Anarcho-Tyranny’s “Competency” Contrivance

“Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.”

Adam Smith

For our newer readership, we’ll provide a brief explanation for the term “anarcho-tyranny.” The term was coined by the late paleoconservative Sam Francis. He continues to be besmirched as a rightwing radical by the usual suspects, even many years after his death. That’s your cue to read his work. Anyway, anarcho-tyranny can be described as, “a system of government that fails to enforce or adjudicate protection to its citizens while simultaneously persecuting innocent conduct.” An example would be local cops obeying stand-down orders as rioters burn down an orphanage, meanwhile law enforcement shuts down a child’s lemonade stand for lack of permits. One simply needs to pay attention to find an enormous number of examples.

Late-stage America’s domestic governance fits squarely within the anarcho-tyranny framework. Violent criminals receive light punishments, or none at all. The more racially or politically motivated (and committed by America’s “protected classes”), the more leniency is dispensed. Conversely, if a member of one of the regime’s many protected classes is likely committing a crime and is stopped by a concerned citizen(s) (the McMichaels, for instance), the full force of the American legal system will crush them in retaliation. Of course, America is not yet at the point whereby widespread hypocritical and unscrupulous enforcement (and adjudication) of the law is the norm. However, as the American Empire becomes less demographically White and its pervading culture and laws grow more punitively anti-White, anarcho-tyranny will become commonplace throughout the country.

One particularly loathsome tool currently employed by the American Empire’s judicial system is the competency criteria for defendants. Disclaimer: none of the writers at Identity Dixie are lawyers; we speak plainly, do not worship precedent, nor do we charge by the hour or prop up our laptops with Black’s Law Dictionary. At any rate, it is currently considered a denial of due process to try or sentence a defendant who is “insane” or incompetent to stand trial. The standard for competency to stand trial is whether the defendant “has sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding – and whether he has a rational as well as factual understanding of the proceedings against him.” Needless to say, these legal philosophies, theories, and perspectives become ever more superfluous and elaborative as a society degrades into paralysis.

Be that as it may, competency, within reason, should be a consideration for trial, even in a Free Dixie. Despite what our detractors may imagine, Southern Nationalists do believe in the concept of a fair trial. Trial by jury, the assistance of counsel, and the right to a speedy trial all existed in some form in England before they were codified into the Sixth Amendment. What the Right, including Southern Nationalists, detest is injustice; this is amplified when the regime utilizes legal loopholes to deny or delay justice because such an accounting clashes with its anti-White and/or soft-on-crime policies. As long as anarcho-tyranny is administered, be it racial animus or favoring the rights of violent criminals over their victims, the regime is satisfied with the outcome.

In 2021, Baltimore’s Jamerria Hall drowned and strangled her daughter Da’neria Thomas. Her brother, eight-year-old Davin Thomas, was found in a sleeping bag with a knife in his chest. A trash bag was over his face and neck. Police said their bodies were decomposing when found, and Hall even admitted to the murders. Neighbors could hear the children screaming from within the apartment, too. Regardless, she was declared incompetent to stand trial by a Maryland judge and taxpayers furnish the bill for her incarceration and mental evaluations.

The Dissident Right should be very familiar with the tragic story of four-year-old Cash Gernon. Darriynn Brown (black) killed Cash Gernon (White) in Dallas, Texas in 2021. In 2022, a psychologist and psychiatrist, as well as the prosecution’s own medical expert concluded that Brown was incompetent to stand trial. Eventually, a magistrate declared him incompetent to face justice. Per the “experts,” Brown was in trance-like state when he broke into Gernon’s home, abducted him from his room, stabbed him to death, and left the innocent dead boy in the street. Additionally, earlier in 2021, Brown received other charges for also trying to kidnap a different child (presumably to murder them, too). But, “mental illness,” wonky legalese, and sacred jurisprudence denied Francis Bacon’s adage of “swift justice is the sweetest.”

A cursory Google search will reveal a tremendous amount of delayed justice due to the competency contrivance. From wretched porn stars to dirty cops to a vile mother that literally starved her son to death, competency, or lack thereof, is being leveraged to further punish victims and the citizenry. Earlier this year, a local news station in Nashville, Tennessee discovered that criminals in Davidson County were having their charges dropped because of the competency criteria. One such criminal was 67-year-old Larry Brown (black), who was arrested after attacking five nurses and a security guard in a parking garage in 2021. As one would expect within the Dissident Right, Brown had an extensive criminal history and with more than 100 arrests. Two weeks after Brown’s assault charges were dropped due to his “incompetency,” he was arrested yet again. All in all, the investigation discovered that during the period from January 2020 to June 2021, 182 people in Davidson County had been declared not competent to stand trial.

