
One of the more disconcerting features of our current discourse is the fact that we already know how the official narrative will to apply to most situations. For example, when COVID was unleashed and if someone died of any cause, even literally a young man on the pavement from a motorcycle crash, they usually died of COVID. Maybe a clean bullet to the head or falling out of an airplane would’ve exempted the deceased.

Hospitals were paid a series of federal bonuses for this sort of thing, and basically only required the doctor’s suspicion of symptoms to put this down as the cause of death and qualify for at least the initial payment. After all, a test couldn’t definitively prove you did or didn’t have COVID. Why is this fact-based criticism invalid? The science. What justifies the science? The experts. You’re not an expert so whatever basic critical thinking skills you might employ aren’t superior to their expertise.

If an expert felt compelled by his conscience to dissent, he was no longer an expert but a bad actor with financial motives, even though he was ostracized from polite society and often stripped of his credentials. There were even calls for criminal prosecutions.

The experts agreed. Yes, that was enough. It worked for stupid people. Likewise for ignorant people, such as the older mainstream news consumer. Experts were the only people they ever heard from on these matters. As far as professional affluent white shitlibs were concerned, they just needed something to cite in order to justify their status beliefs. So, the experts worked for them as well.

It’s all as simple as it is disturbing. They can push anything, no matter how ridiculous, because the experts agree even though if they didn’t agree, they wouldn’t be experts. Did the weather adversely impact anything at all? Climate Change. Why? The science. Why is the science settled? The experts.

Estimates vary. So, I’ll use some middle ground here and say that the Earth is being swung by gravity around a ball of superheated plasma perhaps a million times its size. In the center, nuclear fusion reactions are occurring. The amount of carbon, the building block of all organic life, present in our atmosphere couldn’t possibly be decisive in climatic shifts compared to the varying amounts of energy the sun is putting off.

Notice how they had to drop the term “global warming” because it turned out to be fake, but fire is now in all the media imagery.

That’s just one very simple facet of why the Climate Change narrative is an outright fraud introduced for surreptitious purposes by actors who can pay and punish experts. I mention this because it’s as transparently fraudulent as labeling as many deaths as possible COVID deaths according to a deliberately tenuous qualification that could never be objectively substantiated.

Common sense no longer applies, and if you question expertise, this demonstrates your lack of expertise or worse. It’s not just the science, either. Case in point, the fact that the entire Donald Trump/Russia saga was absurd on its face value and was never substantiated by anything but the claims of experts.

If you pointed out there was no credible evidence of Trump being a Russian asset or having the 2016 election stolen on his behalf by Putin, this meant you were working for Putin or a useful idiot. Content producers were being censored out of the reach of mainstream consumers for pointing out there was nothing to demonstrate Russia stole the election. Noting the disparity between the claim and reality was proof of their complicity, according to the experts.

This culminated in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal in which the top 50 experts signed a letter stating that the laptop had the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. After the election, this was admitted to being totally false and now they’ve moved onto prosecuting Trump for felonies which wouldn’t be illegal if anyone else did them. According to the legal experts, these cases are quite compelling.

I really don’t care about this shit any more than Obama’s gay drug parties, but it does illustrate my point nicely.

The thing about the experts being wrong is that after it’s obvious they were wrong, everyone compelled by the experts simply moves on mentally until their next instructions from the experts. For example, many Republicans were outraged by the Russia hoax, but when these same experts told them Russia was getting its ass handed to it by Ukraine, they believed these experts and still do to some extent.

So, from this angle one can hope that society continues to be bamboozled by experts while dissidents build a sphere from margins. That’s the best-case scenario, in my estimation. However, if expertise fails to steer public opinion to a sufficient degree, we could then find ourselves in a dystopian sci-fi scenario where a single official narrative is imposed on a particular matter and dissidents are rounded up.

If you don’t have reality on your side, and you don’t have experts anybody believes, that leaves the power you have at your disposal. If they can lock you down, they can round you up. In some countries, this already happened. I got rounded up and sent to a gulag on a foreign military base, so I don’t find this to be an abstract potentiality. Although, I’d say America has a better chance of descending into chaos than establishing some totalitarian nightmare. Don’t panic yet.

I suppose my point is that we could be in for some rough times when the general public finds out how unpleasant ordinary lives will become when we start seriously addressing climate change or the next pandemic, perhaps both. I doubt the experts will placate enough of them indefinitely.

One comment

  1. Maybe we should all go out and buy white lab coats, black glasses frames, and pocket protectors. If ALL of us are experts, it may discredit the pretense.

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