Proceeding Apace

Things aren’t going too well for America and Western civilization in general. In fact, they seem to be going existentially wrong. The upside to this nightmarish spectacle is watching the collective entity responsible try to keep a lid on a situation that it continually escalates. It does existentially bad things to people and then reacts with paranoid hysteria when people notice that it specifically is doing these things.

The issue is that if people are allowed to discuss matters freely, then they’re going to talk about these things because they’re of existential importance. Often the discussion begins with how bad these things are and then progresses to the culprits, which is impossible to ignore along with the fact that these bad things are all related. The ADL understands this one, which is why teenagers can’t chat in online video games without being monitored by AI. It’s just taken for granted that this organization has the right to do something like this, it’s honestly quite amazing.

An additional conundrum is that while a series of endless wars with escalating consequences can be discounted by the average American as an abstraction along with the financial and economic screw job to which we’ve been subjected, red lines are being crossed that confront people with a choice to either accept their destruction or push back somehow.

Of course, many people will accept being forced to take a series of dangerous experimental injections to change their DNA or having their child turned into a tranny. A significant percentage of the population, however, won’t accept having such evil inflicted on them and reason that any unpleasant outcome is preferential to damnation.

It’s critical to understand we’ve reached this no surrender/no retreat stage. My contention during the height of the vaccine madness was that I’d rather be shot in the head. Normal people told me that sounded crazy, and my contention this was actually quite sane in comparison to what they’d accepted. I certainly don’t advocate violence, but I’ll point out that eventually they’ll take the wrong man’s child and he’s going to determine that he has nothing to lose. They’re going full throttle with this evil, so confrontation is inevitable.

We just passed the anniversary of 9/11. At the time there was a great deal of internet speculation about the technical details of the plot, but nobody serious disputed that this was done to initiate a series of Zionist wars. We got the wars, and the white papers about these wars and how a Pearl Harbor type of event would be needed to galvanize public support were all available online. Meanwhile, the public was told that we were fighting a global war on terrorism which, quite frankly, is a retarded concept, along with the absurdity that this was done for oil. Quite simple for any critical thinker to understand.

America had lots of problems back then, but one could say that “9/11 was an inside job” and continue on with his life. The notion an American could be locked down or injected with poison against his will didn’t exist in real life, only in entertainment like The X-Files. I knew there were gays who dressed up as women and that Weimar Germany had been dealing with this madness, but the idea the government could confiscate your kid for surgery after his school had secretly turned him into a tranny seemed wildly implausible and that’s coming from someone who’s always been an “extremist.”

There’s no way to contain this escalating situation through establishing a plausible narrative combined with censorship, but they’re trying. A major blunder has been going “mask off” and dispensing with the pretense Americans can vote for a president whom they want and sending him to prison on bogus felonies instead. People naturally are upset, so as the tenor of public discourse intensifies, they start harping about how antisemitism is at an all-time high and using the power they claim their “marginalized community” doesn’t have to censor everything because they’re in such danger.

Another enormous blunder is not letting Americans air their grievances a la carte. Don’t like kids turned into trannies? Can’t say that, it’s antisemitic. Don’t like the fact that George Soros unleashed a crime wave on your city by buying the local DA election? Can’t criticize him, that’s antisemitic. Do you want these wars to stop and blame the neocons for getting us into them? That’s antisemitism. Would you like to know who owns our central banking system? That’s an antisemitic conspiracy theory for asking, but that information is private.

A fair question would be why Fink has the right to force any of us to do anything.

Are you upset that BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street own a controlling stake in our economy and are buying up all the houses you could afford? RFK Jr predicts that through shells, they’ll own 60% by 2030. Why are they obfuscating their activities if these are such ethical companies? Do you wonder how they acquired this wealth, and also what gives them the right to “force behaviors” like discrimination in employment against white males? That’s antisemitism, Larry Fink is the member of a vulnerable minority. Can’t demand to know who owns Vanguard, this would be antisemitism.

Do you wonder why they can’t verify the prior existence of 6 million of their people who were murdered, or the remains, and find it curious that 6 is the same number of points on their star? Do you find it odd that this exact same claim was made against the Russians for political purposes in the 1890s? Do you think it’s reasonable to make a rational inquiry into the facts about something that undeniably happened instead of being sent to prison as they do in Europe?

If the Germans are guilty of this crime, why are there monuments to it all over America? If we saved them, why are we being made to feel guilty of this crime? The ADL takes all FBI trainees on a field trip to the museum in DC. Everything about this is perplexing but if you’re not sure, that’s antisemitism. If the ADL is a plucky non-profit, why do they get to train law enforcement? Why would any religious or ethnically partisan organization have the right to do this in America? Questions abound, but the answer is always the same: antisemitism.

Do the American people share these regional security concerns or did they buy our politicians so that doesn’t matter?

When the Republicans have a primary debate, do you wonder why they all declare their unwavering loyalty to Israel? Niki Hailey says Israel doesn’t need America, America needs Israel. Alright, well then can you ponder why America needs Israel if it engages in racist violence and ethnic cleansing? Do they give us billions or do we give them billions? Why did Biden get on his knees for them in the Oval Office? Why did Trump give Netanyahu a golden key to the White House? Why can he address Congress and get standing ovations like he’s Joseph Stalin? If Israel is a tiny democracy with no undue influence over our political system, surely our leaders would have better things to do. Can’t wonder about these things, that’s antisemitic.

