Christmas Reflections

2023 has been a brisk and challenging year, one for which I’m quite grateful. However, I must confess to be perturbed about something. This would be black people. As I sip my egg nogg and bourbon, the beverage fails to mollify my irritation when they make the pretentious assumption that there is any intellectual merit to their existence.

Blacks doing this pose like they’re some sort of profound thinker and putting their stupid credentials by their name gets rather tiresome. I prefer the Hebrew Israelite blacks, authentic and entertaining.

I find the lesbian black Harvard president as hilarious as them building the pyramids or programming the Apollo missions. This creature’s academic career is a complete joke and she ripped off the work of other academics who are also jokes. She even did it right down to the acknowledgment section which requires no effort beyond keystrokes. If this is America’s most prestigious academic institution, well, then Houston, we have a fuckin’ problem. That’s the part that worries me, the implications or whatever.

Think about how many White teenage boys could be trained and apprenticed into great electrical careers for her salary. Or, maybe don’t, because this combination of the practical and the possible will undermine the sanity of men without the grimmest sense of determination. I’ve been fighting off the madness for years, but I fear that eventually I’ll succumb. Maybe I already did. Most crazy people don’t think they’re crazy.

You know who doesn’t throw this sort of money down the drain? Nations we’re trying to destroy like Russia. It invests in producing people who do real stuff. Some so valuable that despite the war started by Jews in DC, really big international companies won’t get rid of them. I’m friends with such Russians and see this up close.

An American buddy of mine still has common sense. He’s a Boomer vet who has experienced some exigent situations, such as being a participant in the fall of Saigon. A guy trained for the Cold War knows more about what’s going on right now then my former comrades with silver oak leaves. That an enlisted man who left the service in 1983 would be able to make accurate predictions about the Ukraine war from the start while they couldn’t actually makes sense, but again, it’s the implications that I find disturbing.

His take is that we’re coming near to the point where everything falls apart. His worry is that the Ukrainians will be so mad at what was done to them that they could be killing Americans for revenge in the chaos. I’m not sure but I’ve never seen anything like that up close.

I was working abroad last month and had dinner with a Ukrainian buddy of mine whose engineering career has thankfully kept him alive. He thinks they can still win. I didn’t have the heart to counter, but I did comment that NATO has been giving them junk and that the notion an American would know better than a Ukrainian about fighting there is, quite frankly, offensive. He laughed and agreed.

Last Christmas, I couldn’t be in the United States and spent it with a Russian friend of mine whose mother had been killed in Mariupol. The human dimensions of the conflict are absolutely tragic, and I hope that 2024 holds as peaceful a resolution as possible for this nightmare inflicted by the Jews.

Since this is the season to celebrate Christ’s birth and who you’re blessed to have in your life, I’ll note that we’ve all also been blessed with clarity. Are you on His side, or turning kids into trannies?

It’s really that simple, so be of good cheer. You were born into a struggle between good and evil, that was supposed to happen. Let’s hope 2024 will find us well. It’s already guaranteed to be interesting.


  1. Anyone who has had the misfortune to be lashed to a GloboCorp job has undoubtedly experienced up close the wonder that is the black striver. The corporate brochure model. The urban rainmaker. The plucky porter. The “he played football at Stanford” baller.

    You see the talented tenth is real. Though tenth is rounding up. But hundredth just doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. So we roll with it.

    These blacks were once actually selected from that tenth. The affirmative action bent the curve but it still largely elevated those with the mettle to make it. That quickly devolved. The curve is not just broken, it is inverted.

    Now we have the culture of corporate, institutional, and government entirely inverted while the wheel of Anti-White progress grinds it all into magic dust, hoping for Wakanda to spring into reality any day now.

    What started out as a couple of exceptions doing well enough and then a handful of less-than being able to hide among the productive in order to appease the diversity gods, has become a self-aware monster, huffing its own vapors and wrecking all those nice things of progress.

    All things anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Heritage American are captured by this progressive death cult. They must all break before anything might be restored. As for Harvard, let it burn and then salt it.

    1. Indeed, my interpretation of the “talented tenth” is that they’re capable of sustaining a semblance of civilization, such as they could graduate medical school on merit if it was a black medical school, and then be a doctor for blacks. The notion of them atop the institutions of white society was never what the concept implied.

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