I vigorously support having a border and Texas becoming an independent nation. My issue is that anyone getting their hopes up through our current political process is in for some tremendous disappointments. The notion that the GOP would do anything for us is laughable, maybe they’d let us keep our guns but as a national party the GOP is finished.
It’s a cliche, but they won’t even defend the women’s restroom. If Biden lives long enough for the next election, most likely his victory will come through the mail once again. The GOP is the most hapless and pathetic political organization I could possibly imagine.
I’d prefer the Taliban to this tragicomedy. Jews don’t want America to be broken up, hence no chance exists that the GOP would seek this outcome. Some Jews understand the value of the theater, this is why we see what we’re seeing. If Jews told Greg Abbott not to do this, he wouldn’t be doing it.
We have open borders, but Heritage Americans need the hope that something could be done about it. Just saying there was no problem at the border wasn’t working for the Biden Administration because it’s such a serious, visible, and tangible crisis.
Gregg Abbott is putting up razor wire on some stretch of Texas while going to India to brown the place out even worse than it is already. India has a pool of 250 million young workers which is viewed as pretty useful for putting an end to the Caucasian demography of the entire West. Gas stations, convenience stores, and motels used to be owned by White people, many aren’t old enough to remember this time. I’m not an old man and I can remember this time.
There are a lot of Sub-Saharan Africans, but the problem is you can’t even get them to conform to the most basic standards of civilized behavior and they possess levels of intelligence equivalent to mental retardation by Western standards. They’ll continue to flood in, but they can’t really replace anyone in the workforce.
What’s desired is to push us out of the workforce to the greatest extent possible. This is the official policy of every major company in America. If planes plunge out of the sky, it’s the price to pay for having us gone. Go to any website of these companies, and they’ll make it clear that you can be hired if a diverse alternative isn’t available. The accidents will attest to their sincerity.
Indians are a critical component for our intended total replacement. It’s morally fine to be disconcerted about the growing presence of people imported into your country without your consent in order to be used as a weapon against you and everyone you love. What’s being done to us is that evil and insane.
The actual average IQ in India is quite low and problems like barbaric rapes are endemic, but many can do basic job tasks. In Canada, the government’s plan is to make full use of Indians to increase the population 5x and Canadians are pretty unnerved by it. Nobody ever asked them if they wanted this, just like they never asked us. If Indians feel like they’re being antagonized, well nobody complains about there being Indians in India.
White Nationalism is a new term, it just used to be called nationalism. Everyone took for granted that a nation (natal) meant an entity composed of the same people. This remains common sense even if it’s now considered criminal. Groups of people have varying traits that make them best suited to living with people like themselves. Even a nation like the United Kingdom wouldn’t exist if England hadn’t been able to impose itself on Scotland, Wales, and Ireland by force.
I’m a very international person by trade, and the more I see, the more I understand this concept. Little kids understand this concept right away. In China, they’d just point at you and blurt out “wai guo ren 外國人” or “foreigner,” it’s not even a slur it just literally translates into “foreign kingdom person.” Little kids automatically notice things that adults are not supposed to notice in America. You’re an alien, so they notice. Kids back in the day were told to be wary of strangers, this is what everyone should be doing.
The truth is that nobody wants Indians. I follow the Chinese language media and noticed a story that the government in Taiwan was planning to import 10,000 contract laborers from India. The locals lost their shit, posting stuff like “They’ll turn this into sexual assault island” and “Taiwan is not a toilet.” So, that was over.
They’re everywhere now and nobody was asked to consent. Indians have their own subcontinent, it’s not unkind to expect them to remain there instead of swamping other peoples’ countries. Nationalism is actually a fair and reasonable doctrine, especially in contrast to global sodomy. I wish to impede no freedom of Indians except to overrun America. It’s up to other nations to wish for similar impediments. They now head the governments in England and Scotland (Pakistani, different shithole but I don’t care).
That’s what the GOP would like to see happen here in America, as well. Why in the hell anyone named Nimarata Randhawa or Vivek Ramasamy should be running for president of the USA ought to be a very pertinent question. These people are very useful for Jews, that’s essentially Nimarata’s entire platform. The Russians literally prank call her about fake countries, she only knows one priority and that’s enough for Jews. They’re trying to acclimatize us to the notion that a White man shouldn’t be in charge of anything. Jews are trying to put Trump in prison so one of them has a shot.
