A while ago, I came across a photo of a drug addict sitting in a hospital having his arm worked on. He had a xylazine habit, which had caused the skin to become necrotic from wrist to elbow. Apparently, it will make the skin rot from the inside out, so the addict will notice when these necrotic cavities break. I won’t even try to find the photo, don’t worry.
From the expression on his face, he didn’t seem too fazed by the situation. Is there any coming back for this zombie-type individual? I doubt it, he might already be dead. As a walking biohazard, it’s probably for the best.
In a theoretical world, my solution to the drug epidemic would basically be the same as how Chairman Mao cured China’s opium problem overnight. Round up all the dealers for execution, and round up all the addicts to have their bad habits forcibly reformed. Without dealers or addicts, there’s no longer a drug epidemic. The addicts get to come home when they’re clean and the drugs are gone. Quite fair and reasonable.
The sad reality is that in my theoretical world there’d never be a drug epidemic because we’d have a homogenous country with a border, comprised of stable communities with men offered employment capable of supporting families. These jobs would feature European-style vacation time and the ability to retire, quality of life stuff.
You want people looking forward to getting old so they can relax on their front porches and yell at young whipper snappers. My sane version of reality wouldn’t be the type of place where drug problems take hold, let alone fester like that junkie’s arm.
Canada has come up with a brilliant new solution: euthanize the addicts. Canadians can already get themselves euthanized if they’re financially destitute or if the healthcare system has denied them treatment or equipment to make their lives feasible. There was an otherwise fine middle-aged woman with mobility injuries from her military service who needed a stairlift, which the authorities denied and offered her a lethal injection instead. The money is needed to cripple more people in Ukraine. It’s that maple syrup crazy, folks.
With the junkies, I actually get it. Maybe these people are just so far gone there’s nothing that can be done for them, and the most humane thing is to put them out of their misery rather than having society suffer until they finally perish from their addiction. I don’t know how long the average junkie survives on the streets, but I’m sure it’s long enough to cause plenty of problems.
It’s ironic that a society like Canada, which can only repress political dissidents but not miscreants, winds up offering lethal injections to solve the issue instead. Mao would’ve had the addicts marching around while singing patriotic songs, attending ideological training sessions, and doing rigorous manual labor to prepare them for life in an opium-free Marxist utopia. In other words, he was doing this to everybody, an approach which has some objective merits.
The fact that people are being encouraged to seek lethal injections gives our dystopia a cinematic quality, not entertaining, but dramatic and compelling all the same. Hit movies get remade with a diverse new cast, but not Soylent Green. I suspect that’s because it’s way too on topic these days. We’re supposed to be scared of global warming, but not what’s going to be done to us to thwart global warming.
They only want the fear coming from one direction. Earth’s Black Box in Tasmania is a pretty outlandish example. Its purpose is to gather information about how the apocalypse was induced by global warming. It’s supposed to last forever which is why it’s made out of unpainted steel in a place that rains. The concept illustration depicts it rusting for dramatic effect:
This from the website, pretty fuckin’ ominous. We should probably consider gluing ourselves to roadways and priceless artwork:
The purpose of the device is to provide an unbiased account of the events that lead to the demise of the planet, hold accountability for future generations, and inspire urgent action… your actions, inactions and interactions are now being recorded.
Future generations after the demise of the planet? I don’t really get that one. Also, do you care that you’re being recorded to receive the scorn of future assholes who won’t exist? Perhaps this all just fuels the despair and nihilism it takes to live in a tent and slam intravenous drugs. It could also be that little thought goes into this practice at all.
If you’ve never seen Soylent Green, the premise is that the human underclass lives immiserated lives of poverty due to destroying the environment and they’re fed various substances, much like eating the bugs and soy composite crap we’re seeing introduced as breakthroughs today. It’s a fairly prescient glimpse at what life would be for normal people if measures were taken to bring this global warming nonsense under control.
This excess population is encouraged to report to government centers to be euthanized. Their corpses are turned into this soylent green food substance for the rest of the people who are owning nothing and being happy. The difference between then and now is the fact that such a life is so unpleasant it made for dystopian entertainment. These days, we’re supposed to think it won’t be so bad.
Euthanasia will probably be legalized on the federal level in the years to come as the ability of the government to provide medical care for retirees and the foreign hordes becomes increasingly compromised. This procedure is much cheaper than most medical treatments. Of course, this is just one nightmare scenario. Like I’ve always said, I don’t fear nuclear war. It would probably be the gentlest way for most of us to go.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
>”Like I’ve always said, I don’t fear nuclear war. It would probably be the gentlest way for most of us to go.”
Just imagine the glory of the nuclear apocalypse having happened when the Cuban Missile Crisis went hot. Our civilization would forever be remembered by the sons of the survivors as it was in 1962. They would tell tales of men in suits and hats, women in dresses and pearls, intact families, clean neighborhoods, gleaming cities, and ambition reaching to the stars. They would admire us instead of hating us for having chosen a slow, painful, craven death – a death by stupidity, short-sightedness, greed, and perversion. As it is, our descendants – if they survive – will curse our names and throw our bones to the dogs – and we will deserve it.
I may take some flak for posting this video, but with no apologies to John Lennon — for your consideration — one can’t help but wonder what might have been. After all, destruction of the global financial system of debt slavery is prerequisite to the self-realization of any people under whatever their system of government.
If you take any flak for posting the video, I’ll be here to defend you with all my might, sir. “The Greatest Story Never Told” ought to be required watching in dissident circles, as far as I’m concerned.
Amen to that sir and thank you! Dennis Wise’s “Communism by the Back Door” should also be watched.
Canadian “Duterte was a monster for killing drug addicts. Oh here’s another drug addict coming in to get a lethal injection. Good morning sir, please roll up your sleeve.”
Suppose there’s any chance that “optional euthanasia” might turn into mandatory euthanasia. I don’t want to sound like one of those wild eyed conspiracy theorists or anything, but….
I saw a video of a xylaxene addict. Dude was skin and bones and had a small open wound on one arm and the other arm was covered. He uncovered it for the interviewer and it was like you described, wrist to elbow just open and festering. Looked like maggots that weren’t moving and he didn’t seem bothered by the discomfort one would expect from such an injury. Both wounds looked the same and he didn’t seem to be hurting from them. He even poked at the biggest one and described it as being hard like a thick scab. One of the grossest things I’ve ever seen. People like that are too far gone but euthanasia? The government shouldn’t be offering it because it will eventually be enforced instead of optional.
Read a short story about a near future where the old report for voluntary euthanasia, ensuring their families safety and monetary rewards. It was presented as a means of population control and that the system didn’t collapse from the burdens of too many people using government services and benefits without enough workers to pay for it with taxes. Dark days ahead.
“Read a short story about a near future where the old report for voluntary euthanasia, ensuring their families safety and monetary rewards. It was presented as a means of population control and that the system didn’t collapse from the burdens of too many people using government services”
HA HA HA, good one. I can really see Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden et al doing that to help the younger generation! More likely to feed the youth to the machine…..Oh wait, they already did that.
The solution is simple : An enlarged all white CSA II. HOW to bring it into existence is what’s challenging. Drug smugglers and dealers would be shot. Cartels that send the stuff in snuffed out. Addicts helped real good once … then deported if they back slid. A total solution would require a lot of presentation and debate but the few founder types in the south can do it if they try.
Speaking of movies, here’s an interesting one –
Great piece Tom!