Acting Like Our Cause is Just and Holy

I have a bone to pick. As the 2024 predictions begin rolling out from our side, the mostly cool-headed and informed assessments are coming across as though the future has already been written and there is little we can do to stop the calamity that’s fast approaching.   

Some of the more prominent personalities are valuable and mature voices we’re fortunate to count as friends and allies. They offer tempered, sober, and accurate assessments of what’s happening in real time and likely what the future holds. The issue, however, is balance. These voices regularly miss the importance of including the positive exhortation and fail to remember they reach a broad audience that needs to be inspired, even if among close and equally informed confidants they realize the tough odds.  

Yes, the often black pilling editorials have (too much) merit. But it’s too easy to slide into a posture of cynicism and defeat, defaulting to the sidelines assuming a systemic collapse is just around the corner. If you’re waiting for the imminent Rapture, why bother planning for the future or planting fruit trees and hardwoods that only your grandchildren will enjoy?

Our actions alone have the power to shape what’s to come. Waiting for the supposed inevitable assures that bad things will happen. The hard and virtuous path is to meet the enemy head on and with conviction.  

Growing up in Texas, the story of the defenders of the Alamo made a huge impression on me. There are countless other great examples of the acceptance of the real and grim challenges being faced but then demanded courage, fortitude, and real action as the only appropriate response: Leonidas and his 300 at the Battle of Thermopylae; Robert Bruce and the Scottish victory against the English at Bannockburn; the Battle of Chancellorsville and Lee’s improbable win having less than half the number of men; the Finns equally improbable defeat of the Soviets during their Winter War; the French, Polish, and Lithuanian resistance movements. Even the American hockey team beating the Russians at the 1980 Winter Olympics and countless fictional struggles (Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Master and Commander…) all exemplify something in the human spirit that defeat is often what you allow. 

In a letter to Jefferson Davis, General Lee captures this well. 

“We must expect reverses, even defeats. They are sent to teach us wisdom and prudence, to call forth greater energies, and to prevent our falling into greater disasters. Our people have only to be true and united, to bear manfully the misfortunes incident to war, and all will come right in the end.”

Though bullets are not yet flying, we are at war, and it is sentiments like this that generations later still rallies and inspires others even in defeat. They are precious to a people and a cause. This is the manly and indomitable spirit that we need to encourage. It is not naive optimism but the vital message of perseverance and true commitment. 

There is no honor in permanent retreat and waiting for the collapse.  

In the New Year, and especially if you are in a position to reach an audience, make sure your words and actions balance the tough reality we all see with the fire and zeal to nevertheless fight. Failing to do this, we all but guarantee the enemy and their unending evils win.


  1. This is a great opening to a PLAN … a SOLUTION, but you stopped short. Sheeple need a step by step plan of LEGAL action. I think it starts with COMMUNITY. Can we all – like in an mlm downline – get 7 to get 7 to get 7 … ? Surely in everyone’s community / inner circle of peers, there’s 7 white conservatives that are or could become informed. That’s step 1. Then identify and reach out to EVERY representative on EVERY level with our demands. If they do the right thing we vote for them and campaign heavily for them. If not we don’t vote for them and we do campaign heavily AGAINST them. This while arming up, supplying up and training just in case. If this doesn’t work … begin brain storming about step 2 …

    1. Any plan that involves engaging any “political representative” as part of a solution is laughable and a fool’s errand. I don’t understand why so few people understand this. They are the enemy. They are against whom we are fighting. And this why your 7 people get 7 people get 7 people starting point is a non-starter. I have yet to find seven people who comprehend that voting, representative government and equal justice are nothing more than Kabuki theater. There are not even seven people on this site that get that yet. Sad, but unfortunately true.

  2. I understand and appreciate your point, but at least two of your examples (the defenders of the Alamo, and Leonidas at Thermopylae) knew they were fighting in a forlorn hope insofar as their own lives were concerned. I’ve always found the most inspiring examples are those who continue to fight past the prospects of temporal success just because it’s the right thing to do and because there’s no honorable alternative.

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