The only thing the GOP can do is say that it wants legal immigration, but what does this really matter if the world’s refuse ends up here anyways? That’s as stupid as the GOP people saying it’s fine if a private company shuts down the First Amendment, just not the government. What future the White party expects in a brown morass is beyond the contemplation of a rational mind.
We’ve got the most underemployed generation of young White men in American history. I don’t know what it’s like to navigate this situation, I came of age before there was a concept of “incels” or a lack of entry level employment because foreign hordes were constantly being imported to make sure the level of income anyone could make from this was as low as possible. We just had Whites and blacks. The 1990s seem like the 1950s compared to these days, so I was lucky.
You could always make money doing yard work. There as always residents of the neighborhood who were too old, too busy, or had too much money to do it themselves. There were no Mexicans with those leaf blowers. I hate leaf blowers. Then, I started doing construction. You didn’t have to know how to do anything. The guys with skills were doing things and you were hauling stuff around or throwing it in the dumpster and gradually you’d get taught how to do some things. This is how you get your start in life. We could still be doing it this way right now.
Through your working experiences, maybe you could decide to pursue a trade or that you’d be better suited by doing something else for a living. Working enables a teenage boy to conceptualize what he wants to do for a career. You start at the bottom and notice what the guys who are making more are doing to make more and then decide if you want to go their route.
Back to the 90s, what’s more, nobody in our crew was coming back afterwards to steal the copper. Mexicans did this to my neighbors, the asshole who flipped the place hired Mexicans for some of the renovations and when they moved into their home and tried to turn on the tap, that’s when they found out. A different asshole hired Mexicans for another neighbor’s rather expensive renovations, and they decided to burglarize the home late one night. Startled by the home alarm, they abandoned a bag of weed and a loaded Glock. My neighbor had small children. We hired a competent White guy for a renovation, everything was done right, and nothing was stolen.
Everybody has anecdotal stories like these now. I never let the sun go down on me at my local Walmart due to the activities of the colored population. The things I witness in broad daylight don’t give me much faith in America, either. There was once a giant tranny who, I guess, was calling in an airstrike on a walkie talkie or something, that was pretty mild. It was staring at the sky and talking excitedly.
Honestly, that stuff doesn’t really bother me anymore, I just keep moving. Now, I see these squat brown Mayans straight out of the jungles who maybe crack 4.5 feet tall. This is who gets hired to do the work I did as a teenager and teenagers still now could be doing. Anyone surprised the work is shoddy and things get stolen?
None of this is somehow problematic to the GOP as long as it’s legal. However, if the nation is turned into an untenable entity through mass migration, the legality doesn’t really matter at all. The only way you can have a multicultural nation is to do what the Russian Federation does, which is to have a core demographic in its own geography that comprises the vast majority of the population but 132 other ethnic groups each with varying degrees of autonomy within their own geography. This is a model that works and has held together despite the sincerest efforts of the USA.
What’s going on in the West is the demographic equivalent of a time bomb. My personal view is that the best we get out of some sort of implosion is the ability to have our own autonomous communities because our rights could be restored either legally or through the system’s inability to oppress us anymore. The latter seems more realistic when the best you’ve got is the GOP. How that could happen, I’m not sure but I’m quite certain it will be deeply unpleasant.
The GOP keeps preaching this legal immigration nonsense while whatever political relevancy it has continues to pour down the drain. They’ll continue to hold the line anyone can cross if it’s legal. If not, they’ll give these creatures a bus ride somewhere else. If you’re viewing any of this without the deepest possible cynicism, then you have my condolences. All dissidents (common sense individuals) eventually arrive at the conclusion that things will implode in some form or another. You’ll get there, trust me.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
You’re right. The GOP are worthless. Republicans are nothing more than former Democrats who have been assaulted by blacks. It seems as though Jean Raspail was also right when he predicted how Western Civilization would be overrun by Indians in his novel THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS. Not long ago, many millions of Indians thought that they could protect themselves from viruses by smearing sacred cow dung all over their bodies. Now Republicans want to import the filthy retards and give them grants to buy small businesses. At the same time we have the F.B.I. and Census Bureau classifying Latino aliens as White. Europeans are not merely being replaced but genocided.
