White Riot

I recently saw an impassioned video reacting to an older white man being shot in the back by a black man driving by on a motorcycle. The man staggered and collapsed, his legs failing, presumably paralyzed. The man making the video pleads to his audience, “He can’t stand up, but we can stand up for him!” Indeed. 

There are countless videos and stories of extraordinary and unprovoked black on white violence that we all know would have cities in chaos if the races were reversed. But no matter the barbarity and even against our women and our children, whites will not take to the streets. 

Our passivity and domestication have been a long deliberate process that seems to be crescendoing with the political free fall in the Western world by governments and the bureaucratic hive tirelessly offending, oppressing, and humiliating. Ample and daily opportunities abound to assert ourselves and reclaim our libraries, public bathrooms, and schools. But these remain occupied by middle-aged women, so is there any real hope to address an invasion at our border let alone water the tree of liberty?

So, the question is begged: if the evil we are witnessing isn’t sufficient, what then will it take for a state, or a single a white community, a lone white neighborhood, or just one family that has been shattered to finally rise in righteous action?

Paper Tiger

Here are two pieces worth the read that speak to what many hope will be how this all eventually ends. 

Most are familiar with “The Wrath of The Awakened Saxon” by Rudyard Kipling. It is rousing.

A more recent piece without any of the artistic genius of Kipling but nevertheless made the rounds not too long ago, was the anonymous free verse poem titled “The Men Who Just Wanted to be Left Alone.” You can find it with a simple search, but it would be imprudent to print it in its entirety here. You’ll understand the gist with how it begins:

The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. 

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. 

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. 

They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. 

In both instances, and echoed in endless hours of commentary, the “warning” issued to the continually advancing and victorious enemy is always the same: be careful. We are restrained by the Spirit, but waiting patiently, chronicling, quietly organizing, exhausting every option before we finally act. 

We tell ourselves that a tipping point will be reached. A spark will fly, and the tinder will blaze. Someone will say enough and the rest will follow, “He can’t stand up, but we can stand up for him! To the streets, to the ramparts, charge!”

There is a growing belief that in response to the Third World purges of their least productive and useful excess young men, that race wars will soon erupt across Europe followed by the United States. The hope is that white native populations will finally rise up, and in decades of pent-up rage, will violently spasm and restore order and repatriate those who survive.

I fear that this Turner Diaries fantasy is just that, fantasy. I would encourage people to travel and venture into the big cities if you haven’t been in a while. Take the scenic and rural routes and honestly assess the bombed-out small towns and the degraded people in them. Let me know what you see and if you still feel confident that the warrior farmer class is patiently preparing and waiting for the call.

Which Way Western Man?

There’s a long debate about what the authoritarian state will most closely resemble when it finally comes to the West. Will it be an Orwellian 1984 North Korean style hard control or Huxley’s drugged, mildly amused and titillated Brave New World. The clever people conclude that we’ll go through Huxley but end up in Orwell. On the surface it seems this is what is playing out. 

I believe the answer however will be much closer to Jean Raspail’s 1973 The Camp of the Saints. In it, Western civilizations are literally overrun and destroyed by Third World mass immigration brought to us via an armada of ships sponsored by the elites. Raspail’s fevered and nauseating insight depicts the collusion of the church, state, media, and corporations that welcome the endless waves. The tiny remnant that resists is smothered in brown bodies. There is no Saxon uprising. There’s no one left for the Brave New World. 

Maybe we can save the world from this embarrassing end. There are still embers glowing in European stock, but they need to be fanned. There is implied in the poems and editorials a spark that sets the blaze and I believe this is true but that it will be a mundane appeal to emotion and simple justice and not the daunting language of counter revolution. The things that effectively reach and unify the great swath of normal middle America can better be seen in the tactics of the pro-life movement and even the unexpected phenomena of Sound of Freedom. The perfectly articulated manifesto doesn’t stir the masses. 