Are you concerned when you learn that a demographic’s religion delineates themselves as entitled to shape their world to their liking and the rest of us as soulless disposable cattle to whom they have no ethical obligations whatsoever? Are you indignant that your workplace displays rainbow pride flags when you learn that the rainbow is the symbol of the Noahide Laws to which they would like the soulless disposable cattle to live in submission? Do you think it’s fair to have some questions about this stuff? Is it not reasonable to be disconcerted that someone who holds such beliefs exercises influence over anything that pertains to your life? Nope, that’s antisemitism.

Do you find it hypocritical that if you advocate organizing along ethnic and religious lines and taking our own side, they will persecute you and call this hate? Meanwhile, this is being done by an organization that does exactly that and claims criticizing Israel, a nation based exclusively on an ethnoreligious identity, is hate? Would it not be reasonable to question why an objective standard doesn’t apply if everyone is equal regardless of their race or religion? This is never appropriate, it’s antisemitism.

The problem that Jonathan Greenblatt has on his hands is that there’s at least one grievance held by pretty much every American that goes straight to antisemitism. Moreover, people tend to accept ideas in sets. A better strategy would be to let them air these disconnected grievances, while the media does its job of portraying “antisemites” as crazed murderers and cartoonish villains from the 1940s.

People believe the movies, what they don’t believe is him shutting down the First Amendment with power he says that he doesn’t have. When you shut all grievances down as a set, you move more and more people towards adopting this set. He’s not wrong when he screeches about what they’re calling antisemitism being at an all-time high. It’s light years higher than it was on 9/11. It’s the ADL doing the connecting, this is really terrific. I’d love to do the connecting for everybody, but I must concede that the ADL has a much better reach.

His other issue is that we’re reaching a stage where many people are saying to themselves, “well, call me whatever, but I’m not going along with this.” It’s not a tenable position that there’s never any legitimate criticism to be made of your people. This gets really dangerous when the terms antisemite and antisemitism can be applied to anyone who opposes any aspect of the destruction of America.

Even harping about child sex trafficking is straying dangerously close to antisemitism, according to the ADL. Meanwhile, one of its major backers is Les Wexner (who funded Jeffrey Epstein). The shady, appalling shit just never ends with these people, the last thing they should be doing is calling attention to themselves.

Ultimately, lies are unsustainable and will run their course for those who employ them. No matter how much they persecute people who tell the truth, the truth exists on its own and it comes with consequences. This could lead to quite an unpleasant reckoning when deceit was used to acquire control of a country’s financial, economic, and political systems.

It’s actually quite easy for the average idiot to come to the understanding that whoever controls the money controls everything in a democracy. In that sense, it’s really not difficult to see where their power comes from and why they’d lie about it. There’s no way to obfuscate that kind of power once people start looking in its direction, either.

Once you’re mad at BlackRock, there’s no looking back when you start trying to figure out how it got so powerful. Calling everything a conspiracy theory doesn’t work anymore when enough people realize you’re conspiring with each other behind the scenes to screw them over. The realization that we’re not allowed to know who controls our nation’s money supply stuns people and it strikes them as a crackpot idea, but once they learn this is actually true, it’s off to the races.

It was a really bad idea to use their ill-gotten influence to frame themselves as blameless, saintly victims at the center of America’s emerging Satanic morality. The sad reality is that Greenblatt’s generation is going to have to squander the wealth and power that previous generations were able to swindle from us before we can have the opportunity to establish a sovereign, sustainable future for ourselves.

They’re hypocritical, arrogant, incompetent, and short sighted enough that this is going to happen. Yeah, it might be unpleasant for all involved as this country comes undone, but these are the cards we’ve been dealt. We won’t be voting our way out of this nightmare, that’s for certain. We ought to be grateful to them for letting the average Republican know.


  1. In addition to being a great public speaker, Hiter was also quite the notable magician. He took a pre-war Jewish population of ~3.6 million, killed 6 million, and ended up with ~3.8. Crazy how that works out!

  2. The author forgot to mention that if you read this article at ID, it is probably a sign of antisemitism. If you read the New Testament (especially Matthew 27:25, Acts 7:52, and 1st Thess. 2:15) you are also antisemitic. Then again, by current definition, Jesus Christ was antisemitic. As a White man and a Christian, I guess that just makes me an antisemite.

  3. What happened to It’s been down for at least 2 weeks. He exposed all the “possessed Jews.” ( Different from Christian Jews. VERY different in my experience. ) But yeah … it’ll take a coordinated white hat military & militia to take back and fix what We ( including me ), have allowed to happen.

    Don’t know if ol’ Doug Hagmann & Randy Taylor are still working on that coordination at Hagmannpi? They seemed to have slipped back into their old ways of just talk talk talk … like most other alt media, “inundating the sheeple with information overwhelming them into inaction.”

    1. I haven’t been able to access Rense Radio Archives regardless of what internet provided I use. It is the same way on my phone. Likewise, for Duke’s site.

  4. Perhaps it is time we retire the word anti-Semitic and use instead “counter-semitic.” That seems more descriptive to me. In Biblical numerology 6 stands for unredeemed man. 6 is Satan’s number. One thing we know is the Global American Empire and the historic American nation are incompatible. The triumph of one is the demise of the other.

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