People Who Are Problems

Hypocrisy is obviously a real thing, but it helps to keep in mind that there’s a logic often driving it which proffers explanatory, and thus predictive value. The hypocrisy can certainly be infuriating, so I just focus on the logic and tell myself I could be turned into a pillar of salt just for looking backwards. Your feelings about something have no effect on whether it’s real or not.

On the subject of the Supreme Court decision on Affirmative Action (just like “gay“, “pride“, “racist”, “Nazi“, “white supremacy“, “domestic extremist“, etc. guess who coined this term?), I’ll just say right now that nothing good is going to happen out of this for us. It will just make things worse. In fact, don’t waste your breath hoping for anything but the end of America.

This rotten country is under the control of parasites who hate us and see our literal existence as a problem. Any development that they perceive as being good for us is going to provoke totally irrational but actionable and self-defeating hysteria out of them. For example, they saw how elated Heritage America was about Trump winning in 2016 and responded with an insane purge against our culture and anyone willing to tell the truth which culminated in a color revolution and his electoral defeat being mailed in. He’s going to prison, don’t delude yourself.

If you think they’re going to take the L and allow you to serve their system in an appropriate position earned through hard work and merit, well boy, you done lost yo mind. They’ve already vowed to double down. In NYC, which is falling apart, the city is paying out large sums to minorities, who are the wide majority, to fail teacher literacy tests.

Yes, it is sufficient, you stupid assholes.

They’ve been doing this for years. I can’t remember the case and I don’t have time to look it up, but a bunch of blacks who failed a firefighter test in disproportionate numbers received massive compensation plus back pay for all the hours and for all the years they could’ve been working as firefighters. All they had to do was fail at really basic math on a multiple-choice test, where the correct answer was right in front of them. It’s just that nuts.

The legal concept is Disparate Impact. It’s the law of this land, and according to it, the disparity between our achievement or lack of transgressions and that of minorities is proof of racism put into action against them. This is just another recipe for undoing the country on which the parasites rely for sustenance and use as a golem in their scheme for total global domination. Sure, it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s just the nature of evil. If you want to understand what’s going on around here, get yourself a Bible (not the Scofield one that they wrote).

You know what else is self-perpetuating? Ownership of your beach house.

There are other American character archetypes that I also find extremely irritating. One of which I’m quite familiar with are rich white people who gladly serve this system and look down on whites who work for a living as the scum of the Earth. RFK Jr has made a principled stand on vaccines, but so have many. You know what he’s never had to do which the rest of us had to figure out around age 18? How to make a living.

Somebody like him can’t relate to the travails of normal people or the stuff they’re forced to put up with, like blacks. I must confess to making a habit out of vacationing near his family’s compound up in Massachusetts, not too far from where his drunk scumbag uncle drove off a bridge and left his young female companion to drown.

Although considerably more expensive than a Carolina beach, it’s a very pleasant area with a cool summer climate. I don’t encounter much of any diversity, which I find quite suitable. All booze up there must be purchased from a “package store,” one of which is owned by an Indian, although I have the option of driving three minutes further to buy from white people. Unlike my Southern neighborhood, there are no f** flags or BLM signs. Dinner out for a family of four is going to run you at least a couple hundred bucks, but hey, you pay for your privileges.

They really don’t have any fat people up there, either. At any given time, there are more ground pounders buying soda at my local Walmart than probably all of Cape Cod. If Chris Christy and Mike Pompeo stood on one end together, they could probably tip it up like a see-saw.

None of America’s problems exist in places like these, nor does Affirmative Action affect many of the residents unless they’re there to serve the rich people, in which case they’re getting screwed over pretty good. Somebody like RFK Jr can therefore take his haughty attitude towards the rest of us without grasping the hypocrisy and fathoming how much it’s going to anger voters he’ll need. Regular white men are now subjected to extreme, pervasive discrimination. This is going to piss at least a good percentage of them who’d vote for him off. That’s for sure.

He doesn’t understand how being white affects your chances of getting these jobs.