The lesson here is that a simple and focused message that relentlessly uses emotional and disturbing visual tactics hits home in a much more visceral way. Lenin and Mao knew this. My advice is to pass along the endless videos of black on white attacks of teens being beaten in school hallways and old men being shot in the back. But send them to your mother-in-law rather than your dissident friends.

Plant the seeds that white riot now is the best chance of avoiding hell on earth tomorrow.


  1. No offense to my fellow whites, but I just dont think we have it in us to fight. That saying, “good times create weak men.” Well these were the best of times ever; the peak of civilization. For example, ubiqutious obesity shows the lack of food scarcity.
    IMHO, the best times ever created the weakest men ever.
    I was homeless for 2 years. It brought home to me the everyday conveniences whites either dont ever think about or take for granted.
    Unfortunately, I dont think white normie is going to pull his head out of his ass. Even as they massacre his kin, “well, at least I am not a racist.”

  2. Might I suggest that part of the problem lies with Dissident Right leadership and their inability to do networking even with the consumers of their own content? Those around me who are red-pilled enough to enjoy your writing have complained of what I’ve dubbed your Prince Prospero with a Megaphone setup: under the (understandable) fear of SPLC moles or sabateurs, you firewall yourselves up in your individual dissident sites and megaphone your message over the walls through your articles and podcasts to the peasants outside of your close-knit circles, but outside of sometimes responding to comments you don’t engage with your loyal readership in any meaningful way. You expect them to suddenly and spontaneously rise up en masse to protest their overlords, an action which if it is to be both coordinated and completely non-violent must be done via a networking that even in type, let alone degree, you yourselves have never shown a willingness to do.

    You say you fear infiltrators. Fine! Well they fear job loss, doxing, harassment, etc. We skewer the Left elites for their rank hypocricy with blacks: they claim they’re no more violent than whites but do everything in their power to live away from them. Well, although the true Right is far, far less hypocritical than them in most ways, in certainly is hypocritical in this way: like the US egging on the Hungarian Revolutionaries and then when the sh#t hit the fan and the Soviet tanks rolled doing nothing more than sending Nixon to shake hands with a few rebels, you spill ocean of digital ink writing calls to (legal, non-violent) action and then don’t even respond to emails from your readers let alone stepping outside of your Dissident dinner circuits to talk–if only by email–with real, common dissidents to help them set up the kind of local orginizations that could, if multiplied enough times, actually offer each other aid and comfort while protesting the regime’s abuses. As a friend of mine put it: “Their all writing. They tell us go stand up but they won’t do sh%t besides writing behind fake names demanding that we do it.”

    The Left networks like hell, with all the major parts of the American power structure getting those who help cover for its abuses funds, jobs, etc. It’s like big, deranged, incestuous crime family. With our side, by contrast, there is the appearence of European nobles hiding out in their own castles unless socializing with each other, but never coming out to actually lead the much-abused normiecon or even dissident peasantry to organize in protest of the distant imperial elites. Individualism and hierarchy are virtues of European peoples but in the way you using them they’re ensuring that our side remains stunted and weak. And, no, I don’t mean just Southern Dissident Rightists: AmRen, VDare, and the Northern and/or White Nationalis DR elites are just as bad. In fact, you all SEEM far more cold and haughty (though I know in reality you’re just more duly cautious and skittery) than the old Paleocons: the friendliest dissidents I’ve ever heard from and just about the only ones that have actually written back to me are Dr. Clyde Wilson and his daughter Anne Wilson Smith. The new DRs often seem like either a self-contained social club or a beast that lives only to devour donations and produce content and nothing more.

    Want to actually see the protests you claim to want happen? Then try this: drop the whiny articles and use the time you would have spent writing them to begin to craft a system to allow you to efficiently utilize the great but denigrated and neglected talent our side contains within it; to quickly identify good ideas and talent of various kinds, screen out the unhinged elements and likely phonies, and combine that talent at the local level into various useful forms.

