We are the Victims. We are Human.

“Lenin repeatedly advised his followers to accuse their opponents of the crimes they themselves were planning, in order to protect themselves and confuse the public.”

James True, Industrial Control Report

Hate crime legislation has been a forerunner to what we’re seeing now: i.e., legislators bullying college deans to resign for supporting the first amendment rights of students to protest the genocide of Palestinians by Israel. The irony that the pro-Israeli media has inverted the roles of victim and victimizer seems to be lost on most of the general population. I’m thinking that if there were still a Christian consciousness in this country most people would be connecting the dots, but Holocaustianity has replaced Christianity, and the Romans 12:2 mandate has given way to the strong delusion of 2 Thess. 2:11-12.

Strong delusion is only the beginning of judgment on those who have abused their God-given privilege of
knowing, but not loving the truth. Antiwar.com has reported that a Republican-sponsored bill recently passed the House equating Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism. Golda Meir’s dictum that, after the Holocaust, everything is permissible to Jews, has now been elevated to ‘mandatory praise’ status. In other words, ‘everyone will love and celebrate Israel – or else.’

Remember the words from Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four: The obedience of silence is not enough. “Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation.” It’s all about, as Anthony Daniels observed, instilling a psychology of complicity and a fear of offending the master who regulates the supply of life’s necessities. Dissidence will be silenced. Eventually, everyone still retaining a secret objective understanding of truth, will, in their silence know they’re a hypocrite, and this will make them docile, passive, enervated.

Germar Rudolf stated: “One of the most important characteristics of evil is that it forbids questioning and it taboos or punishes the candid search for answers. By prohibiting a person to ask questions and to search for answers it is denying that which makes us human. For the capacity to doubt and to search for answers to pressing problems is one of the most important attributes that distinguishes humans from animals.”

This leads to Gideon Levy’s third point: We are Human. You are not. Therefore, non-Jews are excluded from
any discussion or appeal to human rights – including the freedom to think and speak your mind. Industrialist
Otto Kahn’s mission outlined in 1936 is coming to fruition: “Our mission consists in promulgating the new law and in creating a God; that is to say in purifying the idea of God and realizing it when the time shall come. We shall purify that idea by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own Messiah. In these ideas we find our New Testament in which we reconcile kings and prophets.”

Seeing such a blasphemous affront to the true God and His Only Begotten Son, let us pray as our own Psalm 68: 1-3: “Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.”

-By German Confederate


  1. Great article German Confederate. I have really enjoyed your well measured writing and commentary throughout the past year and more.

    I must say, I have read that the Palestinians had given safe refuge to those Christians who were fortunate enough to escape the red terror In Russia, I’ve always had respect for the Palestinians because of that simple fact. They are very human to me.

    Merry Christmas Sir

  2. Merry Christmas and thank you for all your encouragement this year sir. It’s good to know that there are some who have come out of the crimethink cave and can discern the good guys from the bad guys in history! I hadn’t known about Christians in Russia finding refuge in Palestine, but thank you for the information. (Max Igan has some really good bitchute videos on the current situation there).

    Here’s a link about Arminius (Hermann) who was the first to throw off the Roman Empire tyranny for German freedom. They wanted the same thing Southern nationalists want today.


  3. Loved it.Thanks for the great piece.Merry Christmas to all.Christ is Lord.Hope to see more articles from you Sir.

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