We offer a simpler solution. If a crime has been committed, the defendant has a right to a fair and speedy trial. Furthermore, taxpayers shouldering the burden of housing/retaining the accused (cannot bail out, depending on the crime) should not be required to subsidize them indefinitely, or for a prolonged period, because of their lack of competency. A psychopath (like Christopher Ferguson) will never have a “rational understanding of the proceedings against him.” Nor will someone like Brandon Claiborne (also, like Ferguson, is black), who tried to gouge the eyes out of a Cincinnati police officer. Heinous crimes were committed, both were deemed not competent to stand trial in modern America.

In a Free Dixie, there is no competency benchmark, or at least not one that can be corrupted for the advancement of abuses on the citizenry. Criminals are expeditiously judged and sentenced on behalf of their victims, their grieving families, law-abiding citizens, and a well-functioning society. And as for the examples mentioned above, they would visit the gallows instead of a mental health facility.


  1. Sounds familiar. Perhaps we should hope to be nuked. It’s preferable to the present and coming alternative.

    ““The Voroshilov Amnesty” of March 27, 1953, flooded the whole country with a wave of murderers, bandits, and thieves, who had been rounded up with great difficulty after the war. (To pardon a thief is to kill a good man.)

    In the Criminal Code of 1926 there was a most stupid article 139— “on the limits of necessary self-defense”—according to which you had the right to unsheathe your knife only after the criminal’s knife was hovering over you. And you could stab him only after he stabbed you. Otherwise, you would be the one put on trial. This fear of exceeding the measure of necessary self-defense led to total spinelessness as a national characteristic.

    The state, in its Criminal Code, forbids citizens to have firearms or other weapons, but does not itself undertake to defend them! The state turns its citizens over to the power of the bandits—and then, through the press, dares to summon them to “social resistance” against these bandits. Resistance with what? p. 431. How many citizens who were robbed knew that the police didn’t even bother to look for the criminals, didn’t even set the case in motion, so as not to spoil their record of completed cases. Prosecutors “lowered the crime rate”—by the curious method of simply quashing cases.” p. 430.

    Solzhenitsyn, ‘The Gulag Archipelago Two’, trans. Thomas P. Whitney

  2. Excellent, sir. You wrote:

    Disclaimer: none of the writers at Identity Dixie are lawyers; we speak plainly, do not worship precedent, nor do we charge by the hour or prop up our laptops with Black’s Law Dictionary.

    Ha! I have a humorous personal anecdote to share in this very vein: Some years back I was in an online conversation with several others in which I made an argument that apparently struck one individual in the group as “lawyerly.” Which prompted him to ask of me whether I might be a “fellow Barrister.” To which I instantly replied, “Bite your tongue, sir; I choose to work in an honest profession and to *earn* my living!”

    Concerning “equal protection of the laws,” and “due process rights” via “trial by jury,” every dissident (and especially every Southern dissident) should take time to read Raoul Berger’s book, Government by Judiciary – The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment. I’ll leave it at that for now, except to say that if you’ll peruse Berger’s scholarly work, you’ll learn that the above-quoted principles were only intended by the founders to further restrict the national government from venturing outside its proper boundaries. This is of course true of the entire Bill of Rights (and, yes, including the 1st & 2nd Amendments), but that’s another subject for another time.

    Your point is well taken in any case that a Free and Independent Dixie cannot, and will not, abide intrusion into our internal affairs by an overbearing “federal” government, or any “world government” for that matter. “Fairness” and all notwithstanding.

  3. In a new all white CSA II we must not allow foreign $$ to pay for any candidates campaign – like Soros funded DA’s, judges etc. ( Or to buy farmland, any land or businesses for that matter. )

    1. I’m in absolute agreement with your sentiments, TST, but not exactly in agreement with what appears to be your solution to the problem. Let me say at the outset that this is NOT an “attack” on your person or on your ideas; it is merely a disagreement on principle (we can have disagreements and still be brethren with common goals, right? Right.) Anyway, your above-comment rests upon the proposition that an “All-White CSA II” will necessarily be a Republic of sorts, and will therefore maintain the dumbassery of “free elections.” As I’ve said before and herein reiterate, the so called “universal franchise” will find no place in a free and independent Dixie. It won’t find a place because it can’t find a place; and it can’t find a place simply because giving stupid people the vote is an existential threat to our people and our way of life. What I’m essentially getting about is that, in an all-white CSA II, to borrow from your terminology, Democratic-Republicanism would necessarily ‘go out the window’ to start with, and we would (necessarily) adopt a form of benevolent Monarchism, with the principle of subsidiarity playing a major role. I think this is what Kaiser is mostly getting about in his articles as well, but I stand corrected if he (Kaiser) puts me in my place.

  4. That and many components need to be ironed out. You can’t squeeze everything into a comment box. I merely see the emergency to “get the conversation going.”

  5. I agree and I am speaking as a family member who had a relative killed by a Black male.He got the death penalty and I was there to watch it when it finely occurred 17 years after sentencing! If people are so violent they need to be locked up for life just execute them. No security detention is fail proof. Eliminate the possibility of crime and violence by psychotic individuals. Let then be executed instead the first time they harm someone.

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