When you’re not insulated from reality it can be tough to see how somebody like this could be so hypocritical without even noticing. Hell, in my neighborhood, these types will put out a BLM sign and behind it there’s a home security one to scare away blacks from doing a home invasion. They’re simply blind how this looks, as crazy as that sounds.

It’s a similar principle at work with the blacks in terms of appreciating how much they get for free just for being black. Being nice doesn’t instill gratitude and mutual goodwill. A tribal morality which could be referred to as retarded childish narcissism is genetically encoded into them. No matter how high functioning they might appear, they simply can’t not resent the people off of whose labor they benefit and who suffer insane discrimination so they can have positions they didn’t earn. They were more rooted in reality when someone was standing over them with a whip. I’m not advocating for that; I simply desire to be rid of them and let them go do whatever anti-civilizational behaviors they please someplace else.

No two blacks have received more from Affirmative Action than Barack and Michelle Obama, so of course they’re tweeting about how they’re mistreated from a yacht. I hate conservatives who think they’ve finally scored a “gotcha” with this sort of shit. Back in the day, one of them published Michelle’s undergraduate thesis at Princeton. She went there for free and was admitted at the expense of a white student vastly more qualified (it’s long been demonstrated this practice doesn’t affect parasites). Of course, this paper was a poorly written piece of narcissism about how she’d been mistreated.

This is why we can’t be in a country with blacks. We’ll never get them to behave or reach some sort of collective understanding with them. We deserve better, which we’ve earned through work and good behavior, while they think they always deserve more and more from us. Honestly, the more I think about what a problem rich white people pose the more I get pissed off and wonder if perhaps we should give communist white nationalism a try.

A seat at the table or a mansion on Martha’s Vineyard? You know where they never had tables? Sub-Saharan Africa.


  1. Confederacy 2.0 must be lily white or we’re wasting our time. 100% true. I’ve talked with many guys who were cops in the late 60’s and 70’s and 80’s in all parts of the south. Wow you should hear the same stories over and over … Fed’s came in and made them include blacks. Blacks couldn’t pass any written tests so they made them dumb down the tests. They STILL couldn’t pass so they made them force them in! Then the same with promotions. Blacks been there 5 years whitey’s been there 20 … forced to give the promo’s to darkie who couldn’t pass the sergeants exam!
    Now they feel confidence from watching movies where the black cops finally got it right after 20 takes.

  2. It is ironic that blacks had been judged correctly by the content of their characters all along and that the most bigoted among us are those who have the most experience in dealing with the primitives. Bigotry is truly a learned and natural trait developed as a defensive skill to protect oneself from the mindless, dangerous, and destructive zombies. No longer satisfied with equality, now they cry for equity. That is also ironic since the blacks already had more equity than they could shake chicken wings at during segregation and willingly traded their equity for the promise of equal opportunity and government welfare subsidies. No matter how much blacks are given they will always demand more for they are primitive and tribal hunter-gatherers. Killing, raping, and stealing comes naturally to them.

  3. The good news is that the wheels are coming off this carny wagon, and nothing can stop it now.

  4. If two high school students end up with an identical 4.0 grade average and one is Black, and the other White the Black student will get a scholarship to the Ivy League and the White will end up in a state university and he may or may not get a scholarship. (I too believe Trump will be in jail by the time the election rolls around. If Democrats win the presidency again is that enough to prove the system is rigged and that we need to secede? If not, what does it take?)

  5. Although not the point of this article, it pains me that the author and a commenter still refer to an election, votes and Trump going to jail (spoiler alert, he’s one of them, not one of us) as if these things are real. They are not, so please stop referring to them as if they are. Listen closely, it’s all a show. It’s meant to distract and divide, and sadly it continues to work oh so well no matter how obvious it is that it’s complete hogwash. It pains me that people who want the same things that I do continue to be fooled by the shenanigans of their masters. Any glimmer of hope that I have that enough people will wake up to the scam that’s being played on them, is quickly being snuffed out.

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