    Some young dissident talent who might not be the best content producers you could bring on board to do the thankless or unseen but absolutely vital task of wading through the hundreds of emails you get everyday. With just one or two volunteering their spare time to act as a reader and filter, you could essentially create what you might call a feedback pipeline for growing a non-violent dissident movement in numerous localities: the filters send to the DR elites such as youself the most promising ideas or offers of volunteering in some way and you either write to the sender (you can always set up an extra email account or two just for this so that you can keep your personal account neat and safe) for further info and or to give them a preliminary vetting; the DR elites then send the most promising of those to a local (in your case Southern) 2nd or 3rd tier DR elite–someone who had been recruited by this process before and who, having proved themselves hardworking and reliable, now acts to vet and then train or direct new talent–who can put that talent to work on the local level, if only via internet; the new talent then allows for even greater outreach and the whole thing snowballs. There are many details and variations I could go into but you get the idea.THIS would at most actually allow good but non-violent resistance to the regime to happen and at the very least would allow you DR elites to complain about white inaction without appearing as hypocrites: to demand that the grey masses network far more far more than you’re willing to is just ridiculous and appears so to many common DR types.

    There is so much talent on our side and it’s madness to expect all of those with it to produce content for some period of time to be heard or make use of their efforts. These is a wealth of ablity to be organized and utilized in the struggle against tyranny. To quote from your own article here on ID (https://identitydixie.com/2022/09/07/when-theres-nothing-left-to-say/):

    “Dear reader and fellow contributors, it is important to pay attention and
    offer insight, but if we are not also daily building the real structures,
    friendships, communities, networks and institutions that must be in place
    for our future, it is all for naught. There is little left to say, action
    alone will save us.”

    You say there’s nothing left to be said, and yet you just keep writing and whining while when those of us common DR types who try to open some line of communication with those like you to talk about what kind of legal, non-violent work might actually be done on the local level we get . . . crickets; not even a form-feed rejection letter but a wall of silence.

    Why not allow your sites and work to be more than a kind of mutual, futile venting for you and your readers? Why not use it as a pipeline to translate your rightious anger at the system’s abuses of you and your kin into institutional results in the real world?

    If you would like to hear further details of how such a setup my be crafted, just let me know: there are numerous ways to discuss it that don’t violate sound opsec protocals. Heck, if you want, we could even have me turn this comment into an essay for the ID editors to post and see from the comments if readers feel a similar desire for an DR talent pipeline. Let me know if you would like to hear more. I’m not holding my breath, though.

    1. “Let’s you an’ him fight”

      Quite agree with everything in this post. Dissident right talking heads dash off communiques from their secret command bunkers in mommy’s basement, trying to incite *others* to do the dirty work, exhorting *others* to take the hits, suffer the casualties, pay the price.

      The right just doesn’t ‘network’ like the left does. Yet. The leftists have actionable passion, which we are sorely lacking in. Sure, we cheer the 7-11 Sikhs who battered the homeboy who thought he could just pile Newports into a garbage can and walk out with it. Would any of us have been so brave?

      “But what about my 401(k)? I could get sued!”

      Sadly, it is going to take a LOT more of this shite before the Saxon finally learns to hate. Really HATE. Like, Boston Tea Party level of HATE. We have indeed gone soft – too fat, dumb and happy in our overfed, overmedicated modern lives to see that WE are the frogs in the simmering pots.

      I am old, but sign me up. I can think of no better way to go out than defending the honor of my grandchildren in the country that I was born in, grew up in, and once loved.

    2. Dear Ohio Copperhead:
      1) consider NOT composing a wall of text. You’ll get more readers.
      2) Why not encourage a friend (or yourself) to come to Jared Taylor’s annual conference, coming up next weekend in TN?
      3) I can tell your thoughts are sincere, so thanks for your contribution; but the wall of text isn’t a winning strategy.
      Consider bullet points wirh ONE sentence.

      What’s that saying about brevity…?

