flooded now.
Even worse, right now it’s not just about prevention – these aliens are being encouraged to come here. The state is actively accelerating the flow of these illegals.
The question is: Why?
Different sets of dissidents have different answers. But I personally align with the Spawn Strategy Theory: Aliens are being invited to fill the military for when Cataclysm X happens, so that when martial law is declared, it is not the heritage Whites enforcing it.
They’ll send the remaining Whites in the military to enforce military occupation in black and brown areas, while sending the newly arrived aliens in to enforce it in our towns.
There is quite a bit of evidence as of late that is pointing toward this likelihood. One such example is our military actively doing everything it can to make Whites not want to join. Then there is the fact that our own military is also actively recruiting these aliens or pushing for it:

I know a lot of conservatives and dissidents alike that claim that the “military is bleeding” because Whites are not filling their ranks. As if the military is actually worried about it.
Coming from a long line of military families, I just don’t buy this. If they were actually hurting, they wouldn’t be so open about hating Whites and so open about not filling their spots.
I think it’s the opposite. They want to 1) pretend that they are significantly below recruiting goals, so they can justify it when the Administration goes full blown “all aliens must join the military.” But they are also 2) doing everything they can to get Whites out of the military and to prevent them from signing up in the first place. Both can be done simultaneously.
Then they have a scapegoat: “Well, Whites aren’t joining, so we have to bring in all the browns.”
Our rulers are setting up this exact situation to unfold.
I do not believe that the administration is upset that Whites are not joining. On the contrary, I think they are pushing the DIE programs so hard and are being so open about hating Whites because they want Whites to stop joining.
Their new spawns are already arriving to fill our place once Cataclysm X hits. The setup is happening right in front of our eyes.
[Necessary disclaimer since articles like these always piss everyone off: I am not saying to join the military. Don’t. You’ll be put in a horrible position when this all unfolds. But take note of what is happening so you will not be caught off-guard when it does.]
Whites won’t enforce martial law and assault our own land and people. Jamal, Enrico, and Ahmed will.
Especially if it means they get to stay here and be fed, versus getting deported to their own country which will simultaneously be facing serious problems like starvation, since Cataclysm X will be worldwide.
If José has the choice between forcing martial law on us while getting room and board versus getting deported back to Haiti to face sure starvation and pestilence for not following orders, you can make an educated guess on what he’ll do to your family to make sure he gets to stay here.
This is why I believe illegal immigration is ramping up so excessively right now. They are bringing in their future military. Because Cataclysm X is fast approaching.
Our situation could be fixed tomorrow. All it would take to end this are a few snipers at the border and to take off the shackles of ICE. We could deport them all and prevent future arrivals. Done. But that will not happen, because they want these people here. I believe it is for this purpose.
(I know there are always those conservatives that can’t fathom deporting people, and even some dissidents that think it’s impossible to fix the demographic problem, but they are thinking like fools. Pakistan literally just deported half a million illegals in three months. Pakistan is the most inbred nation on the planet that has accidentally bombed themselves a dozen times and has absolutely no resources to do this whatsoever. Yet they could still do this in three months. Imagine how effective the United States could be if we simply wanted to. There is no excuse. We could fix this in six months, tops. Demographics are easy to fix with the right leadership).
Our elites are planning a day for when the heritage United States population will be under the boot of foreign mercenaries just seeking bread rations.
The only real question is if they will succeed, or if we will stop them.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at Eph. 5:11.
100% agree. John Trochmann and the Militia of Montana were saying this prior to Y2K in a video they put out: ‘Enemies Foreign and Domestic’. Max Igan was also on to something when he said that what’s happening right now in the Gaza Strip is what they’re planning to do to the world.
When I saw the ad for recruiting aliens in the military, it looked like they just copied and pasted the same guy to both sides lol. The replacement of Whites in military is – in a sort of way – a good thing for us Southernors (and dissidents all around). Whites were the only competent demographic in the military, and with them gone, the enforcers of Washington’s tyranny will be easier to fight back against in the event of a war as they are less competent. Whites wouldn’t hesitate against killing their own if ordered to (integration in the 1950s, the Civil War, etc.), so seeing this go down could help even the odds.
We need to control the secession ( restructuring ), narrative or (((they))) will mess everything up for us. We have 1 chance. A window of opportunity. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to think deeply and create manifesto like articles suggesting potential talking points from which to spring board an actual outline of HOW to restructure and WHAT might CSA II look like. Time is of the essence …
Kent State!!!!
I said the same thing, but was treated as if I just stepped off a space ship. Than mysteriously, the governor of IL, pritzger, IL senator Durbin said we need to let illegals join law enforcement, the military. Dean and revile a group of people, then they refuse to serve in these areas. Then they must allow the illegals to replace them for the sake of “safety” and “security”. True evil.
Yep. The American Foreign Legion will be needed to round up the pesky legacy Americans that wont abide to the new rules.
I have come to the same conclusion. In California last year, Sacramento waived all citizenship and residency requirements for law enforcement recruitment. This without even talk of a shortage of recruits. Also, many governments in both blue and red states, are dropping college degree requirements for both .gov hiring and professional licensing. While that is to the advantage of young Heritage Americans no longer welcome in academia, it also removes yet another barrier to the hiring of migrants.
Considering the importance of extended education to the Marxist agenda, Marxists dropping college-degree requirements can only be viewed as an action of haste.
Very good but you missed something HUGE. (((They))) will promise the UN army they can keep anything in any house where anyone resists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In other words … anything not fastened down and not part of real estate ( Black Rock will get that ), goes to the mostly darkie but also Russian and Chinese Red Dawn invasion force. There was intel on this YEARS AGO.
All conversation now should be about how to massage an enlarged all white CSA II into existence. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” has never been more appropriate a thing to say.
Very good article and true indeed.The Jews hate the White race because they hate God and Jesus.The Satanic One World Government foretold in the Bible is coming.The Devils children the Jews are making it happen.But ultimately it is Gods will.We must rededicate ourselves to the Lord and His Son Jesus and guard the racial heritage of our ancestors.The Jews bombard us non-stop in schools,media,advertising,sports,entertainment about White-guilt.I feel no guilt and never will.I feel only pride.And to all my fellow Whites over the years who so easily denounced their own race and me for defending it,I say I hope Hell awaits(and it does).And to all the good Southern White Christians who have kept the faith I say Heaven will rebirth our beautiful South and all the good kinsmen there so trust the Lord.God bless all here in good faith.”All I need is the White race and the Jesus keys”..JB Stoner
By the phrase”Gods will”above I meant that God can change things if it fits His plan,and not that He would wish torment upon His children.God knew Lucifer would rebel even though He did not desire that to occur.I felt I needed to clarify that after rereading my comment.God does not desire evil to occur but sometimes events must play out so that people are tested.Other times God grants a reprieve.We can never know what His great mind conceives but know He loves us.
This is an interesting read:
An army of eunuchs? Game Of Thrones realized? Army based on HBO?