A propos Texas independence: According to the US Census, Texas is 40.2% Hispanic and 39.8% White (nonHispanic). Also White reproduction is below replacement level, and nationwide Whites are a minority in the under 15 year-old cohort.
So how does an independent Texas not become a mini-Mexico? How does an independent Texas not merge with Mexico after a legitimate referendum to do so?
So what Whites were a minority in the antebellum period of the Old South. Your statement holds no water.
Whites were a minority in South Carolina in 1900 but White males had control of White females and Whites stuck together.The Jews have destroyed that.Whites now couldn’t rule with 80 percent and thats true.Whites refuse to stick together and that includes many males as well in my experience.My take is that I had the same Jew propaganda and coercion exerted upon me but chose to fight it.Many young White males reject it as well from reports in the media but I still believe a large percentage of Whites are worthless.What about all the dimwitted White couples adopting 2 or 3 darkies and raising them with their natural children,that is a sign of madness.I only count on my Father in Heaven to save those of us who never deserted the Cause of our race.
The second the Russians carve out a little corner of their massive country and name it “Novaya Dixie” before opening it to US expats, I’m out of here.
Maybe there’s a future with the Third Rome, but there’s none for us: the second Babylon.
Excellent article!!
Great piece, and even better ending. We anxiously await for the implosion.
Governor Abbott is a coward and a hypocrite, using the typical politician tactic to deceive the masses, bait and switch. He’ll put up a show on the border, claiming he’s “protecting Texas from illegal immigrants invading”, while flying to third world India and encouraging “legal” immigration of Indians into Texas, who will no doubt be competing with local Texans for high-paying jobs and positions of power and influence.
Indians are BY FAR the greatest immigrant threat to the State of Texas. While these illegals crossing the Rio Grande are no doubt a demographic threat, they are, the vast majority of them, only here to get on welfare and other federal government programs. Most of them will never obtain any higher managerial position of power and prominence. Indians, on the other hand, entrench themselves in the system and obtain positions of power and prominence. They obtain top managerial positions in the workplace industries of engineering and high tech, with the shear goal of dominating and ruling over the local professionals and the eventual goal of replacing them with, well, other Indians. The DFW metroplex is infested with Indians in all sectors of engineering, including and especially transportation engineering.
Very much like the Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1900s, these Indian immigrants engage themselves in political activism and become racial advocates for, exclusively, other Indians, and their fellow brown compatriots from their manure subcontinent. Interesting how they violently despise each other on their own subcontinent (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis), but as soon as they set foot on the North American continent, they are completely united as “brown brothers” against all other peoples outside their subcontinent, especially white people.
Indians are BY FAR the perfect group for the “““ruling elites””” that run the West, because, while they are still a filthy third world population whose streets are littered with their bodily wastes, and whose males are inclined to sexual violence, they are just barely intelligent enough to enforce and carry out the operations of this psychotic system we are all living under in the West, more so than subsaharan Africans and those coming from South of the Border would be.
So, while Texas does need to close down, yea, seal the border along the Rio Grande, it is far more important to focus on those dark brown subcontinentals crossing into Texas via DFW Airport and Houston IAH Airport. It is only by addressing this can Texas be restored and made whole again.
Sting said it best: “there is no political solution”…
There is no GOP and arguably hasn’t been for decades. Ditto for DNcommies. It’s a uniparty, all controlled by powerful (fake) Jews. These Khazars will bring the wrath/fury down on the Jewish state when the vast majority of them have About as much control on national policy as you do in whatever country you’re in.
War approaches. Things will be settled the hard way.
A great piece Tom.And absolutely correct.I would add that any White-ruled areas that may emerge should deny White women any vote,power,decision-making etc for all time if we are to have a successful and Godly homeland.As for all the deracinated Whites who love equality and hate anything White,they should live as slaves to those they championed and fought for.God bless you Sir.Christ is my Lord and Master.Thank you Father in Heaven for the bit of freedom and comradeship you allow us even in these times.We should all never fail to appreciate what the good Lord has done for each of us.
Great article! You hinted at it, but didn’t come out and say it directly. The GOP is nothing more than controlled opposition. Our supposed two parties are nothing more than two cheeks on the same ass. The illusion of choice. And it’s always been that way.