      1. Dear Carrie,
        Thank you kindly for your reply.
        1) I did it in this form, as a psuedo essay, to show that my criticism of the Diss Right crowd could be put in a coherent, essay-length form; that way, if Lamar took up my challenge–he obviously pretended not to see it, since he responded to comments posted a day after it–and suggested I send it to the ID editor as a guest post, it would be almost ready to go.
        2) A family member is going, actually, but as for me–and I ask this in all sincerity: how would that be different than a live (and much more expensive version) of these essays and comment threads? Are any plans for a nextwork of common Diss Right types to be discussed, or will it be just another case of Meet, Eat, Retreat, in which the elites of our side speak at our rank-and-file members until it’s time to go home?
        3) If it weren’t for the showing-I-can-turn-my-complaining-into-a-coherent-essay thing, which you had no way of knowing was my intent, your advice for brevity would have been good. So thank you for that!

  3. We’re being and have been, chem trailed, gmo’d, fluoridated, poison vaxxed, junk fooded ( is that a word? ), brainwashed, neutered, sensitivity trained, over worked and under paid and we’ve had no upbringing but have been very distracted.

    I drove by a high school and saw the band practicing. The kids are this close to 20 … where they’ll instinctively marry and have kids yet none of them will have been taught squat about building and managing wealth … choosing a job then a profession / occupation and keeping their fingers on the pulse of the political landscape. Nope. But they’ll know the words to all the monkey noise ( hip hop ), and what grown men in tights did with a ball in last nights game.

    Sheeple need training and marching orders. They / we need a strong body, house, vehicle, community and nation.

  4. My thoughts on what is happening can be summed up thus:

    “Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee.” Jeremiah 7:16

    “11 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them.” “14 Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.” Jeremiah 11: 11 & 14

    I would recommend reading that whole book, Lamentations, and Deuteronomy 28 to have a full grasp of what is happening to Caucasians.

    1. CAMP was easily available even a few years ago at normal prices and normal places. Like a lot of books that use to be widely read and referenced by relatively mainstream pundits and “intellectuals,” it hit too close to home and is now forbidden.

      If you search for the title and PDF you can find it though. The formatting isn’t easy in those versions.

      You can also try here: https://archive.org/details/campofsaints00jean

    2. AbeBooks (a non-Amazon book-seller!) often has interesting offerings.
      Worth a look.
      But they sell harcopy only.

  5. “Take the scenic and rural routes and honestly assess the bombed-out small towns and the degraded people in them. Let me know what you see and if you still feel confident that the warrior farmer class is patiently preparing and waiting for the call.”

    I live in what used to be a farming community with a Mayberryesque downtown. I suppose it’s not all completely down the drain yet, but the area is a lot more populated and a lot browner. Are the White local population patiently preparing for the big moment? Pfft. Not even close. The young are busy playing jungle beats in their jacked up trucks with tailpipes that sound like machine guns. The old are putting all their efforts into getting fatter and more debilitated. They are working toward their strokes/heart attacks like an athlete trains for the Olympics or a med student trains for his degree. Perhaps the young ones will make good cannon fodder someday but I’ve got my doubts about even that.

    “The lesson here is that a simple and focused message that relentlessly uses emotional and disturbing visual tactics hits home in a much more visceral way.”

    I couldn’t agree more. Never underestimate the power of memes, movies, etc. If you are making rational arguments you are talking to less than 1% of the population, and you won’t have much success with them either.

    It is up to us to be master strategists, because the numbers and the momentum are NOT on our side.

    1. I’ve found that the most dependable population that will at least follow someone else’s lead with real intent, is still the Limbaugh Boomer. They’re the only ones I see show up.

  6. In going through some old racialist newspapers, I came across one called The Nationalist put out by the National Democratic Front which is now defunct. (This was early nineties) Anyway they had a cover story on Whites in South Africa opposing Black rule. They had upwards of 100,000 people in the street. Look what a few decades has brough to South Africa. We are not going to get this country back. Whole sections of the United States are lost to us forever! The rot has gone too far. White people need to think of establishing an Ethno-State instead of taking America back! What if during the turmoil in South Africa where White South Africans organizations could put over 100,00 protesters in the streets somebody instead established an all-Afrikaner Ethno-State. Would that not have been better? The Ethno-State resolution is the only solution!

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